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    Madagascar Chiefs of State - 2006
      President Marc RAVALOMANANA
      Prime Minister Jacques SYLLA
      Min. of Agriculture & Animal Husbandry Harrison ANDRIARIMANANA
      Min. of Civil Service, Labor, & Social Laws Vola Dieudonne RAZAFINDRALAMBO, Dr.
      Min. of Commerce & Consumer Affairs Alphonse RALISON
      Min. of Communication Mamy RAKOTOARIVELO
      Min. of Decentralization & Territorial Administration Angelin RANDRIANARISON
      Min. of Defense Petera BEHAJAINA, Gen.
      Min. of Economy, Finance, & Budget Andriamparany RADAVIDSON
      Min. of Education Hajanirina RAZAFINJATOVO
      Min. of Energy & Mines Jacquis RABARISON
      Min. of Environment Charles Sylvain RABOTOARISON, Gen.
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Marcel RANJEVA, Gen.
      Min. of Health Andry RASAMINDRAKOTROKA
      Min. of Higher Education Jean Theodore RANJIVASON
      Min. of Industrialization, Commerce, & Private-Sector Development Olivier ANDRIANARISON SAHOBISOA
      Min. of Industry & Handicrafts Mejamirado RAZAFIMIHARY
      Min. of Interior Andre SOJA
      Min. of Justice Henriette RATSHIHARIVALA
      Min. of Labor & Social Affairs Maharavo RODELYS
      Min. of Population Jacob Felicien ANDRIAMPANJAVA
      Min. of Posts & Telecommunications Mahazaka CLERMONT
      Min. of Public Works Jean LAHINIRIKO
      Min. of Scientific Research Alidina EDOUARD
      Min. of Technical & Professional Education Zoana BLAISE
      Min. of Transportation & Public Works Roland RANDIMAMPIONONA
      Min. of Tourism & Culture Jacques RABENIRINA
      Min. of Urban & Regional Planning Julien REBOZA
      Min. of Waters & Forests Alibay Jonshon ONESTE
      Min. of Youth & Sports Henri Francois RANDRIANJATOVO
      Sec. of State for Decentralization ENIAVOSOA
      Sec. of State for Fisheries & Ocean Resources Rarison Ramaroson HIPPOLYTE, RAdm.
      Sec. of State for Foreign Trade Henri RAKOTONIRAINY
      Sec. of State for Public Security Lucien Victor RAZAKANIRINA, Gen.
      Governor, Central Bank Gaston RAVELOJAONA
      Ambassador to the US Narisoa ANDRIANARIVELO
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Zina ANDRIANARIVELO Razafy

      NOTE: The information regarding Madagascar on this page is re-published from the 2006 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Madagascar Chiefs of State 2006 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Madagascar Chiefs of State 2006 should be addressed to the CIA.

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    Revised 06-Jun-06
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