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Alphabetical Index - B

This is a "green" web site. In order to conserve bandwidth, the alphabetical index of diseases and injuries is presented in a separate page for each letter of the alphabet. Click on a letter button to reach other index pages.


Baader's syndrome (erythema multiforme exucatiuum) 695.1

Baastrup's syndrome 721.5

Babesiasis 088.82

Babesiosis 088.82

Babington's disease (familial hemorrhagic telangiectasia) 448.0

Babinski's syndrome (cardiovascular syphilis) 093.89

Babinski-Fr�hlich syndrome (adiposogenital dystrophy) 253.8

Babinski-Nageotte syndrome 344.89

Bacillary - see condition

Bacilluria 791.9

asymptomatic, in pregnancy or puerperium 646.5

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.9

Bacillus - see also Infection, bacillus

abortus infection 023.1

anthracis infection 022.9


infection 041.4

generalized 038.42

intestinal 008.00

pyemia 038.42

septicemia 038.42

Flexner's 004.1

fusiformis infestation 101

mallei infection 024

Shiga's 004.0

suipestifer infection (see also Infection, Salmonella) 003.9

Back - see condition

Backache (postural) 724.5

psychogenic 307.89

sacroiliac 724.6

Backflow (pyelovenous) (see also Disease, renal) 593.9

Backknee (see also Genu, recurvatum) 736.5

Bacteremia 790.7

newborn 771.83


in blood (see also Bacteremia) 790.7

in urine (see also Bacteriuria) 791.9

Bacterial - see condition

Bactericholia (see also Cholecystitis, acute) 575.0

Bacterid, bacteride (Andrews' pustular) 686.8

Bacteriuria, bacteruria 791.9


urinary tract infection 599.0

asymptomatic 791.9

in pregnancy or puerperium 646.5

affecting fetus or newborn 760.1


breath 784.99

heart - see Disease, heart

trip (see also Abuse, drugs, nondependent) 305.3

Baehr-Schiffrin disease (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura) 446.6

Baelz's disease (cheilitis glandularis apostematosa) 528.5

Baerensprung's disease (eczema marginatum) 110.3

Bagassosis (occupational) 495.1

Baghdad boil 085.1

Bagratuni's syndrome (temporal arteritis) 446.5


cyst (knee) 727.51

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 015.2

itch 692.89

Bakwin-Krida syndrome (craniometaphyseal dysplasia) 756.89

Balanitis (circinata) (gangraenosa) (infectious) (vulgaris) 607.1

amebic 006.8

candidal 112.2

chlamydial 099.53

due to Ducrey's bacillus 099.0

erosiva circinata et gangraenosa 607.1

gangrenous 607.1

gonococcal (acute) 098.0

chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.2

nongonococcal 607.1

phagedenic 607.1

venereal NEC 099.8

xerotica obliterans 607.81

Balanoposthitis 607.1

chlamydial 099.53

gonococcal (acute) 098.0

chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.2

ulcerative NEC 099.8

Balanorrhagia - see Balanitis

Balantidiasis 007.0

Balantidiosis 007.0

Balbuties, balbutio 307.0


patches on scalp 704.00

tongue 529.4

Baldness (see also Alopecia) 704.00

Balfour's disease (chloroma) 205.3

Balint's syndrome (psychic paralysis of visual fixation) 368.16

Balkan grippe 083.0


food 938

hair 938

Ballantyne (-Runge) syndrome (postmaturity) 766.22

Balloon disease (see also Effect, adverse, high altitude) 993.2

Ballooning posterior leaflet syndrome 424.0

Bal�'s disease or concentric sclerosis 341.1

Bamberger's disease (hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy) 731.2

Bamberger-Marie disease (hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy) 731.2

Bamboo spine 720.0

Bancroft's filariasis 125.0


adhesive (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0

amniotic 658.8

affecting fetus or newborn 762.8

anomalous or congenital - see also Anomaly, specified type NEC

atrial 746.9

heart 746.9

intestine 751.4

omentum 751.4

ventricular 746.9

cervix 622.3

gallbladder (congenital) 751.69

intestinal (adhesive) (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0

congenital 751.4

obstructive (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.81

periappendiceal (congenital) 751.4

peritoneal (adhesive) (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0

with intestinal obstruction 560.81

congenital 751.4

uterus 621.5

vagina 623.2

Bandemia (without diagnosis of specific infection) 288.66

Bandl's ring (contraction)

complicating delivery 661.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.7

Bang's disease (Brucella abortus) 023.1

Bangkok hemorrhagic fever 065.4

Bannister's disease 995.1

Bantam-Albright-Martin disease (pseudohypoparathyroidism) 275.49

Banti's disease or syndrome (with cirrhosis) (with portal hypertension) - see Cirrhosis, liver


calcaneocuboid 755.67

calcaneonavicular 755.67

cubonavicular 755.67

prostate 600.90


other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) 600.91


obstruction 600.91

retention 600.91

talocalcaneal 755.67

Baragnosis 780.99

Barasheh, barashek 266.2

Barcoo disease or rot (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.9

Bard-Pic syndrome (carcinoma, head of pancreas) 157.0

B�rensprung's disease (eczema marginatum) 110.3

Baritosis 503

Barium lung disease 503

Barlow's syndrome (meaning mitral valve prolapse) 424.0

Barlow (-M�ller) disease or syndrome (meaning infantile scurvy) 267

Barodontalgia 993.2

Baron M�nchausen syndrome 301.51

Barosinusitis 993.1

Barotitis 993.0

Barotrauma 993.2

odontalgia 993.2

otitic 993.0

sinus 993.1

Barraquer's disease or syndrome (progressive lipodystrophy) 272.6

Barr�-Guillain syndrome 357.0

Barr�-Li�ou syndrome (posterior cervical sympathetic) 723.2

Barrel chest 738.3

Barrett's esophagus 530.85

Barrett's syndrome or ulcer (chronic peptic ulcer of esophagus) 530.85

B�rsony-Polg�r syndrome (corkscrew esophagus) 530.5

B�rsony-Teschendorf syndrome (corkscrew esophagus) 530.5

Barth syndrome 759.89


adenitis (see also Bartholinitis) 616.89

gland - see condition

Bartholinitis (suppurating) 616.89

gonococcal (acute) 098.0

chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.2

Bartonellosis 088.0

Bartter's syndrome (secondary hyperaldosteronism with juxtaglomerular hyperplasia) 255.13

Basal - see condition

Basan's (hidrotic) ectodermal dysplasia 757.31

Baseball finger 842.13

Basedow's disease or syndrome (exophthalmic goiter) 242.0

Basic - see condition

Basilar - see condition

Bason's (hidrotic) ectodermal dysplasia 757.31

Basopenia 288.59

Basophilia 288.65

Basophilism (corticoadrenal) (Cushing's) (pituitary) (thymic) 255.0

Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome (abetalipoproteinemia) 272.5

Bat ear 744.29


disease 078.0

purpura (senile) 287.2

Bathing cramp 994.1

Bathophobia 300.23

Batten's disease, retina 330.1 [362.71]

Batten-Mayou disease 330.1 [362.71]

Batten-Steinert syndrome 359.21


adult (syndrome) 995.81

baby or child (syndrome) 995.54

spouse (syndrome) 995.81

Battey mycobacterium infection 031.0

Battledore placenta - see Placenta, abnormal

Battle exhaustion (see also Reaction, stress, acute) 308.9

Baumgarten-Cruveilhier (cirrhosis) disease, or syndrome 571.5


fibrosis (of lung) 503

workers' disease 503

Bayle's disease (dementia paralytica) 094.1

Bazin's disease (primary) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.1

Beach ear 380.12

Beaded hair (congenital) 757.4

Beals syndrome 759.82

Beard's disease (neurasthenia) 300.5

Bearn-Kunkel (-Slater) syndrome (lupoid hepatitis) 571.49


elbow 727.2

hand 727.2

knee 727.2


ectopic 427.60

escaped, heart 427.60

postoperative 997.1

premature (nodal) 427.60

atrial 427.61

auricular 427.61

postoperative 997.1

specified type NEC 427.69

supraventricular 427.61

ventricular 427.69


disease or syndrome (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1

lines (transverse furrows on fingernails) 703.8

Bechterew's disease (ankylosing spondylitis) 720.0

Bechterew-Str�mpell-Marie syndrome (ankylosing spondylitis) 720.0

Beck's syndrome (anterior spinal artery occlusion) 433.8



idiopathic mural endomyocardial disease 425.2

myotonia congenita, recessive form 359.22

dystrophy 359.22

Beckwith (-Wiedemann) syndrome 759.89

Bedclothes, asphyxiation or suffocation by 994.7

Bed confinement status V49.84

Bednar's aphthae 528.2

Bedsore 707.00

with gangrene 707.00 [785.4]

