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vertical line Table of Contents Alphabetical Index of Diseases and Injuries Explanation of Disease Classification

Alphabetical Index - T

This is a "green" web site. In order to conserve bandwidth, the alphabetical index of diseases and injuries is presented in a separate page for each letter of the alphabet. Click on a letter button to reach other index pages.


Tab - see Tag

Tabacism 989.84

Tabacosis 989.84

Tabardillo 080

flea-borne 081.0

louse-borne 080

Tabes, tabetic


central nervous system syphilis 094.0

Charc�t's joint 094.0 [713.5]

cord bladder 094.0

crisis, viscera (any) 094.0

paralysis, general 094.1

paresis (general) 094.1

perforating ulcer 094.0

arthropathy 094.0 [713.5]

bladder 094.0

bone 094.0

cerebrospinal 094.0

congenital 090.40

conjugal 094.0

dorsalis 094.0

neurosyphilis 094.0

early 094.0

juvenile 090.40

latent 094.0

mesenterica (see also Tuberculosis) 014.8

paralysis insane, general 094.1

peripheral (nonsyphilitic) 799.89

spasmodic 094.0

not dorsal or dorsalis 343.9

syphilis (cerebrospinal) 094.0

Taboparalysis 094.1

Taboparesis (remission) 094.1


Charc�t's joint 094.1 [713.5]

cord bladder 094.1

perforating ulcer 094.1

juvenile 090.40

Tache noir 923.20

Tachyalimentation 579.3

Tachyarrhythmia, tachyrhythmia - see also Tachycardia

paroxysmal with sinus bradycardia 427.81

Tachycardia 785.0

atrial 427.89

auricular 427.89

AV nodal re-entry (re-entrant) 427.89

junctional ectopic 427.0

newborn 779.82

nodal 427.89

nonparoxysmal atrioventricular 426.89

nonparoxysmal atrioventricular (nodal) 426.89

paroxysmal 427.2

with sinus bradycardia 427.81

atrial (PAT) 427.0

psychogenic 316 [427.0]

atrioventricular (AV) 427.0

psychogenic 316 [427.0]

essential 427.2

junctional 427.0

nodal 427.0

psychogenic 316 [427.2]

atrial 316 [427.0]

supraventricular 316 [427.0]

ventricular 316 [427.1]

supraventricular 427.0

psychogenic 316 [427.0]

ventricular 427.1

psychogenic 316 [427.1]

postoperative 997.1

psychogenic 306.2

sick sinus 427.81

sinoauricular 427.89

sinus 427.89

supraventricular 427.89

ventricular (paroxysmal) 427.1

psychogenic 316 [427.1]

Tachygastria 536.8

Tachypnea 786.06

hysterical 300.11

newborn (idiopathic) (transitory) 770.6

psychogenic 306.1

transitory, of newborn 770.6

Taenia (infection) (infestation) (see also Infestation, taenia) 123.3

diminuta 123.6

echinococcal infestation (see also Echinococcus) 122.9

nana 123.6

saginata infestation 123.2

solium (intestinal form) 123.0

larval form 123.1

Taeniasis (intestine) (see also Infestation, taenia) 123.3

saginata 123.2

solium 123.0

Taenzer's disease 757.4

Tag (hypertrophied skin) (infected) 701.9

adenoid 474.8

anus 455.9

endocardial (see also Endocarditis) 424.90

hemorrhoidal 455.9

hymen 623.8

perineal 624.8

preauricular 744.1

rectum 455.9

sentinel 455.9

skin 701.9

accessory 757.39

anus 455.9

congenital 757.39

preauricular 744.1

rectum 455.9

tonsil 474.8

urethra, urethral 599.84

vulva 624.8

Tahyna fever 062.5

Takayasu (-Onishi) disease or syndrome (pulseless disease) 446.7

Takotsubo syndrome 429.83

Talc granuloma 728.82

in operation wound 998.7

Talcosis 502

Talipes (congenital) 754.70

acquired NEC 736.79

planus 734

asymmetric 754.79

acquired 736.79

calcaneovalgus 754.62

acquired 736.76

calcaneovarus 754.59

acquired 736.76

calcaneus 754.79

acquired 736.76

cavovarus 754.59

acquired 736.75

cavus 754.71

acquired 736.73

equinovalgus 754.69

acquired 736.72

equinovarus 754.51

acquired 736.71

equinus 754.79

acquired, NEC 736.72

percavus 754.71

acquired 736.73

planovalgus 754.69

acquired 736.79

planus (acquired) (any degree) 734

congenital 754.61

due to rickets 268.1

valgus 754.60

acquired 736.79

varus 754.50

acquired 736.79

Talma's disease 728.85

Talon noir 924.20

hand 923.20

heel 924.20

toe 924.3

Tamponade heart (Rose's) (see also Pericarditis) 423.3

Tanapox 078.89

Tangier disease (familial high-density lipoprotein deficiency) 272.5

Tank ear 380.12

Tantrum (childhood) (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.1

Tapeworm (infection) (infestation) (see also Infestation, tapeworm) 123.9

Tapia's syndrome 352.6

Tarantism 297.8

Target-oval cell anemia 282.49

Tarlov's cyst 355.9

Tarral-Besnier disease (pityriasis rubra pilaris) 696.4

Tarsalgia 729.2

Tarsal tunnel syndrome 355.5

Tarsitis (eyelid) 373.00

syphilitic 095.8 [373.00]

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0 [373.4]

Tartar (teeth) 523.6

Tattoo (mark) 709.09

Taurodontism 520.2

Taussig-Bing defect, heart, or syndrome (transposition, aorta and overriding pulmonary artery) 745.11

