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    Laos Chiefs of State - 2003
      President KHAMTAI Siphandon, Gen.
      Vice President CHOUMMALI Saignason, Lt. Gen.
      Prime Minister BOUNGNANG Volachit ,
      First Dep. Prime Min. ASANG Laoli, Maj. Gen.
      Dep. Prime Min. THONGLOUN Sisolit,
      Dep. Prime Min. SOMSAVAT Lengsavat,
      Min. of Agriculture & Forestry SIAN Saphangthong,
      Min. of Commerce SOULIVONG Daravong,
      Min. of Communications, Transport, Posts, & Construction BOUATHONG Vonglokham,
      Min. of Education PHIMMASON Leuangkhamma,
      Min. of Finance CHANSY Phosikham,
      Min. of Foreign Affairs SOMSAVAT Lengsavat,
      Min. of Industry & Handicrafts OMNEUA Phommachanh,
      Min. of Information & Culture PHANDOUANGCHIT Vongsa,
      Min. of Interior SOUTCHAI Thammasith, Maj. Gen.
      Min. of Justice KHAMOUAN Boupha,
      Min. of Labor & Social Welfare SOMPHAN Phengkhammi,
      Min. of National Defense DOUANGCHAI Phichit, Maj. Gen.
      Min. of Public Health PONMEK Dalaloi, Dr.
      Min., Perm. Secy., Office of the President. SOUBANH Srithirath,
      Min., Attached to the Office of the Prime Min. BOUNTIAM Phitsamai,
      Min., Attached to the Office of the Prime Min. SOMPHONG Mongkhonvilai,
      Min., Attached to the Office of the Prime Min. SAISENGLITENG Bliachu,
      Min., Attached to the Office of the Prime Min. SOMPHAVAN Inthavong,
      Min., Attached to the Office of the Prime Min. SOULI Nanthavong,
      Chmn. State Planning Committee THONGLOUN Sisoulit,
      Governor, National Bank PHOUMI Thipphavone,
      Ambassador to the US PHANTHONG Phommahaxay,
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ALOUNKEO Kittikhoun ,

      NOTE: The information regarding Laos on this page is re-published from the 2002 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Laos Gov. Leaders 2002 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Laos Gov. Leaders 2002 should be addressed to the CIA.

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