Bedwetting (see also Enuresis) 788.36

Beer-drinkers' heart (disease) 425.5

Bee sting (with allergic or anaphylactic shock) 989.5

Begbie's disease (exophthalmic goiter) 242.0

Behavior disorder, disturbance - see also Disturbance, conduct

antisocial, without manifest psychiatric disorder

adolescent V71.02

adult V71.01

child V71.02

dyssocial, without manifest psychiatric disorder

adolescent V71.02

adult V71.01

child V71.02

high-risk- see problem

Beh�et's syndrome 136.1

Behr's disease 362.50

Beigel's disease or morbus (white piedra) 111.2

Bejel 104.0

Bekhterev's disease (ankylosing spondylitis) 720.0

Bekhterev-Str�mpell-Marie syndrome (ankylosing spondylitis) 720.0

Belching (see also Eructation) 787.3


disease (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.0

mania (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.0

palsy, paralysis 351.0

infant 767.5

newborn 767.5

syphilitic 094.89

spasm 351.0

Bence-Jones albuminuria, albuminosuria, or proteinuria 791.0

Bends 993.3

Benedikt's syndrome (paralysis) 344.89

Benign - see also condition

cellular changes, cervix 795.09


hyperplasia 600.20


other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) 600.21


obstruction 600.21

retention 600.21

neoplasm 222.2


disease (leukemia) 208.9

fracture (closed) 815.01

open 815.11

Benson's disease 379.22


back (hysterical) 300.11

nose 738.0

congenital 754.0

Bereavement V62.82

as adjustment reaction 309.0

Berger's paresthesia (lower limb) 782.0

Bergeron's disease (hysteroepilepsy) 300.11

Beriberi (acute) (atrophic) (chronic) (dry) (subacute) (wet) 265.0

with polyneuropathy 265.0 [357.4]

heart (disease) 265.0 [425.7]

leprosy 030.1

neuritis 265.0 [357.4]