Tay's choroiditis 363.41


amaurotic familial idiocy 330.1

disease 330.1

Taybi's syndrome (otopalatodigital) 759.89


disease (diffuse idiopathic cutaneous atrophy) 701.8

syndrome 625.5

Tear, torn (traumatic) - see also Wound, open, by site

anus, anal (sphincter) 863.89

with open wound in cavity 863.99

complicating delivery (healed) (old) 654.8

with mucosa 664.3

not associated with third-degree perineal laceration 664.6

nontraumatic, nonpuerperal (healed) (old) 569.43

articular cartilage, old (see also Disorder, cartilage, articular) 718.0



abortion - see Abortion, by type, with damage to pelvic organs

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.2

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.2


abortion 639.2

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.2

obstetrical trauma 665.5



abortion - see Abortion, by type, with damage to pelvic organs

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.2

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.2


abortion 639.2

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.2

obstetrical trauma 665.5

broad ligament


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with damage to pelvic organs

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.2

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.2


abortion 639.2

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.2

obstetrical trauma 665.6

bucket handle (knee) (meniscus) - see Tear, meniscus


joint - see Sprain, by site

spleen - see Laceration, spleen, capsule

cartilage - see also Sprain, by site

articular, old (see also Disorder, cartilage, articular) 718.0

knee - see Tear, meniscus

semilunar (knee) (current injury) - see Tear, meniscus



abortion - see Abortion, by type, with damage to pelvic organs

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.2

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.2


abortion 639.2

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.2

obstetrical trauma (current) 665.3

old 622.3

dural 998.2

internal organ (abdomen, chest, or pelvis) - see Injury, internal, by site

ligament - see also Sprain, by site

with open wound - see Wound, open by site

meniscus (knee) (current injury) 836.2

bucket handle 836.0

old 717.0

lateral 836.1

anterior horn 836.1

old 717.42

bucket handle 836.1

old 717.41

old 717.40

posterior horn 836.1

old 717.43

specified site NEC 836.1

old 717.49

medial 836.0

anterior horn 836.0

old 717.1

bucket handle 836.0

old 717.0

old 717.3

posterior horn 836.0

old 717.2

old NEC 717.5

site other than knee - see Sprain, by site

muscle - see also Sprain, by site

with open wound - see Wound, open by site


floor, complicating delivery 664.1

organ NEC


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with damage to pelvic organs

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.2

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.2


abortion 639.2

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.2

obstetrical trauma 665.5

perineum - see also Laceration, perineum

obstetrical trauma 665.5

periurethral tissue


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with damage to pelvic organs

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.2

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.2


abortion 639.2

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.2

obstetrical trauma 665.5

rectovaginal septum - see Laceration, rectovaginal septum

retina, retinal (recent) (with detachment) 361.00

without detachment 361.30

dialysis (juvenile) (with detachment) 361.04

giant (with detachment) 361.03

horseshoe (without detachment) 361.32

multiple (with detachment) 361.02

without detachment 361.33


delimited (partial) 361.06

partial 361.06

total or subtotal 361.07

partial (without detachment)

giant 361.03

multiple defects 361.02

old (delimited) 361.06

single defect 361.01

round hole (without detachment) 361.31

single defect (with detachment) 361.01

total or subtotal (recent) 361.05

old 361.07

rotator cuff(traumatic) 840.4

current injury 840.4

degenerative 726.10

nontraumatic 727.61

semilunar cartilage, knee (see also Tear, meniscus) 836.2

old 717.5

tendon - see also Sprain, by site

with open wound - see Wound, open by site

tentorial, at birth 767.0

umbilical cord

affecting fetus or newborn 772.0

complicating delivery 663.8



abortion - see Abortion, by type, with damage to pelvic organs

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.2

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.2


abortion 639.2

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.2

obstetrical trauma 665.5

uterus - see Injury, internal, uterus

vagina - see Laceration, vagina

vessel, from catheter 998.2

vulva, complicating delivery 664.0

Tear stone 375.57

Teeth, tooth - see also condition

grinding 306.8

prenatal 520.6

Teething 520.7

syndrome 520.7

Tegmental syndrome 344.89

Telangiectasia, telangiectasis (verrucous) 448.9

ataxic (cerebellar) 334.8

familial 448.0

hemorrhagic, hereditary (congenital) (senile) 448.0

hereditary hemorrhagic 448.0

retina 362.15

spider 448.1

Telecanthus (congenital) 743.63

Telescoped bowel or intestine (see also Intussusception) 560.0

Teletherapy, adverse effect NEC 990

Telogen effluvium 704.02


body, high (of unknown origin) (see also Pyrexia) 780.6

cold, trauma from 991.9

newborn 778.2

specified effect NEC 991.8


body (of unknown origin) (see also Pyrexia) 780.6

trauma from - see Heat

Temper tantrum (childhood) (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.1

Temple - see condition

Temporal - see also condition

lobe syndrome 310.0

Temporomandibular joint-pain-dysfunction syndrome 524.60

Temporosphenoidal - see condition


bleeding (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.9

homosexual, ego-dystonic 302.0

paranoid 301.0

suicide 300.9


abdominal (generalized) (localized) 789.6

rebound 789.6

skin 782.0

Tendinitis, tendonitis (see also Tenosynovitis) 726.90

Achilles 726.71

adhesive 726.90

shoulder 726.0

calcific 727.82

shoulder 726.11

gluteal 726.5

patellar 726.64

peroneal 726.79

pes anserinus 726.61

psoas 726.5

tibialis (anterior) (posterior) 726.72

trochanteric 726.5

Tendon - see condition

Tendosynovitis - see Tenosynovitis

Tendovaginitis - see Tenosynovitis

Tenesmus 787.99

rectal 787.99

vesical 788.9

Tenia - see Taenia

Teniasis - see Taeniasis

Tennis elbow 726.32

Tenonitis - see also Tenosynovitis

eye (capsule) 376.04

Tenontosynovitis - see Tenosynovitis

Tenontothecitis - see Tenosynovitis

Tenophyte 727.9

Tenosynovitis 727.00

adhesive 726.90

shoulder 726.0

ankle 727.06

bicipital (calcifying) 726.12

buttock 727.09

due to crystals - see Arthritis, due to crystals

elbow 727.09

finger 727.05

foot 727.06

gonococcal 098.51

hand 727.05

hip 727.09

knee 727.09

radial styloid 727.04

shoulder 726.10

adhesive 726.0

spine 720.1

supraspinatus 726.10

toe 727.06

tuberculous - see Tuberculosis, tenosynovitis

wrist 727.05

Tenovaginitis - see Tenosynovitis


arterial, high (see also Hypertension) 401.9

without diagnosis of hypertension 796.2

headache 307.81

intraocular (elevated) 365.00

nervous 799.2

ocular (elevated) 365.00

pneumothorax 512.0

iatrogenic 512.1

postoperative 512.1

spontaneous 512.0

premenstrual 625.4

state 300.9

Tentorium - see condition

Teratencephalus 759.89

Teratism 759.7

Teratoblastoma (malignant) (M9080/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

