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    Cook Islands Economy - 2006

      Economy - overview:
      Like many other South Pacific island nations, the Cook Islands' economic development is hindered by the isolation of the country from foreign markets, the limited size of domestic markets, lack of natural resources, periodic devastation from natural disasters, and inadequate infrastructure. Agriculture provides the economic base with major exports made up of copra and citrus fruit. Manufacturing activities are limited to fruit processing, clothing, and handicrafts. Trade deficits are offset by remittances from emigrants and by foreign aid, overwhelmingly from New Zealand. In the 1980s and 1990s, the country lived beyond its means, maintaining a bloated public service and accumulating a large foreign debt. Subsequent reforms, including the sale of state assets, the strengthening of economic management, the encouragement of tourism, and a debt restructuring agreement, have rekindled investment and growth.

      GDP (purchasing power parity):
      $105 million (2001 est.)

      GDP (official exchange rate):

      GDP - real growth rate:
      7.1% (2001 est.)

      GDP - per capita (PPP):
      $5,000 (2001 est.)

      GDP - composition by sector:
      agriculture: 17%
      industry: 7.8%
      services: 75.2% (2000 est.)

      Labor force:
      8,000 (1996)

      Labor force - by occupation:
      agriculture: 29%
      industry: 15%
      services: 56% (1995)

      Unemployment rate:
      13% (1996)

      Population below poverty line:

      Household income or consumption by percentage share:
      lowest 10%: NA%
      highest 10%: NA%

      Inflation rate (consumer prices):
      3.2% (2000 est.)

      revenues: $28 million
      expenditures: $27 million; including capital expenditures of $3.3 million (FY00/01 est.)

      Agriculture - products:
      copra, citrus, pineapples, tomatoes, beans, pawpaws, bananas, yams, taro, coffee; pigs, poultry

      fruit processing, tourism, fishing, clothing, handicrafts

      Industrial production growth rate:
      1% (2002)

      Electricity - production:
      28 million kWh (2003)

      Electricity - consumption:
      26.04 million kWh (2003)

      Electricity - exports:
      0 kWh (2003)

      Electricity - imports:
      0 kWh (2003)

      Oil - production:
      0 bbl/day (2003)

      Oil - consumption:
      400 bbl/day (2003 est.)

      Oil - exports:
      NA bbl/day

      Oil - imports:
      NA bbl/day

      Natural gas - production:
      0 cu m (2003 est.)

      Natural gas - consumption:
      0 cu m (2003 est.)

      $9.1 million (2000)

      Exports - commodities:
      copra, papayas, fresh and canned citrus fruit, coffee; fish; pearls and pearl shells; clothing

      Exports - partners:
      Australia 34%, Japan 27%, New Zealand 25%, US 8% (2004)

      $50.7 million (2000)

      Imports - commodities:
      foodstuffs, textiles, fuels, timber, capital goods

      Imports - partners:
      New Zealand 61%, Fiji 19%, US 9%, Australia 6%, Japan 2% (2004)

      Debt - external:
      $141 million (1996 est.)

      Economic aid - recipient:
      $13.1 million; note - New Zealand continues to furnish the greater part (1995)

      Currency (code):
      New Zealand dollar (NZD)

      Exchange rates:
      New Zealand dollars per US dollar - 1.4203 (2005), 1.5087 (2004), 1.7221 (2003), 2.1622 (2002), 2.3788 (2001)

      Fiscal year:
      1 April - 31 March

      NOTE: The information regarding Cook Islands on this page is re-published from the 2006 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Cook Islands Economy 2006 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Cook Islands Economy 2006 should be addressed to the CIA.

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