Berlin's disease or edema (traumatic) 921.3

Berloque dermatitis 692.72

Bernard-Horner syndrome (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9

Bernard-Sergent syndrome (acute adrenocortical insufficiency) 255.41

Bernard-Soulier disease or thrombopathy 287.1

Bernhardt's disease or paresthesia 355.1

Bernhardt-Roth disease or syndrome (parasthesia) 355.1

Bernheim's syndrome (see also Failure, heart) 428.0

Bertielliasis 123.8

Bertolotti's syndrome (sacralization of fifth lumbar vertebra) 756.15

Berylliosis (acute) (chronic) (lung) (occupational) 503


lupus pernio 135

prurigo (atopic dermatitis) (infantile eczema) 691.8

Besnier-Boeck disease or sarcoid 135

Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease (sarcoidosis) 135

Best's disease 362.76

Bestiality 302.1

Beta-adrenergic hyperdynamic circulatory state 429.82

Beta-aminoisobutyric aciduria 277.2

Beta-mercaptolactate-cysteine disulfiduria 270.0

Beta thalassemia (major) (minor) (mixed) 282.49

Beurmann's disease (sporotrichosis) 117.1

Bezoar 938

intestine 936

stomach 935.2

Bezold's abscess (see also Mastoiditis) 383.01

Bianchi's syndrome (aphasia-apraxia-alexia) 784.69

Bicornuate or bicornis uterus 752.3

in pregnancy or childbirth 654.0

with obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

Bicuspid aortic valve 746.4

Biedl-Bardet syndrome 759.89

Bielschowsky's disease 330.1


amaurotic familial idiocy 330.1

disease 330.1

Biemond's syndrome (obesity, polydactyly, and mental retardation) 759.89

Biermer's anemia or disease (pernicious anemia) 281.0

Biett's disease 695.4

Bifid (congenital) - see also Imperfect, closure

apex, heart 746.89

clitoris 752.49

epiglottis 748.3

kidney 753.3

nose 748.1

patella 755.64

scrotum 752.89

toe 755.66

tongue 750.13

ureter 753.4

uterus 752.3

uvula 749.02

with cleft lip (see also Cleft, palate, with cleft lip) 749.20

Biforis uterus (suprasimplex) 752.3

Bifurcation (congenital) - see also Imperfect, closure

gallbladder 751.69

kidney pelvis 753.3

renal pelvis 753.3

rib 756.3

tongue 750.13

trachea 748.3

ureter 753.4

urethra 753.8

uvula 749.02

with cleft lip (see also Cleft, palate, with cleft lip) 749.20

vertebra 756.19

Bigeminal pulse 427.89

Bigeminy 427.89

Big spleen syndrome 289.4

Bilateral - see condition

Bile duct - see condition

Bile pigments in urine 791.4

Bilharziasis (see also Schistosomiasis) 120.9

chyluria 120.0

cutaneous 120.3

galacturia 120.0

hematochyluria 120.0

intestinal 120.1

lipemia 120.9

lipuria 120.0

Oriental 120.2

piarhemia 120.9

pulmonary 120.2

tropical hematuria 120.0

vesical 120.0

Biliary - see condition

Bilious (attack) - see also Vomiting

fever, hemoglobinuric 084.8

Bilirubinuria 791.4

Biliuria 791.4

Billroth's disease

meningocele (see also Spina bifida) 741.9

Bilobate placenta - see Placenta, abnormal


heart 745.7

stomach 536.8

Bing-Horton syndrome (histamine cephalgia) 346.2

Binswanger's disease or dementia 290.12

Bi�rck (-Thorson) syndrome (malignant carcinoid) 259.2

Biparta, bipartite - see also Imperfect, closure

carpal scaphoid 755.59

patella 755.64

placenta - see Placenta, abnormal

vagina 752.49


face 756.0

fanciers' lung or disease 495.2

Bird's disease (oxaluria) 271.8


abnormal fetus or newborn 763.9

accident, fetus or newborn - see Birth, injury

complications in mother - see Delivery, complicated

compression during NEC 767.9

defect - see Anomaly

delayed, fetus 763.9

difficult NEC, affecting fetus or newborn 763.9

dry, affecting fetus or newborn 761.1

forced, NEC, affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

forceps, affecting fetus or newborn 763.2

hematoma of sternomastoid 767.8

immature 765.1

extremely 765.0

inattention, after or at 995.52

induced, affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

infant - see Newborn

injury NEC 767.9

adrenal gland 767.8

basal ganglia 767.0

brachial plexus (paralysis) 767.6

brain (compression) (pressure) 767.0

cerebellum 767.0

cerebral hemorrhage 767.0

conjunctiva 767.8

eye 767.8


bone, any except clavicle or spine 767.3

clavicle 767.2

femur 767.3

humerus 767.3

long bone 767.3

radius and ulna 767.3

skeleton NEC 767.3

skull 767.3

spine 767.4

tibia and fibula 767.3

hematoma 767.8

liver (subcapsular) 767.8

mastoid 767.8

skull 767.19

sternomastoid 767.8

testes 767.8

vulva 767.8

intracranial (edema) 767.0


brain 767.0

by scalpel 767.8

peripheral nerve 767.7

liver 767.8


brain 767.0

spinal cord 767.4

nerves (cranial, peripheral) 767.7

brachial plexus 767.6

facial 767.5

paralysis 767.7

brachial plexus 767.6

Erb (-Duchenne) 767.6

facial nerve 767.5

Klumpke (-D�j�rine) 767.6

radial nerve 767.6

spinal (cord) (hemorrhage) (laceration) (rupture) 767.4


intracranial 767.0

liver 767.8

spinal cord 767.4

spleen 767.8

viscera 767.8

scalp 767.19

scalpel wound 767.8

skeleton NEC 767.3

specified NEC 767.8

spinal cord 767.4

spleen 767.8

subdural hemorrhage 767.0

tentorial, tear 767.0

testes 767.8

vulva 767.8

instrumental, NEC, affecting fetus or newborn 763.2

lack of care, after or at 995.52


affected by maternal complications of pregnancy 761.5

healthy liveborn - see Newborn, multiple

neglect, after or at 995.52

newborn - see Newborn

palsy or paralysis NEC 767.7

precipitate, fetus or newborn 763.6

premature (infant) 765.1

prolonged, affecting fetus or newborn 763.9

retarded, fetus or newborn 763.9

shock, newborn 779.89

strangulation or suffocation

due to aspiration of clear amniotic fluid 770.13

with respiratory symptoms 770.14

mechanical 767.8

trauma NEC 767.9


affected by maternal complications of pregnancy 761.5

healthy liveborn - see Newborn, multiple


affected by maternal complications of pregnancy 761.5

healthy liveborn - see Newborn, twin

ventouse, affecting fetus or newborn 763.3

Birthmark 757.32

Bisalbuminemia 273.8

Biskra button 085.1


with intact skin surface - see Contusion

animal - see Wound, open, by site

intact skin surface - see Contusion

centipede 989.5

chigger 133.8

fire ant 989.5

flea - see Injury, superficial, by site

human (open wound) - see also Wound, open, by site

intact skin surface - see Contusion


nonvenomous - see Injury, superficial, by site

venomous 989.5

mad dog (death from) 071


anterior 524.24

posterior 524.25

poisonous 989.5

red bug 133.8

reptile 989.5

nonvenomous - see Wound, open, by site

snake 989.5

nonvenomous - see Wound, open, by site

spider (venomous) 989.5

nonvenomous - see Injury, superficial, by site

venomous 989.5


cheek or lip 528.9

nail 307.9


death 020.9

eye NEC 921.0

hairy tongue 529.3

heel 924.20

lung disease 500

palm 923.20

Blackfan-Diamond anemia or syndrome (congenital hypoplastic anemia) 284.01

Blackhead 706.1

Blackout 780.2

Blackwater fever 084.8

Bladder - see condition


blindness 921.3

concussion - see Blast, injury

injury 869.0

with open wound into cavity 869.1

abdomen or thorax - see Injury, internal, by site

brain (see also Concussion, brain) 850.9

with skull fracture - see Fracture, skull

ear (acoustic nerve trauma) 951.5

with perforation, tympanic membrane - see Wound, open, ear, drum

lung (see also Injury, internal, lung) 861.20

otitic (explosive) 388.11

Blastomycosis, blastomycotic (chronic) (cutaneous) (disseminated) (lung) (pulmonary) (systemic) 116.0

Brazilian 116.1

European 117.5

keloidal 116.2

North American 116.0

primary pulmonary 116.0

South American 116.1

Bleb(s) 709.8

emphysematous (bullous) (diffuse) (lung) (ruptured) (solitary) 492.0

filtering, eye (postglaucoma) (status) V45.69

with complication 997.99

postcataract extraction (complication) 997.99

lung (ruptured) 492.0

congenital 770.5

subpleural (emphysematous) 492.0

Bleeder (familial) (hereditary) (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.9

nonfamilial 286.9

Bleeding (see also Hemorrhage) 459.0

anal 569.3

anovulatory 628.0

atonic, following delivery 666.1

capillary 448.9

due to subinvolution 621.1

puerperal 666.2

ear 388.69

excessive, associated with menopausal onset 627.0

familial (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.9

following intercourse 626.7

gastrointestinal 578.9

gums 523.8

hemorrhoids - see Hemorrhoids, bleeding


irregular 626.6

regular 626.5

intraoperative 998.11

irregular NEC 626.4

menopausal 627.0

mouth 528.9

nipple 611.79

nose 784.7

ovulation 626.5

postclimacteric 627.1

postcoital 626.7

postmenopausal 627.1

following induced menopause 627.4

postoperative 998.11

preclimacteric 627.0

puberty 626.3

excessive, with onset of menstrual periods 626.3

rectum, rectal 569.3

tendencies (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.9

throat 784.8

umbilical stump 772.3

umbilicus 789.9

unrelated to menstrual cycle 626.6

uterus, uterine 626.9

climacteric 627.0

dysfunctional 626.8

functional 626.8

unrelated to menstrual cycle 626.6

vagina, vaginal 623.8

functional 626.8

vicarious 625.8

Blennorrhagia, blennorrhagic - see Blennorrhea

Blennorrhea (acute) 098.0

adultorum 098.40

alveolaris 523.40

chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.2

gonococcal (neonatorum) 098.40

inclusion (neonatal) (newborn) 771.6

neonatorum 098.40

Blepharelosis (see also Entropion) 374.00

Blepharitis (eyelid) 373.00

angularis 373.01

ciliaris 373.00

with ulcer 373.01

marginal 373.00

with ulcer 373.01

scrofulous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [373.00]

squamous 373.02

ulcerative 373.01

Blepharochalasis 374.34

congenital 743.62

Blepharoclonus 333.81

Blepharoconjunctivitis (see also Conjunctivitis) 372.20

angular 372.21

contact 372.22

Blepharophimosis (eyelid) 374.46

congenital 743.62

Blepharoplegia 374.89

Blepharoptosis 374.30

congenital 743.61

Blepharopyorrhea 098.49

Blepharospasm 333.81

due to drugs 333.85

Blessig's cyst 362.62

Blighted ovum 631


bronchus (congenital) 748.3

eye - see also Blindness

hypertensive 360.42

hypotensive 360.41

loop syndrome (postoperative) 579.2

sac, fallopian tube (congenital) 752.19

spot, enlarged 368.42

tract or tube (congenital) NEC - see Atresia

Blindness (acquired) (congenital) (both eyes) 369.00

with deafness V49.85

blast 921.3

with nerve injury - see Injury, nerve, optic

Bright's - see Uremia

color (congenital) 368.59

acquired 368.55

blue 368.53

green 368.52

red 368.51

total 368.54

concussion 950.9

cortical 377.75

day 368.10

acquired 368.10

congenital 368.10

hereditary 368.10

specified type NEC 368.10

due to

injury NEC 950.9

refractive error - see Error, refractive

eclipse (total) 363.31

emotional 300.11

hysterical 300.11

legal (both eyes) (USA definition) 369.4

with impairment of better (less impaired) eye

near-total 369.02


lesser eye impairment 369.02

near-total 369.04

total 369.03

profound 369.05


lesser eye impairment 369.05

near-total 369.07

profound 369.08

total 369.06

severe 369.21


lesser eye impairment 369.21

blind 369.11

near-total 369.13

profound 369.14

severe 369.22

total 369.12


with lesser eye impairment

total 369.01

mind 784.69


both eyes 369.25

with impairment of lesser eye (specified as)

blind, not further specified 369.15

low vision, not further specified 369.23

near-total 369.17

profound 369.18

severe 369.24

total 369.16

one eye 369.74

with vision of other eye (specified as)

near-normal 369.75

normal 369.76


both eyes 369.04

with impairment of lesser eye (specified as)

blind, not further specified 369.02

total 369.03

one eye 369.64

with vision of other eye (specified as)

near-normal 369.65

normal 369.66

night 368.60

acquired 368.62

congenital (Japanese) 368.61

hereditary 368.61

specified type NEC 368.69

vitamin A deficiency 264.5

nocturnal - see Blindness, night

one eye 369.60

with low vision of other eye 369.10


both eyes 369.08

with impairment of lesser eye (specified as)

blind, not further specified 369.05

near-total 369.07

total 369.06

one eye 369.67

with vision of other eye (specified as)

near-normal 369.68

normal 369.69

psychic 784.69


both eyes 369.22

with impairment of lesser eye (specified as)

blind, not further specified 369.11

low vision, not further specified 369.21

near-total 369.13

profound 369.14

total 369.12

one eye 369.71

with vision of other eye (specified as)

near-normal 369.72

normal 369.73

snow 370.24

sun 363.31

temporary 368.12


both eyes 369.01

one eye 369.61

with vision of other eye (specified as)

near-normal 369.62

normal 369.63

transient 368.12

traumatic NEC 950.9

word (developmental) 315.01

acquired 784.61

secondary to organic lesion 784.61

Blister - see also Injury, superficial, by site

beetle dermatitis 692.89

due to burn - see Burn, by site, second degree

fever 054.9

multiple, skin, nontraumatic 709.8

Bloating 787.3

Bloch-Siemens syndrome (incontinentia pigmenti) 757.33

Bloch-Stauffer dyshormonal dermatosis 757.33

Bloch-Sulzberger disease or syndrome (incontinentia pigmenti) (melanoblastosis) 757.33


alveolar capillary 516.3

arborization (heart) 426.6

arrhythmic 426.9

atrioventricular (AV) (incomplete) (partial) 426.10


2:1 atrioventricular response block 426.13

atrioventricular dissociation 426.0

first degree (incomplete) 426.11

second degree (Mobitz type I) 426.13

Mobitz (type II) 426.12

third degree 426.0

complete 426.0

congenital 746.86

congenital 746.86

Mobitz (incomplete)