Teratocarcinoma (M9081/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

liver 155.0

Teratoma (solid) (M9080/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

adult (cystic) (M9080/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

and embryonal carcinoma, mixed (M9081/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

benign (M9080/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

combined with choriocarcinoma (M9101/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

cystic (adult) (M9080/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

differentiated type (M9080/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

embryonal (M9080/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

liver 155.0


sacral, causing fetopelvic disproportion 653.7

immature (M9080/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

liver (M9080/3) 155.0

adult, benign, cystic, differentiated type, or mature (M9080/0) 211.5

malignant (M9080/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

anaplastic type (M9082/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

intermediate type (M9083/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

liver (M9080/3) 155.0

trophoblastic (M9102/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 186.9

undifferentiated type (M9082/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

mature (M9080/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

malignant (M9080/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

ovary (M9080/0) 220

embryonal, immature, or malignant (M9080/3) 183.0

suprasellar (M9080/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

testis (M9080/3) 186.9

adult, benign, cystic, differentiated type or mature (M9080/0) 222.0

undescended 186.0

Terminal care V66.7


anomalous - see also Malposition, congenital

portal vein 747.49

right pulmonary vein 747.42

pregnancy (legal) (therapeutic) (see Abortion, legal) 635.9

fetus NEC 779.6

illegal (see also Abortion, illegal) 636.9

Ternidens diminutus infestation 127.7

Terrors, night (child) 307.46

Terry's syndrome 362.21

Tertiary - see condition

Tessellated fundus, retina (tigroid) 362.89



hemodialysis V56.31

peritoneal dialysis V56.32

AIDS virus V72.6

allergen V72.7

bacterial disease NEC (see also Screening, by name of disease) V74.9

basal metabolic rate V72.6

blood-alcohol V70.4

blood-drug V70.4

for therapeutic drug monitoring V58.83

blood typing V72.86

Rh typing V72.86

developmental, infant or child V20.2

Dick V74.8

fertility V26.21


female V26.32

for genetic disease carrier status

female V26.31

male V26.34

male V26.39

hearing V72.19

following failed hearing screening V72.11

HIV V72.6

human immunodeficiency virus V72.6

Kveim V82.89

laboratory V72.6

for medicolegal reason V70.4

male partner of habitual aborter V26.35

Mantoux (for tuberculosis) V74.1

mycotic organism V75.4

parasitic agent NEC V75.8

paternity V70.4

peritoneal equilibration V56.32


negative result V72.41

positive result V72.42

first pregnancy V72.42

unconfirmed V72.40

preoperative V72.84

cardiovascular V72.81

respiratory V72.82

specified NEC V72.83

procreative management NEC V26.29

genetic disease carrier status

female V26.31

male V26.34

Rh typing V72.86

sarcoidosis V82.89

Schick V74.3

Schultz-Charlton V74.8

skin, diagnostic

allergy V72.7

bacterial agent NEC (see also Screening, by name of disease) V74.9

Dick V74.8

hypersensitivity V72.7

Kveim V82.89

Mantoux V74.1

mycotic organism V75.4

parasitic agent NEC V75.8

sarcoidosis V82.89

Schick V74.3

Schultz-Charlton V74.8

tuberculin V74.1

specified type NEC V72.85

tuberculin V74.1

vision V72.0


positive (see also Serology for syphilis, positive) 097.1

false 795.6

Testicle, testicular, testis - see also condition

feminization (syndrome) 259.5

Tetanus, tetanic (cephalic) (convulsions) 037


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0

molar pregnancy (see categories 630-632) 639.0


abortion 639.0

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.0

inoculation V03.7

reaction (due to serum) - see Complications, vaccination

neonatorum 771.3

puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670

Tetany, tetanic 781.7

alkalosis 276.3

associated with rickets 268.0

convulsions 781.7

hysterical 300.11

functional (hysterical) 300.11

hyperkinetic 781.7

hysterical 300.11

hyperpnea 786.01

hysterical 300.11

psychogenic 306.1

hyperventilation 786.01

hysterical 300.11

psychogenic 306.1

hypocalcemic, neonatal 775.4

hysterical 300.11

neonatal 775.4

parathyroid (gland) 252.1

parathyroprival 252.1

postoperative 252.1

postthyroidectomy 252.1

pseudotetany 781.7

hysterical 300.11

psychogenic 306.1

specified as conversion reaction 300.11

Tetralogy of Fallot 745.2

Tetraplegia - see Quadriplegia

Thailand hemorrhagic fever 065.4

Thalassanemia 282.49

Thalassemia (alpha) (beta) (disease) (Hb-C) (Hb-D) (Hb-E) (Hb-H) (Hb-I) (high fetal gene) (high fetal hemoglobin) (intermedia) (major) (minima) (minor) (mixed) (trait) (with other hemoglobinopathy) 282.49

