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    Gibraltar Geography - 2003

      Location: Southwestern Europe, bordering the Strait of Gibraltar, which links the Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, on the southern coast of Spain

      Geographic coordinates: 36 8 N, 5 21 W

      Map references: Europe

      Area: total: 6.5 sq km
      water: 0 sq km
      land: 6.5 sq km

      Area - comparative: about 11 times the size of The Mall in Washington, DC

      Land boundaries: total: 1.2 km
      border countries: Spain 1.2 km

      Coastline: 12 km

      Maritime claims: territorial sea: 3 NM

      Climate: Mediterranean with mild winters and warm summers

      Terrain: a narrow coastal lowland borders the Rock of Gibraltar

      Elevation extremes: lowest point: Mediterranean Sea 0 m
      highest point: Rock of Gibraltar 426 m

      Natural resources: NEGL

      Land use: arable land: 0%
      permanent crops: 0%
      other: 100% (1998 est.)

      Irrigated land: NA sq km

      Natural hazards: NA

      Environment - current issues: limited natural freshwater resources: large concrete or natural rock water catchments collect rainwater (no longer used for drinking water) and adequate desalination plant

      Geography - note: strategic location on Strait of Gibraltar that links the North Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea

      NOTE: The information regarding Gibraltar on this page is re-published from the 2003 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Guinea Geography 2003 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Gibraltar Geography 2003 should be addressed to the CIA.

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    Revised 20-Sep-03
    Copyright © 2020 Photius Coutsoukis (all rights reserved)