type I (Wenckebach's) 426.13

type II 426.12

partial 426.13

auriculoventricular (see also Block, atrioventricular) 426.10

complete 426.0

congenital 746.86

congenital 746.86

bifascicular (cardiac) 426.53

bundle branch (complete) (false) (incomplete) 426.50

bilateral 426.53

left (complete) (main stem) 426.3

with right bundle branch block 426.53

anterior fascicular 426.2


posterior fascicular block 426.3

right bundle branch block 426.52

hemiblock 426.2

incomplete 426.2

with right bundle branch block 426.53

posterior fascicular 426.2


anterior fascicular block 426.3

right bundle branch block 426.51

right 426.4


left bundle branch block (incomplete) (main stem) 426.53

left fascicular block 426.53

anterior 426.52

posterior 426.51

Wilson's type 426.4

cardiac 426.9

conduction 426.9

complete 426.0

Eustachian tube (see also Obstruction, Eustachian tube) 381.60

fascicular (left anterior) (left posterior) 426.2

foramen Magendie (acquired) 331.3

congenital 742.3

with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida) 741.0

heart 426.9

first degree (atrioventricular) 426.11

second degree (atrioventricular) 426.13

third degree (atrioventricular) 426.0

bundle branch (complete) (false) (incomplete) 426.50

bilateral 426.53

left (see also Block, bundle branch, left) 426.3

right (see also Block, bundle branch, right) 426.4

complete (atrioventricular) 426.0

congenital 746.86

incomplete 426.13

intra-atrial 426.6

intraventricular NEC 426.6

sinoatrial 426.6

specified type NEC 426.6

hepatic vein 453.0

intraventricular (diffuse) (myofibrillar) 426.6

bundle branch (complete) (false) (incomplete) 426.50

bilateral 426.53

left (see also Block, bundle branch, left) 426.3

right (see also Block, bundle branch, right) 426.4

kidney (see also Disease, renal) 593.9

postcystoscopic 997.5

myocardial (see also Block, heart) 426.9

nodal 426.10

optic nerve 377.49

organ or site (congenital) NEC - see Atresia

parietal 426.6

peri-infarction 426.6

portal (vein) 452

sinoatrial 426.6

sinoauricular 426.6

spinal cord 336.9

trifascicular 426.54

tubal 628.2

vein NEC 453.9

Blocq's disease or syndrome (astasia-abasia) 307.9


constituents, abnormal NEC 790.6

disease 289.9

specified NEC 289.89

donor V59.01

other blood components V59.09

stem cells V59.02

whole blood V59.01

dyscrasia 289.9


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with hemorrhage, delayed or excessive

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.1

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.1

fetus or newborn NEC 776.9


abortion 639.1

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.1

puerperal, postpartum 666.3

flukes NEC (see also Infestation, Schistosoma) 120.9


feces (see also Melena) 578.1

occult 792.1

urine (see also Hematuria) 599.7

mole 631

occult 792.1

poisoning (see also Septicemia) 038.9


decreased, due to shock following injury 958.4

fluctuating 796.4

high (see also Hypertension) 401.9

incidental reading (isolated) (nonspecific), without diagnosis of hypertension 796.2

low (see also Hypotension) 458.9

incidental reading (isolated) (nonspecific), without diagnosis of hypotension 796.3

spitting (see also Hemoptysis) 786.3

staining cornea 371.12


without reported diagnosis V58.2

donor V59.01

stem cells V59.02

reaction or complication - see Complications, transfusion

tumor - see Hematoma

vessel rupture - see Hemorrhage

vomiting (see also Hematemesis) 578.0

Blood-forming organ disease 289.9

Bloodgood's disease 610.1

Bloodshot eye 379.93

Bloom (-Machacek) (-Torre) syndrome 757.39

Blotch, palpebral 372.55

Blount's disease (tibia vara) 732.4

Blount-Barber syndrome (tibia vara) 732.4


baby 746.9

bloater 491.20


acute bronchitis 491.22

exacerbation (acute) 491.21

diaper syndrome 270.0

disease 746.9

dome cyst 610.0

drum syndrome 381.02

sclera 743.47

with fragility of bone and deafness 756.51

toe syndrome 445.02

Blueness (see also Cyanosis) 782.5

Blurring, visual 368.8

Blushing (abnormal) (excessive) 782.62

BMI (body mass index)


25.0-25.9 V85.21

26.0-26.9 V85.22

27.0-27.9 V85.23

28.0-28.9 V85.24

29.0-29.9 V85.25

30.0-30.9 V85.30

31.0-31.9 V85.31

32.0-32.9 V85.32

33.0-33.9 V85.33

34.0-34.9 V85.34

35.0-35.9 V85.35

36.0-36.9 V85.36

37.0-37.9 V85.37

38.0-38.9 V85.38

39.0-39.9 V85.39

40 and over V85.4

between 19-24 V85.1

less than 19 V85.0


5th percentile to less than 85th percentile for age V85.52

85th percentile to less than 95th percentile for age V85.53

greater than or equal to 95th percentile for age V85.54

less than 5th percentile for age V85.51

Boarder, hospital V65.0

infant V65.0

Bockhart's impetigo (superficial folliculitis) 704.8

Bodechtel-Guttmann disease (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis) 046.2

Boder-Sedgwick syndrome (ataxia-telangiectasia) 334.8

Body, bodies

Aschoff (see also Myocarditis, rheumatic) 398.0

asteroid, vitreous 379.22

choroid, colloid (degenerative) 362.57

hereditary 362.77

cytoid (retina) 362.82

drusen (retina) (see also Drusen) 362.57

optic disc 377.21

fibrin, pleura 511.0

foreign - see Foreign body

Hassall-Henle 371.41


joint (see also Loose, body, joint) 718.1

knee 717.6

knee 717.6

sheath, tendon 727.82

Mallory's 034.1

mass index (BMI)