Hb-S (without crisis) 282.41


crisis 282.42

vaso-occlusive pain 282.42

sickle-cell (without crisis) 282.41


crisis 282.42

vaso-occlusive pain 282.42

Thalassemic variants 282.49

Thaysen-Gee disease (nontropical sprue) 579.0

Thecoma (M8600/0) 220

malignant (M8600/3) 183.0

Thelarche, precocious 259.1

Thelitis 611.0

puerperal, postpartum 675.0

Therapeutic - see condition

Therapy V57.9

blood transfusion, without reported diagnosis V58.2

breathing V57.0

chemotherapy, antineoplastic V58.11

fluoride V07.31

prophylactic NEC V07.39

dialysis (intermittent) (treatment)

extracorporeal V56.0

peritoneal V56.8

renal V56.0

specified type NEC V56.8

exercise NEC V57.1

breathing V57.0

extracorporeal dialysis (renal) V56.0

fluoride prophylaxis V07.31

hemodialysis V56.0

hormone replacement (postmenopausal ) V07.4

immunotherapy antineoplastic V58.12

long term oxygen therapy V46.2

occupational V57.21

orthoptic V57.4

orthotic V57.81

peritoneal dialysis V56.8

physical NEC V57.1

postmenopausal hormone replacement V07.4

radiation V58.0

speech V57.3

vocational V57.22

Thermalgesia 782.0

Thermalgia 782.0

Thermanalgesia 782.0

Thermanesthesia 782.0

Thermic - see condition

Thermography (abnormal) 793.99

breast 793.89

Thermoplegia 992.0


amyloid 277.39

bilirubin 277.4

calcium 275.40

cystine 270.0

glycogen (see also Disease, glycogen storage) 271.0

kerasin 272.7

lipoid 272.7

melanin 255.41

phosphatide 272.7

urate 274.9

Thiaminic deficiency 265.1

with beriberi 265.0

Thibierge-Weissenbach syndrome (cutaneous systemic sclerosis) 710.1

Thickened endometrium 793.5


bone 733.99

extremity 733.99

breast 611.79

hymen 623.3

larynx 478.79

nail 703.8

congenital 757.5

periosteal 733.99

pleura (see also Pleurisy) 511.0

skin 782.8

subepiglottic 478.79

tongue 529.8

valve, heart - see Endocarditis

Thiele syndrome 724.6

Thigh - see condition

Thinning vertebra (see also Osteoporosis) 733.00

Thirst, excessive 783.5

due to deprivation of water 994.3

Thomsen's disease 359.22

Thomson's disease (congenital poikiloderma) 757.33

Thoracic - see also condition

kidney 753.3

outlet syndrome 353.0

stomach - see Hernia, diaphragm

Thoracogastroschisis (congenital) 759.89

Thoracopagus 759.4

Thoracoschisis 756.3

Thoracoscopic surgical procedure converted to open procedure V64.42

Thorax - see condition

Thorn's syndrome (see also Disease, renal) 593.9

Thornwaldt's, Tornwaldt's

bursitis (pharyngeal) 478.29

cyst 478.26

disease (pharyngeal bursitis) 478.29

Thorson-Bi�rck syndrome (malignant carcinoid) 259.2

Threadworm (infection) (infestation) 127.4


abortion or miscarriage 640.0

with subsequent abortion (see also Abortion, spontaneous) 634.9

affecting fetus 762.1

labor 644.1

affecting fetus or newborn 761.8

premature 644.0

miscarriage 640.0

affecting fetus 762.1


delivery 644.2

affecting fetus or newborn 761.8

labor 644.0

before 22 completed weeks gestation 640.0

Three-day fever 066.0

Threshers' lung 495.0

Thrix annulata (congenital) 757.4

Throat - see condition

Thrombasthenia (Glanzmann's) (hemorrhagic) (hereditary) 287.1

Thromboangiitis 443.1

obliterans (general) 443.1

cerebral 437.1


brain 437.1

spinal cord 437.1

Thromboarteritis - see Arteritis

Thromboasthenia (Glanzmann's) (hemorrhagic) (hereditary) 287.1

Thrombocytasthenia (Glanzmann's) 287.1

Thrombocythemia (primary) (M9962/1) 238.71

essential 238.71

hemorrhagic 238.71

idiopathic (hemorrhagic) (M9962/1) 238.71

Thrombocytopathy (dystrophic) (granulopenic) 287.1

Thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic 287.5


absent radii (TAR) syndrome 287.33

giant hemangioma 287.39

amegakaryocytic, congenital 287.33

congenital 287.33

cyclic 287.39

dilutional 287.4

due to

drugs 287.4

extracorporeal circulation of blood 287.4

massive blood transfusion 287.4

platelet alloimmunization 287.4

essential 287.30

hereditary 287.33

Kasabach-Merritt 287.39

neonatal, transitory 776.1

due to

exchange transfusion 776.1

idiopathic maternal thrombocytopenia 776.1

isoimmunization 776.1

primary 287.30

puerperal, postpartum 666.3

purpura (see also Purpura, thrombocytopenic) 287.30

thrombotic 446.6

secondary 287.4

sex-linked 287.39

Thrombocytosis 238.71

essential 238.71

primary 238.71

Thromboembolism - see Embolism

Thrombopathy (Bernard-Soulier) 287.1

constitutional 286.4

Willebrand-J�rgens (angiohemophilia) 286.4

Thrombopenia (see also Thrombocytopenia) 287.5

Thrombophlebitis 451.9

antecubital vein 451.82

antepartum (superficial) 671.2

affecting fetus or newborn 760.3

deep 671.3

arm 451.89

deep 451.83

superficial 451.82

breast, superficial 451.89

cavernous (venous) sinus - see Thrombophlebitis, intracranial venous sinus

cephalic vein 451.82

cerebral (sinus) (vein) 325

late effect - see category 326

nonpyogenic 437.6

in pregnancy or puerperium 671.5

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

due to implanted device - see Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC

