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    Benin Chiefs of State - 2006
      President Thomas Yayi BONI
      Min. of Administrative & Institutional Reform Bio Gounou Idrissou SINA
      Min. of Agriculture Cossi Gaston DOSSOUHOUI
      Min. of Civil Service & Labor Emmanuel TIANDO
      Min. of Commerce & Industry Moudjaidou Issoufou SOUMANOU
      Min. of Culture, Sports, & Leisure Theophile MONTCHO
      Min. of Development, Finance, & Economy Pascal KOUKPAKI
      Min. of Environment & Natural Protection Jean Pierre BABATUNDE
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Mariam Alaji DIALLO
      Min. of Health Flore GANGBO
      Min. of Higher Education & Professional Training Mathurin NAGO
      Min. of Justice & Institutional Relations Abraham ZINZINDOHOUE
      Min. of Mines, Energy, & Water Jocelyn DEGBEY KUADJO
      Min. of National Defense Issifou Kogui N'DOURO
      Min. of Primary & Secondary Education Colette HOUETO
      Min. of Public Security & Local Government Edgar ALLIA
      Min. of Tourism & Artisans Soumanou Seibou TOLEBA
      Min. of Women, Children, & Family Guecadou BAWA YOROU
      Min. Del. to the Min. of Development, Finance, & Economy in Charge of Budget Albert HOUNGBO
      Min. Del. to the Min. of Development, Finance, & Economy in Charge of Microfinance & Promotion of Small & Medium Enterprises Sakinatou ABDOU ALFA OROU
      Min. Del. to the Min. of Foreign Affairs in Charge of African Integration & Relations of the Beninese Diaspora Albert AGOSSOU
      Min. Del. to the President of the Republic in Charge of Communications & New Technologies Venance GNIGLA
      Min. Del. to the President of the Republic in Charge of Public Works & Transportation Alexandre Kpedetin DOSSOU
      Governor, Central Bank Charles Konan BANNY
      Ambassador to the US Cyrille Segbe OGUIN
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Bodehousse Simon IDOHOU

      NOTE: The information regarding Benin on this page is re-published from the 2006 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Benin Chiefs of State 2006 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Benin Chiefs of State 2006 should be addressed to the CIA.

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