25.0-25.9 V85.21

26.0-26.9 V85.22

27.0-27.9 V85.23

28.0-28.9 V85.24

29.0-29.9 V85.25

30.0-30.9 V85.30

31.0-31.9 V85.31

32.0-32.9 V85.32

33.0-33.9 V85.33

34.0-34.9 V85.34

35.0-35.9 V85.35

36.0-36.9 V85.36

37.0-37.9 V85.37

38.0-38.9 V85.38

39.0-39.9 V85.39

40 and over V85.4

between 19-24 V85.1

less than 19 V85.0


5th percentile to less than 85th percentile for age V85.52

85th percentile to less than 95th percentile for age V85.53

greater than or equal to 95th percentile for age V85.54

less than 5th percentile for age V85.51

Mooser 081.0

Negri 071

rice (joint) (see also Loose, body, joint) 718.1

knee 717.6

rocking 307.3


disease (sarcoidosis) 135

lupoid (miliary) 135

sarcoid 135

Boerhaave's syndrome (spontaneous esophageal rupture) 530.4


cervix 622.8

uterus 621.8

Boil (see also Carbuncle) 680.9

abdominal wall 680.2

Aleppo 085.1

ankle 680.6

anus 680.5

arm (any part, above wrist) 680.3

auditory canal, external 680.0

axilla 680.3

back (any part) 680.2

Baghdad 085.1

breast 680.2

buttock 680.5

chest wall 680.2

corpus cavernosum 607.2

Delhi 085.1

ear (any part) 680.0

eyelid 373.13

face (any part, except eye) 680.0

finger (any) 680.4

flank 680.2

foot (any part) 680.7

forearm 680.3

Gafsa 085.1

genital organ, male 608.4

gluteal (region) 680.5

groin 680.2

hand (any part) 680.4

head (any part, except face) 680.8

heel 680.7

hip 680.6

knee 680.6

labia 616.4

lacrimal (see also Dacryocystitis) 375.30

gland (see also Dacryoadenitis) 375.00

passages (duct) (sac) (see also Dacryocystitis) 375.30

leg, any part, except foot 680.6

multiple sites 680.9

natal 085.1

neck 680.1

nose (external) (septum) 680.0

orbit, orbital 376.01

partes posteriores 680.5

pectoral region 680.2

penis 607.2

perineum 680.2

pinna 680.0

scalp (any part) 680.8

scrotum 608.4

seminal vesicle 608.0

shoulder 680.3

skin NEC 680.9

specified site NEC 680.8

spermatic cord 608.4

temple (region) 680.0

testis 608.4

thigh 680.6

thumb 680.4

toe (any) 680.7

tropical 085.1

trunk 680.2

tunica vaginalis 608.4

umbilicus 680.2

upper arm 680.3

vas deferens 608.4

vulva 616.4

wrist 680.4

Bold hives (see also Urticaria) 708.9

Bolivian hemorrhagic fever 078.7

Bomb�, iris 364.74

Bomford-Rhoads anemia (refractory) 238.72

Bone - see condition

Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome 758.6

Bonnier's syndrome 386.19

Bonvale Dam fever 780.79

Bony block of joint 718.80

ankle 718.87

elbow 718.82

foot 718.87

hand 718.84

hip 718.85

knee 718.86

multiple sites 718.89

pelvic region 718.85

shoulder (region) 718.81

specified site NEC 718.88

wrist 718.83


intellectual functioning V62.89

pelvis 653.1

with obstruction during labor 660.1

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

psychosis (see also Schizophrenia) 295.5

of childhood (see also Psychosis, childhood) 299.8

schizophrenia (see also Schizophrenia) 295.5

Borna disease 062.9

Bornholm disease (epidemic pleurodynia) 074.1

Borrelia vincentii (mouth) (pharynx) (tonsils) 101

Bostock's catarrh (see also Fever, hay) 477.9

Boston exanthem 048

Botalli, ductus (patent) (persistent) 747.0

Bothriocephalus latus infestation 123.4

Botulism 005.1

food poisoning 005.1

infant 040.41

non-foodborne 040.42

wound 040.42

Bouba (see also Yaws) 102.9

Bouff�e d�lirante 298.3

Bouillaud's disease or syndrome (rheumatic heart disease) 391.9

Bourneville's disease (tuberous sclerosis) 759.5

Boutonneuse fever 082.1


deformity (finger) 736.21

hand (intrinsic) 736.21

Bouveret (-Hoffmann) disease or syndrome (paroxysmal tachycardia) 427.2

Bovine heart - see Hypertrophy, cardiac

Bowel - see condition


dermatosis (precancerous) (M8081/2) - see Neoplasm, skin, in situ

disease (M8081/2) - see Neoplasm, skin, in situ

epithelioma (M8081/2) - see Neoplasm, skin, in situ


epidermoid carcinoma in situ (M8081/2) - see Neoplasm, skin, in situ

intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma (M8081/2) - see Neoplasm, skin, in situ


femur 736.89

congenital 754.42

fibula 736.89

congenital 754.43

forearm 736.09

away from midline (cubitus valgus) 736.01

toward midline (cubitus varus) 736.02

leg(s), long bones, congenital 754.44

radius 736.09

away from midline (cubitus valgus) 736.01

toward midline (cubitus varus) 736.02

tibia 736.89

congenital 754.43

Bowleg(s) 736.42

congenital 754.44

rachitic 268.1

Boyd's dysentery 004.2

Brachial - see condition

Brachman-de Lange syndrome (Amsterdam dwarf, mental retardation, and brachycephaly) 759.89

Brachycardia 427.89

Brachycephaly 756.0

Brachymorphism and ectopia lentis 759.89

Bradley's disease (epidemic vomiting) 078.82

Bradycardia 427.89

chronic (sinus) 427.81

newborn 779.81

nodal 427.89................................................................................................

postoperative 997.1

reflex 337.0

sinoatrial 427.89

with paroxysmal tachyarrhythmia or tachycardia 427.81

chronic 427.81

sinus 427.89

with paroxysmal tachyarrhythmia or tachycardia 427.81

chronic 427.81

persistent 427.81

severe 427.81

tachycardia syndrome 427.81

vagal 427.89

Bradypnea 786.09

Brailsford's disease 732.3

radial head 732.3

tarsal scaphoid 732.5

Brailsford-Morquio disease or syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis IV) 277.5

Brain - see also condition

death 348.8

syndrome (acute) (chronic) (nonpsychotic) (organic) (with neurotic reaction) (with behavioral reaction) (see also Syndrome, brain) 310.9


presenile brain disease 290.10

psychosis, psychotic reaction (see also Psychosis, organic) 294.9

congenital (see also Retardation, mental) 319

Branched-chain amino-acid disease 270.3

Branchial - see condition

Brandt's syndrome (acrodermatitis enteropathica) 686.8

Brash (water) 787.1

Brass-founders' ague 985.8

Bravais-Jacksonian epilepsy (see also Epilepsy) 345.5

Braxton Hicks contractions 644.1

Braziers' disease 985.8


blastomycosis 116.1

leishmaniasis 085.5

BRBPR (bright red blood per rectum) 569.3


cardiorenal - see Hypertension, cardiorenal

retina (see also Defect, retina) 361.30

Breakbone fever 061


device, implant, or graft - see Complications, mechanical

nervous (see also Disorder, mental, nonpsychotic) 300.9

perineum 674.2

Breast - see condition

Breast feeding difficulties 676.8


foul 784.99

holder, child 312.81

holding spells 786.9

shortness 786.05


asymmetrical 786.09

bronchial 786.09

exercises V57.0

labored 786.09

mouth 784.99

causing malocclusion 524.59

periodic 786.09

high altitude 327.22

tic 307.20

Breathlessness 786.09

Breda's disease (see also Yaws) 102.9


delivery, affecting fetus or newborn 763.0

extraction, affecting fetus or newborn 763.0

presentation (buttocks) (complete) (frank) 652.2

with successful version 652.1

before labor, affecting fetus or newborn 761.7

during labor, affecting fetus or newborn 763.0

Breisky's disease (kraurosis vulvae) 624.09

Brennemann's syndrome (acute mesenteric lymphadenitis) 289.2


tumor (benign) (M9000/0) 220

borderline malignancy (M9000/1) 236.2

malignant (M9000/3) 183.0

proliferating (M9000/1) 236.2

Bretonneau's disease (diphtheritic malignant angina) 032.0

Breus' mole 631

Brevicollis 756.16

Bricklayers' itch 692.89

Brickmakers' anemia 126.9


myocardial 746.85

Bright red blood per rectum (BRBPR) 569.3


blindness - see Uremia

disease (see also Nephritis) 583.9

arteriosclerotic (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.90

Brill's disease (recrudescent typhus) 081.1

flea-borne 081.0

louse-borne 081.1

Brill-Symmers disease (follicular lymphoma) (M9690/3) 202.0

Brill-Zinsser disease (recrudescent typhus) 081.1

Brinton's disease (linitis plastica) (M8142/3) 151.9

Brion-Kayser disease (see also Fever, paratyphoid) 002.9

Briquet's disorder or syndrome 300.81


infantilism (infantile myxedema) 244.9

motor-verbal tic 307.23

Brissaud-Meige syndrome (infantile myxedema) 244.9


bones (congenital) 756.51

nails 703.8

congenital 757.5

Broad - see also condition

beta disease 272.2

ligament laceration syndrome 620.6

Brock's syndrome (atelectasis due to enlarged lymph nodes) 518.0

Brocq's disease 691.8

atopic (diffuse) neurodermatitis 691.8

lichen simplex chronicus 698.3

parakeratosis psoriasiformis 696.2

parapsoriasis 696.2

Brocq-Duhring disease (dermatitis herpetiformis) 694.0


abscess (localized) (chronic) (see also Osteomyelitis) 730.1

disease (joint) (see also Osteomyelitis) 730.1


arches 734

congenital 755.67

back - see Fracture, vertebra, by site

bone - see Fracture, by site

compensation - see Disease, heart

heart syndrome 429.83

implant or internal device - see listing under Complications, mechanical

neck - see Fracture, vertebra, cervical

nose 802.0

open 802.1

tooth, teeth 873.63

complicated 873.73

Bromhidrosis 705.89

Bromidism, bromism

acute 967.3

correct substance properly administered 349.82

overdose or wrong substance given or taken 967.3

chronic (see also Dependence) 304.1

Bromidrosiphobia 300.23

Bromidrosis 705.89

Bronchi, bronchial - see condition

Bronchiectasis (cylindrical) (diffuse) (fusiform) (localized) (moniliform) (postinfectious) (recurrent) (saccular) 494.0

