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    Ireland Index 2006

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    Ireland Chiefs of State - 2006
      President Mary MCALEESE
      Prime Minister Bertie AHERN
      Dep. Prime Min. Mary HARNEY
      Min. for Agriculture & Food Mary COUGHLAN
      Min. for Arts, Sport, & Tourism John O'DONOGHUE
      Min. for Communications, Marine, & Natural Resources Noel DEMPSEY
      Min. for Community, Rural, & Gaeltacht Affairs Eamon O'CUIV
      Min. for Defense Willie O'DEA
      Min. for Education & Science Mary HANAFIN
      Min. for Enterprise, Trade, & Employment Micheal MARTIN
      Min. for Environment, Heritage, & Local Government Dick ROCHE
      Min. for Finance Brian COWEN
      Min. for Foreign Affairs Dermot AHERN
      Min. for Health & Children Mary HARNEY
      Min. for Justice, Equality, & Law Reform Michael MCDOWELL
      Min. for Social & Family Affairs Seamus BRENNAN
      Min. for Transport Martin CULLEN
      Attorney General Rory BRADY
      Governor, Central Bank of Ireland John HURLEY
      Ambassador to the US Noel FAHEY
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York David COONEY

      NOTE: The information regarding Ireland on this page is re-published from the 2006 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Ireland Chiefs of State 2006 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Ireland Chiefs of State 2006 should be addressed to the CIA.

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