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    Burma Government - 2003

      Country name: conventional long form: Union of Burma
      conventional short form: Burma
      local short form: Myanma Naingngandaw
      local long form: Pyidaungzu Myanma Naingngandaw (translated by the US Government as Union of Myanma and by the Burmese as Union of Myanmar)
      former: Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma
      note: since 1989 the military authorities in Burma have promoted the name Myanmar as a conventional name for their state; this decision was not approved by any sitting legislature in Burma, and the US Government did not adopt the name, which is a derivative of the Burmese short-form name Myanma Naingngandaw

      Government type: military regime

      Capital: Rangoon (regime refers to the capital as Yangon)

      Administrative divisions: 7 divisions* (taing-myar, singular - taing) and 7 states (pyi ne-myar, singular - pyi ne); Chin State, Ayeyarwady*, Bago*, Kachin State, Kayin State, Kayah State, Magway*, Mandalay*, Mon State, Rakhine State, Sagaing*, Shan State, Tanintharyi*, Yangon*

      Independence: 4 January 1948 (from UK)

      National holiday: Independence Day, 4 January (1948)

      Constitution: 3 January 1974 (suspended since 18 September 1988); national convention started on 9 January 1993 to draft a new constitution; progress has since been stalled

      Legal system: has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

      Suffrage: 18 years of age; universal

      Executive branch: chief of state: Prime Minister and Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Sr. Gen. THAN SHWE (since 23 April 1992); note - the prime minister is both the chief of state and head of government
      head of government: Prime Minister and Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Sr. Gen. THAN SHWE (since 23 April 1992); note - the prime minister is both the chief of state and head of government
      cabinet: State Peace and Development Council (SPDC); military junta, so named 15 November 1997, which initially assumed power 18 September 1988 under the name State Law and Order Restoration Council; the SPDC oversees the cabinet
      elections: none; the prime minister assumed power upon resignation of the former prime minister

      Legislative branch: unicameral People's Assembly or Pyithu Hluttaw (485 seats; members elected by popular vote to serve four-year terms)
      elections: last held 27 May 1990, but Assembly never convened
      election results: percent of vote by party - NA%; seats by party - NLD 392, SNLD 23, NUP 10, other 60

      Judicial branch: remnants of the British-era legal system are in place, but there is no guarantee of a fair public trial; the judiciary is not independent of the executive

      Political parties and leaders: National League for Democracy or NLD [AUNG SHWE, chairman, AUNG SAN SUU KYI, general secretary]; National Unity Party or NUP (proregime) [THA KYAW]; Shan Nationalities League for Democracy or SNLD [KHUN TUN OO]; Union Solidarity and Development Association or USDA (proregime, a social and political organization) [THAN AUNG, general secretary]; and other smaller parties

      Political pressure groups and leaders: All Burma Student Democratic Front or ABSDF; Kachin Independence Army or KIA; Karen National Union or KNU; National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma or NCGUB [Dr. SEIN WIN] consists of individuals legitimately elected to the People's Assembly but not recognized by the military regime (the group fled to a border area and joined with insurgents in December 1990 to form a parallel government); several Shan factions; United Wa State Army or UWSA

      International organization participation: ARF, AsDB, ASEAN, CP, ESCAP, FAO, G-77, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICRM, IDA, IFAD, IFC, IFRCS, ILO, IMF, IMO, Interpol, IOC, ITU, NAM, OPCW (signatory), UN, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNIDO, UPU, WCO, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WToO, WTrO

      Diplomatic representation in the US: chief of mission: Ambassador LINN MYAING
      consulate(s) general: New York
      FAX: [1] (202) 332-9046
      telephone: [1] (202) 332-9044
      chancery: 2300 S Street NW, Washington, DC 20008

      Diplomatic representation from the US: chief of mission: Permanent Charge d'Affaires Carmen M. MARTINEZ
      embassy: 581 Merchant Street, Rangoon (GPO 521)
      mailing address: Box B, APO AP 96546
      telephone: [95] (1) 256-019, 256-016
      FAX: [95] (1) 256-018

      Flag description: red with a blue rectangle in the upper hoist-side corner bearing, all in white, 14 five-pointed stars encircling a cogwheel containing a stalk of rice; the 14 stars represent the 14 administrative divisions

      NOTE: The information regarding Burma on this page is re-published from the 2003 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Guinea Geography 2003 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Burma Government 2003 should be addressed to the CIA.

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