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Mali Chiefs of State - 2006
President | Toure, Amadou Toumani |
Prime Minister | Maiga, Ousmane Issoufi |
Min. of Agriculture | Traore, Seydou |
Min. of Communications | Drabo, Gaoussou |
Min. of Culture | Sissoko, Cheick Oumar |
Min. of Defense & Veterans | Sissouma, Mamadou Clazier |
Min. of Economy & Finance | Traore, Abou-Bakar |
Min. of Education | Traore, Mamadou Lamine |
Min. of Employment & Vocational Training | Sene, Diallo N'Bodji |
Min. of Environment | Keita, Nancoman |
Min. of Equipment & Transportation | Koita, Abodoulaye |
Min. of Foreign Affairs | Ouane, Moctar |
Min. of Health | Maiga, Zeinab Mint Youba |
Min. of Housing & Urbanism | Sylla, Modibo |
Min. of Industry & Commerce | Maiga, Choguel |
Min. of Internal Security & Civil Protection | Gassama, Sadio, Col. |
Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals | Sylla, Fanta |
Min. of Labor, State Reforms, & Relations With the Institutions | Ganfoud, Badi Ould |
Min. of Livestock & Fisheries | Toure, Oumar Ibrahima |
Min. of Malians Abroad & African Integration | Dicko, Oumar Hamadoun |
Min. of Minerals, Energy, & Water Resources | Semega, Hamed Diane |
Min. of Planning & National Development | Diarra, Marimantia |
Min. of Promotion of Investments & Medium & Small Enterprises | Thiam, Ousmane |
Min. of Promotion of Women, Child & Family Affairs | Bengali, Berthe Aissata |
Min. of Social Development, Solidarity, & the Aged | Tangara, Djibril |
Min. of State Properties & Real Estate Affairs | Sidibe, Soumare Aminata |
Min. of Territorial Administration & Local Communitites | Kone, Kafougouna, Gen. |
Min. of Youth & Sports | Diakite, Moussa Bala |
Ambassador to the US | Diarrah, Cheick Oumar |
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York | Diarra, Cheick Sidi
NOTE: The information regarding Mali on this page is re-published from the 2006 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Mali Chiefs of State 2006 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Mali Chiefs of State 2006 should be addressed to the CIA.