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    Honduras Chiefs of State - 2003
      President Maduro, Ricardo
      First Vice Pres. Williams, Vicente
      Second Vice Pres. De Lopez, Armida
      Third Vice Pres. Diaz, Alberto
      Min. of Agriculture & Livestock Jimenez, Mariano
      Min. of Culture, Arts, & Sports Batres, Mireya
      Min. of Defense Breve, Federico
      Min. of Education Avila, Carlos
      Min. of Finance Alvarado, Arturo
      Min. of Foreign Relations Perez-Cadalso Arias, Guillermo Augusto
      Min. of Industry & Commerce Garcia, Norman
      Min. of Interior & Justice Hernandez Alcerro, Jorge Ramon
      Min. of Labor Leitzelar, German
      Min. of Natural Resources & Environment Panting, Patricia
      Min. of the Presidency Cosenza, Luis
      Min. of Public Employees' Retirement & Pension (INJUPEMP) Lupiac, David Mendoza
      Min. of Public Health Lizardo, Elias
      Min. of Public Works, Transportation, & Housing Carranza, Jorge
      Min. of Security Alvarez, Oscar
      Min. of Tourism De Pierrefeu, Thiery
      Min. Without Portfolio (health sector) Vargas, Carlos
      Min. Without Portfolio (housing sector) Kafati, Johnny
      Min. Without Portfolio (investment promotion sector) Atala, Camilo
      Min. Without Portfolio (public service sector) Kafati, Eduardo
      Min. Without Portfolio (strategic affairs and communication sector) Medina, Ramon
      Pres., Central Bank Mondragon de Villar, Maria Elena
      Ambassador to the US Canahuati, Mario Miguel
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Acosta Bonilla, Manuel

      NOTE: The information regarding Honduras on this page is re-published from the 2002 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Honduras Gov. Leaders 2002 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Honduras Gov. Leaders 2002 should be addressed to the CIA.

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