with acute exacerbation 494.1

congenital 748.61

tuberculosis (see also Tuberculosis) 011.5

Bronchiolectasis - see Bronchiectasis

Bronchiolitis (acute) (infectious) (subacute) 466.19


bronchospasm or obstruction 466.19

influenza, flu, or grippe 487.1

catarrhal (acute) (subacute) 466.19

chemical 506.0

chronic 506.4

chronic (obliterative) 491.8

due to external agent - see Bronchitis, acute, due to

fibrosa obliterans 491.8

influenzal 487.1

obliterans 491.8

with organizing pneumonia (B.O.O.P.) 516.8

status post lung transplant 996.84

obliterative (chronic) (diffuse) (subacute) 491.8

due to fumes or vapors 506.4

respiratory syncytial virus 466.11

vesicular - see Pneumonia, broncho-

Bronchitis (diffuse) (hypostatic) (infectious) (inflammatory) (simple) 490


emphysema - see Emphysema

influenza, flue, or grippe 487.1

obstruction airway, chronic 491.20


acute bronchitis 491.22

exacerbation (acute) 491.21

tracheitis 490

acute or subacute 466.0

with bronchospasm or obstruction 466.0

chronic 491.8

acute or subacute 466.0


bronchospasm 466.0

obstruction 466.0

tracheitis 466.0

chemical (due to fumes or vapors) 506.0

due to

fumes or vapors 506.0

radiation 508.8

allergic (acute) (see also Asthma) 493.9

arachidic 934.1

aspiration 507.0

due to fumes or vapors 506.0

asthmatic (acute) 493.90


acute exacerbation 493.92

status asthmaticus 493.91

chronic 493.2

capillary 466.19

with bronchospasm or obstruction 466.19

chronic 491.8

caseous (see also Tuberculosis) 011.3

Castellani's 104.8

catarrhal 490

acute - see Bronchitis, acute

chronic 491.0

chemical (acute) (subacute) 506.0

chronic 506.4

due to fumes or vapors (acute) (subactue) 506.0

chronic 506.4

chronic 491.9


tracheitis (chronic) 491.8

asthmatic 493.2

catarrhal 491.0

chemical (due to fumes and vapors) 506.4

due to

fumes or vapors (chemical) (inhalation) 506.4

radiation 508.8

tobacco smoking 491.0

mucopurulent 491.1

obstructive 491.20


acute bronchitis 491.22

exacerbation (acute) 491.21

purulent 491.1

simple 491.0

specified type NEC 491.8

croupous 466.0

with bronchospasm or obstruction 466.0

due to fumes or vapors 506.0

emphysematous 491.20


acute bronchitis 491.22

exacerbation (acute) 491.21

exudative 466.0

fetid (chronic) (recurrent) 491.1

fibrinous, acute or subacute 466.0

with bronchospasm or obstruction 466.0

grippal 487.1

influenzal 487.1

membranous, acute or subactue 466.0

with bronchospasm or obstruction 466.0

moulders' 502

mucopurulent (chronic) (recurrent) 491.1

acute or subacute 466.0

obliterans 491.8

obstructive (chronic) 491.20


acute bronchitis 491.22

exacerbation (acute) 491.21

pituitous 491.1

plastic (inflammatory) 466.0

pneumococcal, acute or subacute 466.0

with bronchospasm or obstruction 466.0

pseudomembranous 466.0

purulent (chronic) (recurrent) 491.1

acute or subacute 466.0

with bronchospasm or obstruction 466.0

putrid 491.1

scrofulous (see also Tuberculosis) 011.3

senile 491.9

septic, acute or subacute 466.0

with bronchospasm or obstruction 466.0

smokers' 491.0

spirochetal 104.8

suffocative, acute or subacute 466.0

summer (see also Asthma) 493.9

suppurative (chronic) 491.1

acute or subacute 466.0

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 011.3

ulcerative 491.8

Vincent's 101

Vincent's 101

viral, acute or subacute 466.0

Bronchoalveolitis 485

Bronchoaspergillosis 117.3



dilatation of bronchus 519.19

goiter 240.9

Bronchogenic carcinoma 162.9

Bronchohemisporosis 117.9

Broncholithiasis 518.89

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 011.3

Bronchomalacia 748.3

Bronchomoniliasis 112.89

Bronchomycosis 112.89

Bronchonocardiosis 039.1

Bronchopleuropneumonia - see Pneumonia, broncho-

Bronchopneumonia - see Pneumonia, broncho-

Bronchopneumonitis - see Pneumonia, broncho-

Bronchopulmonary - see condition

Bronchopulmonitis - see Pneumonia, broncho-

Bronchorrhagia 786.3

newborn 770.3

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 011.3

Bronchorrhea (chronic) (purulent) 491.0

acute 466.0

Bronchospasm 519.11


asthma - see Asthma

bronchiolitis, acute 466.19

due to respiratory syncytial virus 466.11

bronchitis - see Bronchitis

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 496

emphysema - see Emphysema

due to external agent - see Condition, respiratory, acute, due to

acute 519.11

exercise induced 493.81

Bronchospirochetosis 104.8

Bronchostenosis 519.19

Bronchus - see condition

Bronze, bronzed

diabetes 275.0

disease (Addison's) (skin) 255.41

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.6

Brooke's disease or tumor (M8100/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Brown's tendon sheath syndrome 378.61

Brown enamel of teeth (hereditary) 520.5

Brown-S�quard's paralysis (syndrome) 344.89

Brow presentation complicating delivery 652.4

Brucella, brucellosis (infection) 023.9

abortus 023.1

canis 023.3

dermatitis, skin 023.9

melitensis 023.0

mixed 023.8

suis 023.2

Bruck's disease 733.99

Bruck-de Lange disease or syndrome (Amsterdam dwart, mental retardation, and brachycephaly) 759.89

Brugada syndrome 746.89

Brug's filariasis 125.1

Brugsch's syndrome (acropachyderma) 757.39

Bruhl's disease (splenic anemia with fever) 285.8

Bruise (skin surface intact) - see also Contusion


fracture - Fracture, by site

open wound - see Wound, open, by site

internal organ (abdomen, chest, or pelvis) - see Injury, internal, by site

umbilical cord 663.6

affecting fetus or newborn 762.6

Bruit 785.9

arterial (abdominal) (carotid) 785.9

supraclavicular 785.9

Brushburn - see Injury, superficial, by site

Bruton's X-linked agammaglobulinemia 279.04

Bruxism 306.8

sleep related 327.53

Bubbly lung syndrome 770.7

Bubo 289.3

blennorrhagic 098.89

chancroidal 099.0

climatic 099.1

due to Hemophilus ducreyi 099.0

gonococcal 098.89

indolent NEC 099.8

inguinal NEC 099.8

chancroidal 099.0

climatic 099.1

due to H. ducreyi 099.0

scrofulous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.2

soft chancre 099.0

suppurating 683

syphilitic 091.0

congenital 090.0

tropical 099.1

venereal NEC 099.8

virulent 099.0

Bubonic plague 020.0

Bubonocele - see Hernia, inguinal

Buccal - see condition

Buchanan's disease (juvenile osteochondrosis of iliac crest) 732.1

Buchem's syndrome (hyperostosis corticalis) 733.3

Buchman's disease (osteochondrosis, juvenile) 732.1

Bucket handle fracture (semilunar cartilage) (see also Tear, meniscus) 836.2

Budd-Chiari syndrome (hepatic vein thrombosis) 453.0

Budgerigar-fanciers' disease or lung 495.2

B�dinger-Ludloff-L�wen disease 717.89

Buerger's disease (thromboangiitis obliterans) 443.1

Bulbar - see condition

Bulbus cordis 745.9

persistent (in left ventricle) 745.8

Bulging fontanels (congenital) 756.0

Bulimia 783.6

nervosa 307.51

nonorganic origin 307.51

Bulky uterus 621.2

Bulla(e) 709.8

lung (emphysematous) (solitary) 492.0

Bullet wound - see also Wound, open, by site

fracture - see Fracture, by site, open

internal organ (abdomen, chest, or pelvis) - see Injury, internal, by site, with open wound

intracranial - see Laceration, brain, with open wound

Bullis fever 082.8

Bullying (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.0


branch block (complete) (false) (incomplete) 426.50

bilateral 426.53

left (see also Block, bundle branch, left) 426.3

hemiblock 426.2

right (see also Block, bundle branch, right) 426.4

of His - see condition

of Kent syndrome (anomalous atrioventricular excitation) 426.7

Bungpagga 040.81

Bunion 727.1

Bunionette 727.1

Bunyamwera fever 066.3

Buphthalmia, buphthalmos (congenital) 743.20

associated with

keratoglobus, congenital 743.22

megalocornea 743.22

ocular anomalies NEC 743.22

isolated 743.21

simple 743.21

B�rger-Gr�tz disease or syndrome (essential familial hyperlipemia) 272.3

Buried roots 525.3

Burke's syndrome 577.8


tumor (M9750/3) 200.2

type malignant, lymphoma, lymphoblastic, or undifferentiated (M9750/3) 200.2

Burn (acid) (cathode ray) (caustic) (chemical) (electric heating appliance) (electricity) (fire) (flame) (hot liquid or object) (irradiation) (lime) (radiation) (steam) (thermal) (x-ray) 949.0

