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    France Chiefs of State - 2006
      President Jacques CHIRAC
      Prime Minister Dominique DE VILLEPIN
      Min. of State Nicolas SARKOZY
      Min. of Agriculture & Fisheries Dominique BUSSEREAU
      Min. of the Civil Service Christian JACOB
      Min. of Culture & Communication Renaud DONNEDIEU DE VABRES
      Min. of Defense Michele ALLIOT-MARIE
      Min. of Economy, Finance, & Industry Thierry BRETON
      Min. of Environment & Sustainable Development Nelly OLIN
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Philippe DOUSTE-BLAZY
      Min. of Health & Solidarity Xavier BERTRAND
      Min. of the Interior & Regional Development Nicolas SARKOZY
      Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals Pascal CLEMENT
      Min. of Labor, Social Cohesion, & Housing Jean-Louis BORLOO
      Min. of National Education, Higher Education, & Research Gilles DE ROBIEN
      Min. of Overseas France Francois BAROIN
      Min. for Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises, Trade, Small-Scale Industry, & the Professions Renaud DUTREIL
      Min. of Transportation, Capitol Works, Tourism, & Maritime Affairs Dominique PERBEN
      Min. of Youth, Sports & Associations Jean-Francois LAMOUR
      Min. Del. for the Budget & Administrative Reform Jean-Francois COPE
      Min. Del. for Cooperation, Development, & the French-Speaking Countries Brigitte GIRARDIN
      Min. Del. for Employment, Labor, & State for Youth Employment Gerard LARCHER
      Min. Del. for Equal Opportunities Azouz BEGAG
      Min. Del. for European Affairs Catherine COLONNA
      Min. Del. for Foreign Trade Christine LAGARDE
      Min. Del. for Higher Education & Research Francois GOULARD
      Min. Del. for Industry Francois LOOS
      Min. Del. for Local Govt. Brice HORTEFEUX
      Min. Del. for Regional Development Christian ESTROSI
      Min. Del. for Relations With Parliament Henri CUQ
      Min. Del. for Social Cohesion & Parity Catherine VAUTRIN
      Min. Del. for Social Security, the Elderly, the Disabled, & the Family Philippe BAS
      Min. Del. for Tourism Leon BERTAND
      Min. Del. for Veterans Affairs Hamlaoui MEKACHERA
      Spokesman for the Govt. Jean-Francois COPE
      Governor, Bank of France Christian NOYER
      Ambassador to the US Jean-David LEVITTE
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Jean-Marc Rochereau DE LA SABLIERE

      NOTE: The information regarding France on this page is re-published from the 2006 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of France Chiefs of State 2006 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about France Chiefs of State 2006 should be addressed to the CIA.

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