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    Switzerland Chiefs of State - 2003
      President Couchepin, Pascal
      Vice President Metzler-Arnold, Ruth
      Chief, Federal Dept. of Defense, Civil Protection, & Sports Schmid, Samuel
      Chief, Federal Dept. of Economic Affairs Deiss, Joseph
      Chief, Federal Dept. of Finance Villiger, Kasper
      Chief, Federal Dept. of Foreign Affairs Calmy-Rey, Micheline
      Chief, Federal Dept. of Home Affairs Couchepin, Pascal
      Chief, Federal Dept. of Justice & Police Metzler-Arnold, Ruth
      Chief, Federal Dept. of Transportation, Communications, & Energy Leuenberger, Moritz
      Federal Chancellor Huber-Hotz, Annemarie
      Chmn., Swiss National Bank Roth, Jean-Pierre
      Ambassador to the US Blickenstorfer, Christian
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Staehelin, Jenoe

      NOTE: The information regarding Switzerland on this page is re-published from the 2002 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Switzerland Gov. Leaders 2002 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Switzerland Gov. Leaders 2002 should be addressed to the CIA.

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