Suriname Economy 2017

Suriname Economy 2017

Page last updated on January 12, 2017

Economy - overview:
The economy is dominated by the mining industry, with exports of oil, gold, and alumina accounting for about 85% of exports and 27% of government revenues, making the economy highly vulnerable to mineral price volatility.Economic growth has declined annually from just under 5% in 2012 to 1.5% in 2015. In January 2011, the government devalued the currency by 20% and raised taxes to reduce the budget deficit. As a result of these measures, inflation receded to less than 4% in 2015.Suriname's economic prospects for the medium term will depend on continued commitment to responsible monetary and fiscal policies and to the introduction of structural reforms to liberalize markets and promote competition. The government's reliance on revenue from extractive industries will temper Suriname's economic outlook, especially if gold prices continue their downward trend.

GDP (purchasing power parity):
$8.547 billion (2016 est.) $9.188 billion (2015 est.) $9.216 billion (2014 est.)
note: data are in 2016 dollars
country comparison to the world: 162
[see also: GDP country ranks ]

GDP (official exchange rate):
$4.137 billion (2015 est.)
[see also: GDP (official exchange rate) country ranks ]

GDP - real growth rate:
-7% (2016 est.) -0.3% (2015 est.) 1.8% (2014 est.)
country comparison to the world: 219
[see also: GDP - real growth rate country ranks ]

GDP - per capita (PPP):
$15,200 (2016 est.) $16,500 (2015 est.) $16,500 (2014 est.)
note: data are in 2016 dollars
country comparison to the world: 107
[see also: GDP - per capita country ranks ]

Gross national saving:
57% of GDP (2016 est.) 51% of GDP (2015 est.) 62.6% of GDP (2014 est.)
country comparison to the world: 1
[see also: Gross national saving country ranks ]

GDP - composition, by end use:
household consumption: 65.4%
[see also: GDP - composition, by end use - household consumption country ranks ]
government consumption: 15.2%
[see also: GDP - composition, by end use - government consumption country ranks ]
investment in fixed capital: 16.2%
[see also: GDP - composition, by end use - investment in fixed capital country ranks ]
investment in inventories: 26.5%
[see also: GDP - composition, by end use - investment in inventories country ranks ]
exports of goods and services: 43.7%
[see also: GDP - composition, by end use - exports of goods and services country ranks ]
imports of goods and services: -40.5% (2016 est.)
[see also: GDP - composition, by end use - imports of goods and services country ranks ]

GDP - composition, by sector of origin:
agriculture: 6.7%
[see also: GDP - composition, by sector of origin - agriculture country ranks ]
industry: 49.9%
[see also: GDP - composition, by sector of origin - industry country ranks ]
services: 43.4% (2016 est.)
[see also: GDP - composition, by sector of origin - services country ranks ]

Agriculture - products:
rice, bananas, palm kernels, coconuts, plantains, peanuts; beef, chickens; shrimp; forest products

bauxite and gold mining, alumina production; oil, lumbering, food processing, fishing

Industrial production growth rate:
-2% (2016 est.)
country comparison to the world: 187
[see also: Industrial production growth rate country ranks ]

Labor force:
165,600 (2007 est.)
country comparison to the world: 176
[see also: Labor force country ranks ]

Labor force - by occupation:
agriculture: 11.2%
[see also: Labor force - by occupation - agriculture country ranks ]
industry: 19.5%
[see also: Labor force - by occupation - industry country ranks ]
services: 69.3% (2010)
[see also: Labor force - by occupation - services country ranks ]

Unemployment rate:
8.9% (2014 est.) 8.5% (2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 103
[see also: Unemployment rate country ranks ]

Population below poverty line:
70% (2002 est.)
[see also: Population below poverty line country ranks ]

Household income or consumption by percentage share:
lowest 10%: NA%
[see also: Household income or consumption by percentage share - lowest 10% country ranks ]
highest 10%: NA%
[see also: Household income or consumption by percentage share - highest 10% country ranks ]

revenues: $469.9 million
[see also: Budget revenues country ranks ]
expenditures: $664.3 million (2016 est.)
[see also: Budget expenditures country ranks ]

Taxes and other revenues:
11.4% of GDP (2016 est.)
country comparison to the world: 207
[see also: Taxes and other revenues country ranks ]

Budget surplus (+) or deficit (-):
-4.7% of GDP (2016 est.)
country comparison to the world: 153
[see also: Budget surplus (+) or deficit (-) country ranks ]

Fiscal year:
calendar year

Inflation rate (consumer prices):
39% (2016 est.) 3% (2015 est.)
country comparison to the world: 223
[see also: Inflation rate (consumer prices) country ranks ]

Central bank discount rate:
10% (2013) 9% (2012)
country comparison to the world: 23
[see also: Central bank discount rate country ranks ]

Commercial bank prime lending rate:
13.6% (31 December 2016 est.) 12.62% (31 December 2015 est.)
country comparison to the world: 53
[see also: Commercial bank prime lending rate country ranks ]

Stock of narrow money:
$882.2 million (31 December 2016 est.) $1.231 billion (31 December 2015 est.)
country comparison to the world: 156
[see also: Stock of narrow money country ranks ]

Stock of broad money:
$3.461 billion (31 December 2015 est.) $2.885 billion (31 December 2014 est.)
country comparison to the world: 143
[see also: Stock of broad money country ranks ]

Stock of domestic credit:
$1.653 billion (31 December 2016 est.) $2.224 billion (31 December 2015 est.)
country comparison to the world: 147
[see also: Stock of domestic credit country ranks ]

Market value of publicly traded shares:
[see also: Market value of publicly traded shares country ranks ]

Current account balance:
-$174 million (2016 est.) -$808 million (2015 est.)
country comparison to the world: 80
[see also: Current account balance country ranks ]

$1.699 billion (2016 est.) $1.666 billion (2015 est.)
country comparison to the world: 141
[see also: Exports country ranks ]

Exports - commodities:
alumina, gold, crude oil, lumber, shrimp and fish, rice, bananas

Exports - partners:
Switzerland 21.8%, UAE 14.5%, India 13.9%, Belgium 9.7%, US 8.9%, France 8.1%, Canada 6.6% (2015)

$1.914 billion (2016 est.) $1.973 billion (2015 est.)
country comparison to the world: 163
[see also: Imports country ranks ]

Imports - commodities:
capital equipment, petroleum, foodstuffs, cotton, consumer goods

Imports - partners:
US 26.8%, Netherlands 14.3%, China 12.2%, Trinidad and Tobago 7.4%, Japan 4.8% (2015)

Reserves of foreign exchange and gold:
$330.2 million (31 December 2015 est.) $625.2 million (31 December 2014 est.)
country comparison to the world: 155
[see also: Reserves of foreign exchange and gold country ranks ]

Debt - external:
$1.235 billion (31 December 2016 est.) $1.15 billion (31 December 2015 est.)
country comparison to the world: 163
[see also: Debt - external country ranks ]

Exchange rates:
Surinamese dollars (SRD) per US dollar - 6.172 (2016 est.) 3.4167 (2015 est.) 3.4167 (2014 est.) 3.3 (2013 est.) 3.3 (2012 est.)

NOTE: The information regarding Suriname on this page is re-published from the 2017 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Suriname Economy 2017 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Suriname Economy 2017 should be addressed to the CIA.

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