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    Azerbaijan Chiefs of State - 2003
      President Aliyev, Heydar
      Chmn., National Assembly (Milli Majlis) Alasgarov, Murtuz
      Prime Minister Aliyev, Ilham
      First Dep. Prime Min. Rasizade, Artur
      Dep. Prime Min. Efendiyev, Elchin
      Dep. Prime Min. Abbasov, Abbas
      Dep. Prime Min. Hasanov, Ali
      Dep. Prime Min. Sharifov, Abid
      Min. of Agriculture & Food Aliyev, Irshad
      Min. of Communications Akhmadov, Nadir
      Min. of Culture Bulbuloglu, Polad
      Min. of Defense Abiyev, Safar, Col. Gen.
      Min. of Ecology & Natural Resources Bagirov, Huseyngulu
      Min. of Economic Development Aliyev, Farhad
      Min. of Education Mardanov, Misir
      Min. of Emergency Situations  
      Min. of Finance Alakbarov, Avaz
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Quliyev, Vilayat
      Min. of Fuel & Energy Development Karimov, Macid
      Min. of Health Insanov, Ali
      Min. of Internal Affairs Usubov, Ramil
      Min. of Justice Mamedov, Fikret
      Min. of Labor & Social Security Nagiyev, Ali
      Min. of National Security Abbasov, Namiq
      Min. of Sports, Tourism & Youth Harayev, Abulfaz
      Min. of Taxation Mamedov, Fazil
      Min. of Transport Mammadov, Ziya
      Pres., State Oil Company Aliyev, Natiq
      Chmn., National Bank Rustamov, Elman
      Ambassador to the US Pashayev, Hafiz
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Aliyev, Yashar

      NOTE: The information regarding Azerbaijan on this page is re-published from the 2002 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Azerbaijan Gov. Leaders 2002 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Azerbaijan Gov. Leaders 2002 should be addressed to the CIA.

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