during or resulting from a procedure NEC 997.2

femoral 451.11

femoropopliteal 451.19

following infusion, perfusion, or transfusion 999.2

hepatic (vein) 451.89

idiopathic, recurrent 453.1

iliac vein 451.81

iliofemoral 451.11

intracranial venous sinus (any) 325

late effect - see category 326

nonpyogenic 437.6

in pregnancy or puerperium 671.5

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

jugular vein 451.89

lateral (venous) sinus - see Thrombophlebitis, intracranial venous sinus

leg 451.2

deep (vessels) 451.19

femoral vein 451.11

specified vessel NEC 451.19

superficial (vessels) 451.0

femoral vein 451.11

longitudinal (venous) sinus - see Thrombophlebitis, intracranial venous sinus

lower extremity 451.2

deep (vessels) 451.19

femoral vein 451.11

specified vessel NEC 451.19

superficial (vessels) 451.0

migrans, migrating 453.1



abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0


abortion 639.0

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.0

puerperal 671.4

popliteal vein 451.19

portal (vein) 572.1

postoperative 997.2

pregnancy (superficial) 671.2

affecting fetus or newborn 760.3

deep 671.3

puerperal, postpartum, childbirth (extremities) (superficial) 671.2

deep 671.4

pelvic 671.4

specified site NEC 671.5

radial vein 451.82

saphenous (greater) (lesser) 451.0

sinus (intracranial) - see Thrombophlebitis, intracranial venous sinus

specified site NEC 451.89

tibial vein 451.19

Thrombosis, thrombotic (marantic) (multiple) (progressive) (vein) (vessel) 453.9

with childbirth or during the puerperium - see Thrombosis, puerperal, postpartum

antepartum - see Thrombosis, pregnancy

aorta, aortic 444.1

abdominal 444.0

bifurcation 444.0

saddle 444.0

terminal 444.0

thoracic 444.1

valve - see Endocarditis, aortic

apoplexy (see also Thrombosis, brain) 434.0

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

appendix, septic - see Appendicitis, acute

arteriolar-capillary platelet, disseminated 446.6

artery, arteries (postinfectional) 444.9

auditory, internal 433.8

basilar (see also Occlusion, artery, basilar) 433.0

carotid (common) (internal) (see also Occlusion, artery, carotid) 433.1

with other precerebral artery 433.3

cerebellar (anterior inferior) (posterior inferior) (superior) 433.8

cerebral (see also Thrombosis, brain) 434.0

choroidal (anterior) 433.8

communicating posterior 433.8

coronary (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9

without myocardial infarction 411.81

due to syphilis 093.89

healed or specified as old 412

extremities 444.22

lower 444.22

upper 444.21

femoral 444.22

hepatic 444.89

hypophyseal 433.8

meningeal, anterior or posterior 433.8

mesenteric (with gangrene) 557.0

ophthalmic (see also Occlusion, retina) 362.30

pontine 433.8

popliteal 444.22

precerebral - see Occlusion, artery, precerebral NEC

pulmonary 415.19

iatrogenic 415.11

postoperative 415.11

septic 415.12

renal 593.81

retinal (see also Occlusion, retina) 362.30

specified site NEC 444.89

spinal, anterior or posterior 433.8

traumatic (complication) (early) (see also Injury, blood vessel, by site) 904.9

vertebral (see also Occlusion, artery, vertebral) 433.2

with other precerebral artery 433.3

atrial (endocardial) 424.90

without endocarditis 429.89

due to syphilis 093.89

auricular (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9

axillary (vein) 453.8

basilar (artery) (see also Occlusion, artery, basilar) 433.0

bland NEC 453.9

brain (artery) (stem) 434.0

due to syphilis 094.89

iatrogenic 997.02

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

postoperative 997.02

puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 674.0

sinus (see also Thrombosis, intracranial venous sinus) 325

capillary 448.9

arteriolar, generalized 446.6

cardiac (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9

due to syphilis 093.89

healed or specified as old 412

valve - see Endocarditis

carotid (artery) (common) (internal) (see also Occlusion, artery, carotid) 433.1

with other precerebral artery 433.3

cavernous sinus (venous) - see Thrombosis, intracranial venous sinus

cerebellar artery (anterior inferior) (posterior inferior) (superior) 433.8

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

cerebral (arteries) (see also Thrombosis, brain) 434.0

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

coronary (artery) (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9

without myocardial infarction 411.81

due to syphilis 093.89

healed or specified as old 412

corpus cavernosum 607.82

cortical (see also Thrombosis, brain) 434.0

due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classifiable to 996.0-996.5 - see Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC

effort 453.8

endocardial - see Infarct, myocardium

eye (see also Occlusion, retina) 362.30

femoral (vein) 453.8

with inflammation or phlebitis 451.11

artery 444.22

deep 453.41

genital organ, male 608.83

heart (chamber) (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9

hepatic (vein) 453.0

artery 444.89

infectional or septic 572.1

iliac (vein) 453.8

with inflammation or phlebitis 451.81

artery (common) (external) (internal) 444.81

inflammation, vein - see Thrombophlebitis

internal carotid artery (see also Occlusion, artery, carotid) 433.1

with other precerebral artery 433.3

intestine (with gangrene) 557.0

intracranial (see also Thrombosis, brain) 434.0

venous sinus (any) 325

nonpyogenic origin 437.6

in pregnancy or puerperium 671.5

intramural (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9


cardiac condition 429.89

coronary artery disease 429.89

myocardial infarction 429.89

healed or specified as old 412

jugular (bulb) 453.8

kidney 593.81

artery 593.81

lateral sinus (venous) - see Thrombosis, intracranial venous sinus

leg 453.8

with inflammation or phlebitis - see Thrombophlebitis

deep (vessels) 453.40

lower (distal) 453.42

upper (proximal) 453.41

superficial (vessels) 453.8

liver (venous) 453.0

artery 444.89

infectional or septic 572.1

portal vein 452

longitudinal sinus (venous) - see Thrombosis, intracranial venous sinus

lower extremity 453.8

deep vessels 453.40

calf 453.42

distal (lower leg) 453.42

femoral 453.41

iliac 453.41

lower leg 453.42

peroneal 453.42

popliteal 453.41

proximal (upper leg) 453.41

thigh 453.41

tibial 453.42

lung 415.19

iatrogenic 415.11

postoperative 415.11

septic 415.12

marantic, dural sinus 437.6

meninges (brain) (see also Thrombosis, brain) 434.0

mesenteric (artery) (with gangrene) 557.0

vein (inferior) (superior) 557.0

mitral - see Insufficiency, mitral

mural (heart chamber) (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9


cardiac condition 429.89

coronary artery disease 429.89

myocardial infarction 429.89

due to syphilis 093.89

following myocardial infarction 429.79

healed or specified as old 412

omentum (with gangrene) 557.0

ophthalmic (artery) (see also Occlusion, retina) 362.30

pampiniform plexus (male) 608.83

female 620.8

parietal (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9

penis, penile 607.82

peripheral arteries 444.22

lower 444.22

upper 444.21

platelet 446.6

portal 452

due to syphilis 093.89

infectional or septic 572.1

precerebral artery - see also Occlusion, artery, precerebral NEC

pregnancy 671.9

deep (vein) 671.3

superficial (vein) 671.2

puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 671.9

brain (artery) 674.0

venous 671.5

cardiac 674.8

cerebral (artery) 674.0

venous 671.5

deep (vein) 671.4

intracranial sinus (nonpyogenic) (venous) 671.5

pelvic 671.4

pulmonary (artery) 673.2

specified site NEC 671.5

superficial 671.2

pulmonary (artery) (vein) 415.19

iatrogenic 415.11

postoperative 415.11

septic 415.12

renal (artery) 593.81

vein 453.3

resulting from presence of shunt or other internal prosthetic device - see Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classifiable to 996.0-996.5 NEC

retina, retinal (artery) 362.30

arterial branch 362.32

central 362.31

partial 362.33


central 362.35

tributary (branch) 362.36

scrotum 608.83

seminal vesicle 608.83

sigmoid (venous) sinus (see Thrombosis, intracranial venous sinus) 325

silent NEC 453.9

sinus, intracranial (venous) (any) (see also Thrombosis, intracranial venous sinus) 325

softening, brain (see also Thrombosis, brain) 434.0

specified site NEC 453.8

spermatic cord 608.83

spinal cord 336.1

due to syphilis 094.89

in pregnancy or puerperium 671.5

pyogenic origin 324.1

late effect - see category 326

spleen, splenic 289.59

artery 444.89

testis 608.83

traumatic (complication) (early) (see also Injury, blood vessel, by site) 904.9

tricuspid - see Endocarditis, tricuspid

tumor - see Neoplasm, by site

tunica vaginalis 608.83

umbilical cord (vessels) 663.6

affecting fetus or newborn 762.6

vas deferens 608.83


deep 453.40

lower extremity - see Thrombosis, lower extremity

vena cava (inferior) (superior) 453.2

Thrombus - see Thrombosis

Thrush 112.0

newborn 771.7

Thumb - see also condition

gamekeeper's 842.12

sucking (child problem) 307.9

Thygeson's superficial punctate keratitis 370.21

Thymergasia (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.80

Thymitis 254.8

Thymoma (benign) (M8580/0) 212.6

malignant (M8580/3) 164.0

Thymus, thymic (gland) - see condition

Thyrocele (see also Goiter) 240.9

Thyroglossal - see also condition

cyst 759.2

duct, persistent 759.2

Thyroid (body) (gland) - see also condition

hormone resistance 246.8

lingual 759.2

Thyroiditis 245.9

acute (pyogenic) (suppurative) 245.0

nonsuppurative 245.0

autoimmune 245.2

chronic (nonspecific) (sclerosing) 245.8

fibrous 245.3

lymphadenoid 245.2

lymphocytic 245.2

lymphoid 245.2

complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 648.1

de Quervain's (subacute granulomatous) 245.1

fibrous (chronic) 245.3

giant (cell) (follicular) 245.1

granulomatous (de Quervain's) (subacute) 245.1

Hashimoto's (struma lymphomatosa) 245.2

iatrogenic 245.4

invasive (fibrous) 245.3

ligneous 245.3

lymphocytic (chronic) 245.2

lymphoid 245.2

lymphomatous 245.2

pseudotuberculous 245.1

pyogenic 245.0

radiation 245.4

Riedel's (ligneous) 245.3

subacute 245.1

suppurative 245.0

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.5

viral 245.1

woody 245.3

Thyrolingual duct, persistent 759.2

Thyromegaly 240.9


crisis or storm (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9

heart failure (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9 [425.7]

Thyrotoxicosis 242.9

Note68Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with category 242:

����������������������� 0��������� without mention of thyrotoxic crisis or storm
����������������������� 1��������� with mention of thyrotoxic crisis or storm


goiter (diffuse) 242.0

adenomatous 242.3

multinodular 242.2

uninodular 242.1

nodular 242.3

multinodular 242.2

uninodular 242.1


dermopathy 242.0

ophthalmopathy 242.0

thyroid acropachy 242.0

complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 648.1

due to

ectopic thyroid nodule 242.4

ingestion of (excessive) thyroid material 242.8

specified cause NEC 242.8

factitia 242.8

heart 242.9 [425.7]