Note11Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with category 948 to indicate the percent of body surface with third degree burn:

����������������������������� 0������������ less than 10 percent or unspecified
����������������������������� 1������������ 10-19 percent
����������������������������� 2������������ 20-29 percent
����������������������������� 3������������ 30-39 percent
����������������������������� 4������������ 40-49 percent
����������������������������� 5������������ 50-59 percent
����������������������������� 6������������ 60-69 percent
����������������������������� 7������������ 70-79 percent
����������������������������� 8������������ 80-89 percent
����������������������������� 9������������ 90 percent or more of body surface


blisters - see Burn, by site, second degree

erythema - see Burn, by site, first degree

skin loss (epidermal) - see also Burn, by site, second degree

full thickness - see also Burn, by site, third degree

with necrosis of underlying tissues - see Burn, by site, third degree, deep

first degree - see Burn, by site, first degree

second degree - see Burn, by site, second degree

third degree - see also Burn, by site, third degree

deep - see Burn, by site, third degree, deep

abdomen, abdominal (muscle) (wall) 942.03


trunk - see Burn, trunk, multiple sites

first degree 942.13

second degree 942.23

third degree 942.33

deep 942.43

with loss of body part 942.53

ankle 945.03


lower limb(s) - see Burn, leg, multiple sites

first degree 945.13

second degree 945.23

third degree 945.33

deep 945.43

with loss of body part 945.53

anus - see Burn, trunk, specified site NEC

arm(s) 943.00

first degree 943.10

second degree 943.20

third degree 943.30

deep 943.40

with loss of body part 943.50

lower - see Burn, forearm(s)

multiple sites, except hand(s) or wrist(s) 943.09

first degree 943.19

second degree 943.29

third degree 943.39

deep 943.49

with loss of body part 943.59

upper 943.03

first degree 943.13

second degree 943.23

third degree 943.33

deep 943.43

with loss of body part 943.53

auditory canal (external) - see Burn, ear

auricle (ear) - see Burn, ear

axilla 943.04


upper limb(s), except hand(s) or wrist(s) - see Burn, arm(s), multiple sites

first degree 943.14

second degree 943.24

third degree 943.34

deep 943.44

with loss of body part 943.54

back 942.04


trunk - see Burn, trunk, multiple sites

first degree 942.14

second degree 942.24

third degree 942.34

deep 942.44

with loss of body part 942.54


brachii - see Burn, arm(s), upper

femoris - see Burn, thigh

breast(s) 942.01


trunk - see Burn, trunk, multiple sites

first degree 942.11

second degree 942.21

third degree 942.31

deep 942.41

with loss of body part 942.51

brow - see Burn, forehead

buttock(s) - see Burn, back

canthus (eye) 940.1

chemical 940.0

cervix (uteri) 947.4

cheek (cutaneous) 941.07


face or head - see Burn, head, multiple sites

first degree 941.17

second degree 941.27

third degree 941.37

deep 941.47

with loss of body part 941.57

chest wall (anterior) 942.02


trunk - see Burn, trunk, multiple sites

first degree 942.12

second degree 942.22

third degree 942.32

deep 942.42

with loss of body part 942.52

chin 941.04


face or head - see Burn, head, multiple sites

first degree 941.14

second degree 941.24

third degree 941.34

deep 941.44

with loss of body part 941.54

clitoris - see Burn, genitourinary organs,


colon 947.3

conjunctiva (and cornea) 940.4


acid 940.3

alkaline 940.2

cornea (and conjunctiva) 940.4


acid 940.3

alkaline 940.2

costal region - see Burn, chest wall

due to ingested chemical agent - see Burn, internal organs

ear (auricle) (canal) (drum) (external) 941.01


face or head - see Burn, head, multiple sites

first degree 941.11

second degree 941.21

third degree 941.31

deep 941.41

with loss of a body part 941.51

elbow 943.02


hand(s) and wrist(s) - see Burn, multiple specified sites

upper limb(s), except hand(s) or wrist(s) - see also Burn, arm(s), multiple sites

first degree 943.12

second degree 943.22

third degree 943.32

deep 943.42

with loss of body part 943.52

electricity, electric current - see Burn, by site

entire body - see Burn, multiple, specified sites

epididymis - see Burn, genitourinary organs, external

epigastric region - see Burn, abdomen

epiglottis 947.1

esophagus 947.2

extent (percent of body surface)

less than 10 percent 948.0

10-19 percent 948.1

20-29 percent 948.2

30-39 percent 948.3

40-49 percent 948.4

50-59 percent 948.5

60-69 percent 948.6

70-79 percent 948.7

80-89 percent 948.8

90 percent or more 948.9


lower - see Burn, leg

upper - see Burn, arm(s)

eye(s) (and adnexa) (only) 940.9


face, head, or neck 941.02

first degree 941.12

second degree 941.22

third degree 941.32

deep 941.42

with loss of body part 941.52

other sites (classifiable to more than one category in 940-945) - see Burn, multiple, specified sites

resulting rupture and destruction of eyeball 940.5

specified part - see Burn, by site

eyeball - see also Burn, eye

with resulting rupture and destruction of eyeball 940.5

eyelid(s) 940.1

chemical 940.0

face - see Burn, head

finger (nail) (subungual) 944.01


hand(s) - see Burn, hand(s), multiple sites

other sites - see Burn, multiple, specified sites

thumb 944.04

first degree 944.14

second degree 944.24

third degree 944.34

deep 944.44

with loss of body part 944.54

first degree 944.11

second degree 944.21

third degree 944.31

deep 944.41

with loss of body part 944.51

multiple (digits) 944.03

with thumb - see Burn, finger, with thumb

first degree 944.13

second degree 944.23

third degree 944.33

deep 944.43

with loss of body part 944.53

flank - see Burn, abdomen

foot 945.02


lower limb(s) - see Burn, leg, multiple sites

first degree 945.12

second degree 945.22

third degree 945.32

deep 945.42

with loss of body part 945.52

forearm(s) 943.01


upper limb(s), except hand(s) or wrist(s) - see Burn, arm(s), multiple sites

first degree 943.11

second degree 943.21

third degree 943.31

deep 943.41

with loss of body part 943.51

forehead 941.07


face or head - see Burn, head, multiple sites

first degree 941.17

second degree 941.27

third degree 941.37

deep 941.47

with loss of body part 941.57

fourth degree - see Burn, by site, third degree, deep

friction - see Injury, superficial, by site

from swallowing caustic or corrosive substance NEC - see Burn, internal organs

full thickness - see Burn, by site, third degree

gastrointestinal tract 947.3

genitourinary organs

external 942.05


trunk - see Burn, trunk, multiple sites

first degree 942.15

second degree 942.25

third degree 942.35

deep 942.45

with loss of body part 942.55

internal 947.8

globe (eye) - see Burn, eyeball

groin - see Burn, abdomen

gum 947.0

hand(s) (phalanges) (and wrist) 944.00

first degree 944.10

second degree 944.20

third degree 944.30

deep 944.40

with loss of body part 944.50

back (dorsal surface) 944.06

first degree 944.16

second degree 944.26

third degree 944.36

deep 944.46

with loss of body part 944.56

multiple sites 944.08

first degree 944.18

second degree 944.28

third degree 944.38

deep 944.48

with loss of body part 944.58

head (and face) 941.00

eye(s) only 940.9

specified part - see Burn, by site

first degree 941.10

second degree 941.20

third degree 941.30

deep 941.40

with loss of body part 941.50

multiple sites 941.09

with eyes - see Burn, eyes, with face, head, or neck

first degree 941.19

second degree 941.29

third degree 941.39

deep 941.49

with loss of body part 941.59

heel - see Burn, foot

hip - see Burn, trunk, specified site NEC

iliac region - see Burn, trunk, specified site NEC

infected 958.3

inhalation (see also Burn, internal organs) 947.9

internal organs 947.9

from caustic or corrosive substance (swallowing) NEC 947.9

specified NEC (see also Burn, by site) 947.8

interscapular region - see Burn, back

intestine (large) (small) 947.3

iris - see Burn, eyeball

knee 945.05


lower limb(s) - see Burn, leg, multiple sites

first degree 945.15

second degree 945.25

third degree 945.35

deep 945.45

with loss of body part 945.55

labium (majus) (minus) - see Burn, genitourinary organs, external

lacrimal apparatus, duct, gland, or sac 940.1

chemical 940.0

larynx 947.1

late effect - see Late, effects (of), burn

leg 945.00

first degree 945.10

second degree 945.20

third degree 945.30

deep 945.40

with loss of body part 945.50

lower 945.04

with other part(s) of lower limb(s) - see Burn, leg, multiple sites

first degree 945.14

second degree 945.24

third degree 945.34

deep 945.44

with loss of body part 945.54

multiple sites 945.09

first degree 945.19

second degree 945.29

third degree 945.39

deep 945.49

with loss of body part 945.59

upper - see Burn, thigh

lightning - see Burn, by site


lower (including foot or toe(s)) - see Burn, leg

upper (except wrist and hand) - see Burn, arm(s)

