China Chiefs 2020


China Chiefs 2020

XI Jinping
  • Vice Pres.
    WANG Qishan
  • Premier, State Council
    LI Keqiang
  • Executive Vice Premier, State Council
    HAN Zheng
  • Vice Premier, State Council
    SUN Chunlan
  • Vice Premier, State Council
    HU Chunhua
  • Vice Premier, State Council
    LIU He
  • State Councilor, State Council
    WEI Fenghe
  • State Councilor, State Council
    XIAO Jie
  • State Councilor, State Council
    WANG Yi
  • State Councilor, State Council
    ZHAO Kezhi
  • State Councilor, State Council
    WANG Yong
  • Sec. Gen., State Council
    XIAO Jie
  • Chmn., Central Military Commission
    XI Jinping
  • Chmn., National Development & Reform Commission
    HE Lifeng
  • Min. in Charge of the National Health Commission
    MA Xiaowei
  • Min. in Charge of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission
  • Min. of Agriculture
    HAN Changfu
  • Min. of Civil Affairs
    HUANG Shuxian
  • Min. of Commerce
    ZHONG Shan
  • Min. of Culture
    LUO Shugang
  • Min. of Education
    CHEN Baosheng
  • Min. of Ecological Environment
    LI Ganjie
  • Min. of Finance
    LIU Kun
  • Min. of Foreign Affairs
    WANG Yi
  • Min. of Housing & Urban-Rural Development
    WANG Menghui
  • Min. of Human Resources & Social Security
    ZHANG Jinan
  • Min. of Industry & Information Technology
    MIAO Wei
  • Min. of Justice
    FU Zhenghua
  • Min. of Natural Resources
    LU Hao
  • Min. of National Defense
    WEI Fenghe
  • Min. of Public Security
    ZHAO Kezhi
  • Min. of Science & Technology
    WANG Zhigang
  • Min. of State Security
    CHEN Wenqing
  • Min. of Supervision
    YANG Xiaodu
  • Min. of Transportation
    LI Xiaopeng
  • Min. of Water Resources
    E Jingping
  • Auditor Gen., National Audit Office
    HE Zejun
  • Governor, People's Bank of China
    YI Gang
  • Ambassador to the US
    CUI Tiankai
  • Permanent Representative to the UN, New York
    MA Zhaoxu
  • Hong Kong (Special Admin. Region of the People's Republic of China)
    Chief Executive
    Carrie LAM
  • Chief Sec. for Admin.
    Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung
  • Sec. for Civil Service
    Joshua LAW Chi-kong
  • Sec. for Commerce & Economic Development
    Edward YAU Tang-wah
  • Sec. for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs
    Patrick NIP Tak-kuen
  • Sec. for Development
    Michael WONG Wai-lun
  • Sec. for Education
    Kevin YEUNG Yun-hung
  • Sec. for the Environment
    WONG Kam-sing
  • Sec. for Finance
    Paul CHAN Mo-po
  • Sec. for Financial Services & the Treasury
    James LAU
  • Sec. for Food & Health
    Sophia CHAN Siu-chee
  • Sec. for Home Affairs
    LAU Kong-wah
  • Sec. for Innovation & Technology
    Nicholas YANG Wei-hsiung
  • Sec. for Justice
    Rimsky YUEN Kwok-keung
  • Sec. for Labor & Welfare
    LAW Chi-kwong , Dr.
  • Sec. for Security
    John LEE Ka-chiu
  • Sec. for Transport & Housing
    Frank CHAN Fan
  • Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
    Norman CHAN Tak-lam
  • Chief Justice
    Geoffrey MA Tao-li
  • Pres., Legislative Council
    Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuen
  • Commissioner of Police
    Stephen LO Wai-chung
  • Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption
    Simon PEH Yun-lu
  • Dir. of Audit
    David SUN Tak-kei
  • Macau (Special Admin. Region of the People's Republic of China)
    Chief Executive
    Fernando CHUI Sai-on
  • Sec. for Admin. & Justice
    Florinda Da Rosa Silva CHAN
  • Sec. for Economics & Finance
    Francis TAM Pak-yuen
  • Sec. for Security
    CHEONG Kuoc Va
  • Sec. for Social Affairs & Culture
  • Sec. for Transport & Public Works
    LAU Si Io
  • Procurator Gen.
    HO Chio Meng
  • Pres., Court of Final Appeal
    SAM Hou Fai
  • Pres., Legislative Council
    HO Iat Seng
  • Commissioner, Audit
    HO Veng On
  • Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption
    FONG Man Chong

  • NOTE: 1) The information regarding China on this page is re-published from the 2020 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency and other sources. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of China Chiefs 2020 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about China Chiefs 2020 should be addressed to the CIA or the source cited on each page.
    2) The rank that you see is the CIA reported rank, which may have the following issues:
      a) They assign increasing rank number, alphabetically for countries with the same value of the ranked item, whereas we assign them the same rank.
      b) The CIA sometimes assigns counterintuitive ranks. For example, it assigns unemployment rates in increasing order, whereas we rank them in decreasing order.

    This page was last modified 27-Jan-20
    Copyright © 1995- ITA (all rights reserved).

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