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Cuba Government 1996

    • Names:

        conventional long form:
        Republic of Cuba

        conventional short form:

        local long form:
        Republica de Cuba

        local short form:

    • Digraph:

    • Type:
      Communist state

    • Capital:

    • Administrative divisions:
      14 provinces (provincias, singular - provincia) and 1 special municipality* (municipio especial); Camaguey, Ciego de Avila, Cienfuegos, Ciudad de La Habana, Granma, Guantanamo, Holguin, Isla de la Juventud*, La Habana, Las Tunas, Matanzas, Pinar del Rio, Sancti Spiritus, Santiago de Cuba, Villa Clara

    • Independence:
      20 May 1902 (from Spain 10 December 1898; administered by the US from 1898 to 1902)

    • National holiday:
      Rebellion Day, 26 July (1953)

    • Constitution:
      24 February 1976

    • Legal system:
      based on Spanish and American law, with large elements of Communist legal theory; does not accept compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

    • Suffrage:
      16 years of age; universal

    • Executive branch:

        chief of state and head of government:
        President of the Council of State and President of the Council of Ministers Fidel CASTRO Ruz (Prime Minister from February 1959 until 24 February 1976 when office was abolished; President since 2 December 1976); First Vice President of the Council of State and First Vice President of the Council of Ministers Gen. Raul CASTRO Ruz (since 2 December 1976)

        Council of Ministers; proposed by the president of the Council of State, appointed by the National Assembly

    • Legislative branch:

        National Assembly of People's Power:
        (Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular) elections last held February 1993 (next to be held NA); seats - 589 total, elected directly from slates approved by special candidacy commissions

    • Judicial branch:
      People's Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo Popular)

    • Political parties and leaders:
      only party - Cuban Communist Party (PCC), Fidel CASTRO Ruz, first secretary

    • Member of:
      CCC, ECLAC, FAO, G-77, GATT, IAEA, ICAO, ICRM, IFAD, IFRCS, ILO, IMO, INMARSAT, INTELSAT (nonsignatory user), INTERPOL, IOC, ISO, ITU, LAES, LAIA (observer), NAM, OAS (excluded from formal participation since 1962), PCA, UN, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNIDO, UPU, WCL, WFTU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WTO

    • Diplomatic representation in US:

        chief of mission:
        Principal Officer Alfonso FRAGA PEREZ (since August 1992) represented by the Cuban Interests Section of the Swiss Embassy in Washington, DC

        2630 and 2639 16th Street NW, Cuban Interests Section, Swiss Embassy, Washington, DC 20009

        [1] (202) 797-8609, 8610, 8615

    • US diplomatic representation:

        chief of mission:
        Principal Officer Joseph G. SULLIVAN

        US Interests Section:
        USINT, Swiss Embassy, Calzada Entre L Y M, Vedado Seccion, Havana

        mailing address:
        use street address

        33-3551 through 3559, 33-3543 through 3547, 33-3700 (operator assistance required)

        Telex 512206

        protecting power in Cuba is Switzerland - US Interests Section, Swiss Embassy

    • Flag:
      five equal horizontal bands of blue (top and bottom) alternating with white; a red equilateral triangle based on the hoist side bears a white five-pointed star in the center

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