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    Belgium Chiefs of State - 2003
      King Albert II,
      Prime Minister Verhofstadt, Guy
      Dep. Prime Min. Onkelinx, Laurette
      Dep. Prime Min. Vande Lanotte, Johan
      Dep. Prime Min. Michel, Louis
      Dep. Prime Min. Dewael, Patrick
      Min. of Budget & Private Enterprise Vande Lanotte, Johan
      Min. of Cooperation & Development Verwilghen, Marc
      Min. of Defense Flahaut, Andre
      Min. of Economy, Energy, Foreign Trade, & Science Policy Moerman, Fientje
      Min. of Environment, Consumer Protection, & Sustainable Development Van den Bossche, Freya
      Min. of Finance Reynders, Didier
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Michel, Louis
      Min. of Interior Dewael, Patrick
      Min. of Justice Onkelinx, Laurette
      Min. of Labor & Pensions Vandenbroucke, Frank
      Min. of Middle Classes & Agriculture Laruelle, Sabine
      Min. of Mobility & Social Economy Anciaux, Bert
      Min. of Public Administration, Social Integration, & City Policy Arena, Marie
      Min. of Social Affairs & Public Health Demotte, Rudy
      Sec. of State for European Affairs Simonet, Jacques
      Sec. of State for Families & the Disabled Simonis, Isabelle
      Sec. of State for Labor Organization & Work Satisfaction Temsamani, Anissa
      Sec. of State for Modernization of Finances & Fighting Tax Fraud Jamar, Herve
      Sec. of State for National Computerization Vanvelthoven, Peter
      Sec. of State for Administrative Simplification Van Quickenborne, Vincent
      Governor, National Bank Quaden, Guy
      Ambassador to the US Van Daele, Frans
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York De Ruyt, Jean

      NOTE: The information regarding Belgium on this page is re-published from the 2002 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Belgium Gov. Leaders 2002 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Belgium Gov. Leaders 2002 should be addressed to the CIA.

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