neonatal (transient) 775.3

TIA (transient ischemic attack) 435.9

with transient neurologic deficit 435.9

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

Tibia vara 732.4

Tic 307.20

breathing 307.20

child problem 307.21

compulsive 307.22

convulsive 307.20

degenerative (generalized) (localized) 333.3

facial 351.8

douloureux (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) 350.1

atypical 350.2

habit 307.20

chronic (motor or vocal) 307.22

transient (of childhood) 307.21

lid 307.20

transient (of childhood) 307.21

motor-verbal 307.23

occupational 300.89

orbicularis 307.20

transient (of childhood) 307.21

organic origin 333.3

postchoreic - see Chorea

psychogenic 307.20

compulsive 307.22

salaam 781.0

spasm 307.20

chronic (motor or vocal) 307.22

transient (of childhood) 307.21

Tick (-borne) fever NEC 066.1

American mountain 066.1

Colorado 066.1

hemorrhagic NEC 065.3

Crimean 065.0

Kyasanur Forest 065.2

Omsk 065.1

mountain 066.1

nonexanthematous 066.1

Tick-bite fever NEC 066.1

African 087.1

Colorado (virus) 066.1

Rocky Mountain 082.0

Tick paralysis 989.5

Tics and spasms, compulsive 307.22

Tietze's disease or syndrome 733.6

Tight, tightness

anus 564.89

chest 786.59

fascia (lata) 728.9

foreskin (congenital) 605

hymen 623.3

introitus (acquired) (congenital) 623.3

rectal sphincter 564.89

tendon 727.81

Achilles (heel) 727.81

urethral sphincter 598.9

Tilting vertebra 737.9

Timidity, child 313.21

Tinea (intersecta) (tarsi) 110.9

amiantacea 110.0

asbestina 110.0

barbae 110.0

beard 110.0

black dot 110.0

blanca 111.2

capitis 110.0

corporis 110.5

cruris 110.3

decalvans 704.09

flava 111.0

foot 110.4

furfuracea 111.0

imbricata (Tokelau) 110.5

lepothrix 039.0

manuum 110.2

microsporic (see also Dermatophytosis) 110.9

nigra 111.1

nodosa 111.2

pedis 110.4

scalp 110.0

specified site NEC 110.8

sycosis 110.0

tonsurans 110.0

trichophytic (see also Dermatophytosis) 110.9

unguium 110.1

versicolor 111.0

Tingling sensation (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0

Tin-miners' lung 503

Tinnitus (aurium) 388.30

audible 388.32

objective 388.32

subjective 388.31

Tipped, teeth 524.33


pelvis 738.6

with disproportion (fetopelvic) 653.0

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

causing obstructed labor 660.1

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

teeth 524.33

Tiredness 780.79

Tissue - see condition


abuse (affecting health) NEC (see also Abuse, drugs, nondependent) 305.1

heart 989.84

use disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium 649.0

Tobias' syndrome (carcinoma, pulmonary apex) (M8010/3) 162.3

Tocopherol deficiency 269.1


cirrhosis - see Cirrhosis, biliary

paralysis (postepileptic transitory paralysis) 344.89

Toe - see condition

Toilet, artificial opening (see also Attention to, artificial, opening) V55.9

Tokelau ringworm 110.5

Tollwut 071

Tolosa-Hunt syndrome 378.55

Tommaselli's disease

correct substance properly administered 599.7

overdose or wrong substance given or taken 961.4

Tongue - see also condition

worms 134.1

Tongue tie 750.0

Toni-Fanconi syndrome (cystinosis) 270.0

Tonic pupil 379.46

Tonsil - see condition

Tonsillitis (acute) (catarrhal) (croupous) (follicular) (gangrenous) (infective) (lacunar) (lingual) (malignant) (membranous) (phlegmonous) (pneumococcal) (pseudomembranous) (purulent) (septic) (staphylococcal) (subacute) (suppurative) (toxic) (ulcerative) (vesicular) (viral) 463

with influenza, flu, or grippe 487.1

chronic 474.00

diphtheritic (membranous) 032.0

hypertrophic 474.00

influenzal 487.1

parenchymatous 475

streptococcal 034.0

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 012.8

Vincent's 101

Tonsillopharyngitis 465.8

Tooth, teeth - see condition

Toothache 525.9

Topagnosis 782.0

Tophi (gouty) 274.0

ear 274.81

heart 274.82

specified site NEC 274.82

Torn - see Tear, torn

Tornwaldt's bursitis (disease) (pharyngeal bursitis) 478.29

cyst 478.26

Torpid liver 573.9


accessory tube 620.5

adnexa (female) 620.5

aorta (congenital) 747.29

acquired 447.1


epididymis 608.24

testis 608.23

bile duct 576.8

with calculus, choledocholithiasis or stones - see Choledocholithiasis

congenital 751.69

bowel, colon, or intestine 560.2

cervix see - Malposition, uterus

duodenum 537.3

dystonia - see Dystonia, torsion

epididymis 608.24

appendix 608.24

fallopian tube 620.5

gallbladder (see also Disease, gallbladder) 575.8

congenital 751.69

gastric 537.89

hydatid of Morgagni (female) 620.5

kidney (pedicle) 593.89

Meckel's diverticulum (congenital) 751.0

mesentery 560.2

omentum 560.2

organ or site, congenital NEC - see Anomaly, specified type NEC

ovary (pedicle) 620.5

congenital 752.0

oviduct 620.5

penis 607.89

congenital 752.69

renal 593.89

spasm - see Dystonia, torsion

spermatic cord 608.22

extravaginal 608.21

intravaginal 608.22

spleen 289.59

testicle, testis 608.20

appendix 608.23

tibia 736.89

umbilical cord - see Compression, umbilical cord

uterus (see also Malposition, uterus) 621.6

Torticollis (intermittent) (spastic) 723.5

congenital 754.1

sternomastoid 754.1

due to birth injury 767.8

hysterical 300.11

ocular 781.93

psychogenic 306.0

specified as conversion reaction 300.11

rheumatic 723.5

rheumatoid 714.0

spasmodic 333.83

traumatic, current NEC 847.0


artery 447.1

fallopian tube 752.19

organ or site, congenital NEC - see Distortion

renal vessel (congenital) 747.62

retina vessel (congenital) 743.58

acquired 362.17

ureter 593.4

urethra 599.84

vein - see Varicose, vein

Torula, torular (infection) 117.5

histolytica 117.5

lung 117.5

Torulosis 117.5



fibula 823.41

with tibia 823.42

radius 813.45

tibia 823.40

with fibula 823.42

mandibularis 526.81

palatinus 526.81

Touch, vitreous 997.99

Touraine's syndrome (hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia) 756.89

