Senegal Chiefs 2020


Senegal Chiefs 2020

Macky SALL
  • Prime Min.
    Mohammed Abdallah Boun DIONNE
  • Sec. Gen. of the Govt.
    Maxime Jean Simon NDIAYE
  • Min. of African Integration, the New Partnership for African Development, & Francophonie
    Mbagnick NDIAYE
  • Min. of Agriculture & Rural Infrastructure
    Papa Abdoulaye SECK
  • Min. of Air Transport & Airport Infrastructure Development
    Maimouna NDOYE SECK
  • Min. of the Armed Forces
    Augustin TINE
  • Min. of Commerce, Entrepreneurship & the Informal Sector
    Alioune SARR
  • Min. of Communication, Telecommunications, Posts, & the Digital Economy
    Abdoulaye BALDE
  • Min. of Culture
    Abdou Latif COULIBALY
  • Min. of Economic Solidarity & Microfinance
    Aminata Angelique MANGA
  • Min. of Economy, Finance, & Planning
    Amadou BA
  • Min. of Employment, Vocational Integration, & Intensification of the Workforce
    Abdoulaye DIOP
  • Min. of Environment & Sustainable Development
    Mame Thierno DIENG
  • Min. of Fisheries & Maritime Affairs
    Oumar GUEYE
  • Min. of Foreign Affairs & Senegalese Abroad
    Sidiki KABA
  • Min. of Good Governance & Child Protection
    Ndeye Ramatoulaye Gueye DIOP
  • Min. of Health & Social Affairs
    Abdoulaye Diouf SARR
  • Min. of Higher Education & Research
    Mary Teuw NIANE
  • Min. of Industry & Small & Medium Industries
    Moustapha DIOP
  • Min. of Infrastructure, Land Transportation, & Access Improvement
    Abdoulaye Daouda DIALLO
  • Min. of the Interior
    Aly Ngouille NDIAYE
  • Min. of Investment Promotion, Partnerships, & the Development of Teleservices
    Khoudia MBAYE
  • Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals
    Ismaila Madior FALL
  • Min. of Labor & Social Dialogue
    Samba SY
  • Min. of Livestock & Livestock Products
    Aminata Mbengue NDIAYE
  • Min. of Mining & Geology
    Aissatou Sophie GLADIMA
  • Min. of National Education
    Serigne Mbaye THIAM
  • Min. of Oil & Energy
    Mansour Elimane KANE
  • Min. of Professional Training, Learning, & Handicrafts
    Mamadou TALLA
  • Min. of Public Service, Workforce Streamlining, & Public Sector Renewal
    Mariama SARR
  • Min. of Social Economy & Microfinance
    Aminata Angelique MANGA
  • Min. of Sports
    Matar BA
  • Min. of Territorial Governance, Development, & Spatial Planning
    Yaya Abdoul KANE
  • Min. of Tourism
    Mame Mbaye NIANG
  • Min. of Urban Development, Housing, & Living Environment
    Diene Farba SARR
  • Min. of Water & Sanitation
    Mansour FAYE
  • Min. of Women, Family, & Gender
    Ndeye Saly Diop DIENG
  • Min. of Work, Social Dialogue, Professional Organizations, & Relations With Institutions
    Samba SY
  • Min. of Youth, Citizen Construction, & Promotion of Volunteering
    Pape Gorgui NDONG
  • Min.-Del. to the Prime Min. in Charge of the Emergency Community Development Program
    Souleymane Jules DIOP
  • Min.-Del. to the Min. of Agriculture & Rural Infrastructure in Charge of Farmers' Organizations
    Moustapha Lo DIATTA
  • Min.-Del. to the Min. of Economy, Finance, & Planning in Charge of Budget
    Birima MANGARA
  • Min.-Del. to the Min. of Infrastructure, Land Transportation, & Access Improvement in Charge of Railway Network Development
    Abdou Ndene SALL
  • Ambassador to the US
    Momar DIOP
  • Permanent Representative to the UN, New York
    Cheikh NIANG

  • NOTE: 1) The information regarding Senegal on this page is re-published from the 2020 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency and other sources. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Senegal Chiefs 2020 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Senegal Chiefs 2020 should be addressed to the CIA or the source cited on each page.
    2) The rank that you see is the CIA reported rank, which may have the following issues:
      a) They assign increasing rank number, alphabetically for countries with the same value of the ranked item, whereas we assign them the same rank.
      b) The CIA sometimes assigns counterintuitive ranks. For example, it assigns unemployment rates in increasing order, whereas we rank them in decreasing order.

    This page was last modified 27-Jan-20
    Copyright © 1995- ITA (all rights reserved).

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