lip(s) 941.03


face or head - see Burn, head, multiple sites

first degree 941.13

second degree 941.23

third degree 941.33

deep 941.43

with loss of body part 941.53

lumbar region - see Burn, back

lung 947.1

malar region - see Burn, cheek

mastoid region - see Burn, scalp

membrane, tympanic - see Burn, ear

midthoracic region - see Burn, chest wall

mouth 947.0

multiple (see also Burn, unspecified) 949.0

specified sites classifiable to more than one category in 940-945 946.0

first degree 946.1

second degree 946.2

third degree 946.3

deep 946.4

with loss of body part 946.5

muscle, abdominal - see Burn, abdomen

nasal (septum) - see Burn, nose

neck 941.08


face or head - see Burn, head, multiple sites

first degree 941.18

second degree 941.28

third degree 941.38

deep 941.48

with loss of body part 941.58

nose (septum) 941.05


face or head - see Burn, head, multiple sites

first degree 941.15

second degree 941.25

third degree 941.35

deep 941.45

with loss of body part 941.55

occipital region - see Burn, scalp

orbit region 940.1

chemical 940.0

oronasopharynx 947.0

palate 947.0

palm(s) 944.05


hand(s) and wrist(s) - see Burn, hand(s), multiple sites

first degree 944.15

second degree 944.25

third degree 944.35

deep 944.45

with loss of a body part 944.55

parietal region - see Burn, scalp

penis - see Burn, genitourinary organs, external

perineum - see Burn, genitourinary organs, external

periocular area 940.1

chemical 940.0

pharynx 947.0

pleura 947.1

popliteal space - see Burn, knee

prepuce - see Burn, genitourinary organs, external

pubic region - see Burn, genitourinary organs, external

pudenda - see Burn, genitourinary organs, external

rectum 947.3

sac, lacrimal 940.1

chemical 940.0

sacral region - see Burn, back

salivary (ducts) (glands) 947.0

scalp 941.06


face or neck - see Burn, head, multiple sites

first degree 941.16

second degree 941.26

third degree 941.36

deep 941.46

with loss of body part 941.56

scapular region 943.06


upper limb(s), except hand(s) or wrist(s) - see Burn, arm(s), multiple sites

first degree 943.16

second degree 943.26

third degree 943.36

deep 943.46

with loss of body part 943.56

sclera - see Burn, eyeball

scrotum - see Burn, genitourinary organs, external

septum, nasal - see Burn, nose

shoulder(s) 943.05


hand(s) and wrist(s) - see Burn, multiple, specified sites

upper limb(s), except hand(s) or wrist(s) - see Burn, arm(s), multiple sites

first degree 943.15

second degree 943.25

third degree 943.35

deep 943.45

with loss of body part 943.55

skin NEC (see also Burn, unspecified) 949.0

skull - see Burn, head

small intestine 947.3

sternal region - see Burn, chest wall

stomach 947.3

subconjunctival - see Burn, conjunctiva

subcutaneous - see Burn, by site, third degree

submaxillary region - see Burn, head

submental region - see Burn, chin

sun - see Sunburn

supraclavicular fossa - see Burn, neck

supraorbital - see Burn, forehead

temple - see Burn, scalp

temporal region - see Burn, scalp

testicle - see Burn, genitourinary organs, external

testis - see Burn, genitourinary organs, external

thigh 945.06


lower limb(s) - see Burn, leg, multiple sites

first degree 945.16

second degree 945.26

third degree 945.36

deep 945.46

with loss of body part 945.56

thorax (external) - see Burn, chest wall

throat 947.0

thumb(s) (nail) (subungual) 944.02


finger(s) - see Burn, finger, with other sites, thumb

hand(s) and wrist(s) - see Burn, hand(s), multiple sites

first degree 944.12

second degree 944.22

third degree 944.32

deep 944.42

with loss of body part 944.52

toe (nail) (subungual) 945.01


lower limb(s) - see Burn, leg, multiple sites

first degree 945.11

second degree 945.21

third degree 945.31

deep 945.41

with loss of body part 945.51

tongue 947.0

tonsil 947.0

trachea 947.1

trunk 942.00

first degree 942.10

second degree 942.20

third degree 942.30

deep 942.40

with loss of body part 942.50

multiple sites 942.09

first degree 942.19

second degree 942.29

third degree 942.39

deep 942.49

with loss of body part 942.59

specified site NEC 942.09

first degree 942.19

second degree 942.29

third degree 942.39

deep 942.49

with loss of body part 942.59

tunica vaginalis - see Burn, genitourinary organs, external

tympanic membrane - see Burn, ear

tympanum - see Burn, ear

ultraviolet 692.82

unspecified site (multiple) 949.0

with extent of body surface involved specified

less than 10 percent 948.0

10-19 percent 948.1

20-29 percent 948.2

30-39 percent 948.3

40-49 percent 948.4

50-59 percent 948.5

60-69 percent 948.6

70-79 percent 948.7

80-89 percent 948.8

90 percent or more 948.9

first degree 949.1

second degree 949.2

third degree 949.3

deep 949.4

with loss of body part 949.5

uterus 947.4

uvula 947.0

vagina 947.4

vulva - see Burn, genitourinary organs, external

wrist(s) 944.07


hand(s) - see Burn, hand(s), multiple sites

first degree 944.17

second degree 944.27

third degree 944.37

deep 944.47

with loss of body part 944.57

Burnett's syndrome (milk-alkali) 275.42

Burnier's syndrome (hypophyseal dwarfism) 253.3


feet syndrome 266.2

sensation (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0

tongue 529.6

Burns' disease (osteochondrosis, lower ulna) 732.3

Bursa - see also condition

pharynx 478.29

Bursitis NEC 727.3

Achilles tendon 726.71

adhesive 726.90

shoulder 726.0

ankle 726.79

buttock 726.5

calcaneal 726.79

collateral ligament

fibular 726.63

tibial 726.62

Duplay's 726.2

elbow 726.33

finger 726.8

foot 726.79

gonococcal 098.52

hand 726.4

hip 726.5

infrapatellar 726.69

ischiogluteal 726.5

knee 726.60

occupational NEC 727.2

olecranon 726.33

pes anserinus 726.61

pharyngeal 478.29

popliteal 727.51

prepatellar 726.65

radiohumeral 727.3

scapulohumeral 726.19

adhesive 726.0

shoulder 726.10

adhesive 726.0

subacromial 726.19

adhesive 726.0

subcoracoid 726.19

subdeltoid 726.19

adhesive 726.0

subpatellar 726.69

syphilitic 095.7

Thornwaldt's, Tornwaldt's (pharyngeal) 478.29

toe 726.79

trochanteric area 726.5

wrist 726.4

Burst stitches or sutures (complication of surgery) (external) 998.32

internal 998.31

Buruli ulcer 031.1

Bury's disease (erythema elevatum diutinum) 695.89

Buschke's disease or scleredema (adultorum) 710.1

Busquet's disease (osteoperiostitis) (see also Osteomyelitis) 730.1

Busse-Buschke disease (cryptococcosis) 117.5

Buttock - see condition


Biskra 085.1

Delhi 085.1

oriental 085.1

Buttonhole hand (intrinsic) 736.21

Bwamba fever (encephalitis) 066.3

Byssinosis (occupational) 504

Bywaters' syndrome 958.5





The ICD-9-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee

Characteristics of the ICD-9-CM

The Disease Classification

Alphabetical Index of Diseases

Table of Drugs and Chemicals

Index To External Causes of Injury (E Code)

Classification of Procedures

Index to Procedures

Appendix A:
Morphology of Neoplasms

Appendix C:
Classification of Drugs by American Hospital Formulary Services List Number and their ICD-9-CM Equivalents

Appendix D:
Classification of Industrial Accidents According to Agency

Appendix E:
List of Three-Digit Categories

Copyright © 1995-2007 Photius Coutsoukis (All Rights Reserved).