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    Liberia Index 2006

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    Liberia Chiefs of State - 2006
      President Ellen JOHNSON SIRLEAF
      Vice President Joseph BOAKAI
      Min. of Agriculture J. Christopher TOE
      Min. of Commerce & Industry Bankie KING AKERELE
      Min. of Education Joseph KORTO
      Min. of Finance Antoinette SAYEH
      Min. of Foreign Affairs George WALLACE
      Min. of Gender Development Varbah GAYFLOR
      Min. of Health & Social Welfare Walter GWENINGALE
      Min. of Information, Culture, & Tourism Johnny McCLAIN
      Min. of Internal Affairs Ambulai JOHNSON
      Min. of Justice Frances JOHNSON-MORRIS
      Min. of Labor Samuel Kofi WOODS
      Min. of Land, Mines, & Energy Eugene SHANNON
      Min. of National Defense Brownie SAMUKAI
      Min. of Planning & Economic Affairs Toga G. MCINTOSH
      Min. of Posts & Telecommunications Jackson E. DOE
      Min. of Public Works Willis KNUCKLES
      Min. of Rural Development E. C. B. JONES
      Min. of Transport Jeremiah SULUNETH
      Min. of Youth & Sport Jamesetta HOWARD-WOLOKOLLIE
      Min. of State for Financial & Economic Affairs Morris SAYTUMAH
      Min. of State for Legislative Affairs & Legal Counsel David MENYONGAR
      Min. of State for Presidential Affairs Morris M. DUKULY
      Governor, National Bank John Mills JONES
      Ambassador to the US  
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Lamine KAWAH

      NOTE: The information regarding Liberia on this page is re-published from the 2006 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Liberia Chiefs of State 2006 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Liberia Chiefs of State 2006 should be addressed to the CIA.

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    Revised 06-Jun-06
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