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    Algeria Chiefs of State - 2003
      President Bouteflika, Abdelaziz
      Prime Minister Benflis, Ali
      Personal Representative of the President Ouyahia, Ahmed
      Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development Barkat, Said
      Min. of Commerce Boukrouh, Noureddine
      Min. of Communication & Culture Toumi, Khalida
      Min. of Energy & Mining Khalil, Chekib
      Min. of Environment Rahmani, Cherif
      Min. of Finance Terbeche, Mohamed
      Min. of Fisheries Mimoune, Smail
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Belkhadem, Abdelaziz
      Min. of Health Aberkane, Abdelhamid
      Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research Harraoubia, Rachid
      Min. of Housing Hamimid, Mohamed Nadir
      Min. of Industry Djaaboub, El-Hachemi
      Min. of Information Technology & Communication Youbi, Zine Eddine
      Min. of Interior Zerhouni, Nourredine Yazid
      Min. of Justice Charfi, Mohammed
      Min. of Labor & Social Security Louh, Tayeb
      Min. of Moudjhidine Abbas, Mohamed Cherif
      Min. of National Education Salah, Nourredine
      Min. of National Solidarity Belaiz, Tayeb
      Min. of Participation & Promotion of Investment Temmar, Abdelhamid
      Min. of Professional Training Abad, Abdelhamid
      Min. of Public Works Ghoul, Amar
      Min. in Charge of Relations With the Parliament Taleb, Noureddine
      Min. of Religious Affairs Ghlamallah, Bouabdellah
      Min. of Small & Medium-Sized Industries Bedbada, Mustapha
      Min. of Tourism Dorbani, Lakhdar
      Min. of Transport Sellal, Abdelmalek
      Min. of Water Resources Attar, Abdelmadjid
      Min. of Youth & Sports Benbouzid, Boubekeur
      Min. Del. in Charge of African Affairs Messahel, Abdelkader
      Min. Del. in Charge of the Family & Women's Issues Cheriet, Boutheina
      Min. Del. in Charge of Financial Reform Mentouri, Fatiha
      Min. Del. in Charge of Local Collectives Kabilia, Daho Ould
      Min. Del. in Charge of National & Foreign Identity Bouchemla, Fatma Zohra
      Min. Del. in Charge of Prison Reform Sallat, Abdelkar
      Min. Del. in Charge of Rural Development Benaisa, Rachid
      Min. Del. in Charge of Scientific Research Boutleis, Leila Hammou
      Speaker of the National People's Assembly (Lower House) Younes, Karim
      Speaker of the Council of Nations (Upper House) Bensalah, Abdelkader
      Governor, Central Bank Lekasassi, Mohamed
      Ambassador to the US Jazairy, Idriss
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Bali, Abdallah

      NOTE: The information regarding Algeria on this page is re-published from the 2002 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Algeria Gov. Leaders 2002 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Algeria Gov. Leaders 2002 should be addressed to the CIA.

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