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    Congo, Democratic Republic of the Chiefs of State - 2003
      President Kabila, Joseph
      Vice President Bemba, Jean-Pierre
      Vice President Yerodia Ndombasi, Abdoulaye
      Vice President Zahidi Ngoma, Arthur
      Vice President Ruberwa, Azarias
      Min. of Agriculture Kangundu, Justin
      Min. of Budget Muamba, Francois
      Min. of Defense, Demobilization, & War Veterans Affairs Ondekane, Jean-Pierre
      Min. of Economy Mvunabali, Celestin
      Min. of Education Munembwe, Elysee
      Min. of Energy Lusona, Kalema
      Min. of Environment Enerunga, Anselme
      Min. of External Trade Lumbala, Roger
      Min. of Family & Women's Affairs Mwangila, Faida
      Min. of Finance Kiamakosa, Mutombo
      Min. of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation Ghonda, Antoine
      Min. of Health Sitolo, Yaci
      Min. of Higher Education Ngoy-Kassongo, Emile
      Min. of Human Rights Kalala, Marie-Madeleine
      Min. of Humanitarian Affairs & Solidarity Wa Mbombo, Nzuzi
      Min. of Industry, Small & Medium Enterprises Futa, Pierre Andre
      Min. of Interior, Decentralization, & Security Mbemba, Theophile
      Min. of Justice Ngoy, Kisimba
      Min. of Labor & Social Security Baruti, Theo
      Min. of Land Affairs Tshipasa, Venant
      Min. of Mines Dongala, Eugene Diomi
      Min. of Parastatals Mudumbi, Joseph
      Min. of Planning Thambwe, Alexis
      Min. of Post & Telecommunications Kitembo, Gertrude
      Min. of Press & Information Kamerhe, Vital
      Min. of Public Works & Infrastructure Endundo-Bononge, Jose
      Min. of Regional Cooperation Nyamwisi, Mbusa
      Min. of Rural Development Munanga, Pardonn Kaliba
      Min. of Scientific Research Kamanda Wa Kamanda, Gerard
      Min. of Social Affairs Ifoto, Ingele
      Min. of Tourism Nimy, Roger
      Min. of Transportation Olenghankoy, Joseph
      Min. of Youth & Sports Egbake, Omer
      Governor, Central Bank Masangu, Jean-Claude
      Ambassador to the US Mitifu, Faida Maramuke
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Ileka, Atoki Christian

      NOTE: The information regarding Congo, Democratic Republic of the on this page is re-published from the 2002 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Congo, Democratic Republic of the Gov. Leaders 2002 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Congo, Democratic Republic of the Gov. Leaders 2002 should be addressed to the CIA.

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