Touraine-Solente-Gol� syndrome (acropachyderma) 757.39

Tourette's disease (motor-verbal tic) 307.23

Tower skull 756.0

with exophthalmos 756.0

Toxemia 799.89


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with toxemia

bacterial - see Septicemia

biliary (see also Disease, biliary) 576.8

burn - see Burn, by site

congenital NEC 779.89

eclamptic 642.6

with pre-existing hypertension 642.7

erysipelatous (see also Erysipelas) 035

fatigue 799.89

fetus or newborn NEC 779.89

food (see also Poisoning, food) 005.9

gastric 537.89

gastrointestinal 558.2

intestinal 558.2

kidney (see also Disease, renal) 593.9

lung 518.89

malarial NEC (see also Malaria) 084.6

maternal (of pregnancy), affecting fetus or newborn 760.0

myocardial - see Myocarditis, toxic

of pregnancy (mild) (pre-eclamptic) 642.4


convulsions 642.6

pre-existing hypertension 642.7

affecting fetus or newborn 760.0

severe 642.5

pre-eclamptic - see Toxemia, of pregnancy

puerperal, postpartum - see Toxemia, of pregnancy

pulmonary 518.89

renal (see also Disease, renal) 593.9

septic (see also Septicemia) 038.9

small intestine 558.2

staphylococcal 038.10

aureus 038.11

due to food 005.0

specified organism NEC 038.19

stasis 799.89

stomach 537.89

uremic (see also Uremia) 586

urinary 586

Toxemica cerebropathia psychica (nonalcoholic) 294.0

alcoholic 291.1

Toxic (poisoning) - see also condition

from drug or poison - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

oil syndrome 710.5

shock syndrome 040.82

thyroid (gland) (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9

Toxicemia - see Toxemia



asymptomatic 796.0

symptomatic -see Table of Drugs and Chemicals


asymptomatic 796.0

symptomatic- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

fava bean 282.2

from drug or poison

asymptomatic 796.0

symptomatic- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

Toxicosis (see also Toxemia) 799.89

capillary, hemorrhagic 287.0

Toxinfection 799.89

gastrointestinal 558.2

Toxocariasis 128.0

Toxoplasma infection, generalized 130.9

Toxoplasmosis (acquired) 130.9

with pneumonia 130.4

congenital, active 771.2

disseminated (multisystemic) 130.8


with suspected damage to fetus affecting management of pregnancy 655.4

affecting fetus or newborn 760.2

manifest toxoplasmosis in fetus or newborn 771.2

multiple sites 130.8

multisystemic disseminated 130.8

specified site NEC 130.7

Trabeculation, bladder 596.8

Trachea - see condition

Tracheitis (acute) (catarrhal) (infantile) (membranous) (plastic) (pneumococcal) (septic) (suppurative) (viral) 464.10


bronchitis 490

acute or subacute 466.0

chronic 491.8

tuberculosis - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

laryngitis (acute) 464.20

with obstruction 464.21

chronic 476.1

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, larynx) 012.3

obstruction 464.11

chronic 491.8


bronchitis (chronic) 491.8

laryngitis (chronic) 476.1

due to external agent - see Condition, respiratory, chronic, due to

diphtheritic (membranous) 032.3

due to external agent - see Inflammation, respiratory, upper, due to

edematous 464.11

influenzal 487.1

streptococcal 034.0

syphilitic 095.8

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 012.8

Trachelitis (nonvenereal) (see also Cervicitis) 616.0

trichomonal 131.09

Tracheobronchial - see condition

Tracheobronchitis (see also Bronchitis) 490

acute or subacute 466.0

with bronchospasm or obstruction 466.0

chronic 491.8

influenzal 487.1

senile 491.8

Tracheobronchomegaly (congenital) 748.3

with bronchiectasis 494.0

with (acute) exacerbation 494.1

acquired 519.19

with bronchiectasis 494.0

with (acute) exacerbation 494.1

Tracheobronchopneumonitis - see Pneumonia, broncho

Tracheocele (external) (internal) 519.19

congenital 748.3

Tracheomalacia 519.19

congenital 748.3

Tracheopharyngitis (acute) 465.8

chronic 478.9

due to external agent - see Condition, respiratory, chronic, due to

due to external agent - see Inflammation, respiratory, upper, due to

Tracheostenosis 519.19

congenital 748.3


attention to V55.0

complication 519.00

granuloma 519.09

hemorrhage 519.09

infection 519.01

malfunctioning 519.02

obstruction 519.09

sepsis 519.01

status V44.0

stenosis 519.02

Trachoma, trachomatous 076.9

active (stage) 076.1

contraction of conjunctiva 076.1

dubium 076.0

healed or late effect 139.1

initial (stage) 076.0

T�rck's (chronic catarrhal laryngitis) 476.0

Trachyphonia 784.49


insulin pump V65.46

orthoptic V57.4

orthotic V57.81

Train sickness 994.6



abnormal NEC 282.7

with thalassemia 282.49

C (see also Disease, hemoglobin, C) 282.7

with elliptocytosis 282.7

S (Hb-S) 282.5

Lepore 282.49

with other abnormal hemoglobin NEC 282.49

paranoid 301.0

sickle-cell 282.5


elliptocytosis 282.5

spherocytosis 282.5

Traits, paranoid 301.0

Tramp V60.0

Trance 780.09

hysterical 300.13

Transaminasemia 790.4

Transfusion, blood

donor V59.01

stem cells V59.02

incompatible 999.6

reaction or complication - see Complications, transfusion

related acute lung injury (TRALI) 518.7


fetomaternal 772.0


blood loss (donor twin) 772.0

recipient twin 776.4

without reported diagnosis V58.2

Transient - see also condition

alteration of awareness 780.02

blindness 368.12

deafness (ischemic) 388.02

global amnesia 437.7

person (homeless) NEC V60.0

Transitional, lumbosacral joint of vertebra 756.19


autosomes NEC 758.5

13-15 758.1

16-18 758.2

21 or 22 758.0

balanced in normal individual 758.4

D1 758.1

E3 758.2

G 758.0

balanced autosomal in normal individual 758.4

chromosomes NEC 758.89

Down's syndrome 758.0

Translucency, iris 364.53

Transmission of chemical substances through the placenta (affecting fetus or newborn) 760.70

alcohol 760.71

anticonvulsants 760.77

antifungals 760.74

anti-infective agents 760.74

antimetabolics 760.78

cocaine 760.75

"crack" 760.75

diethylstilbestrol [DES] 760.76

hallucinogenic agents 760.73

medicinal agents NEC 760.79

narcotics 760.72

obstetric anesthetic or analgesic drug 763.5

specified agent NEC 760.79

suspected, affecting management of pregnancy 655.5

Transplant (ed)

bone V42.4

marrow V42.81

complication - see also Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC

bone marrow 996.85

corneal graft NEC 996.79

infection or inflammation 996.69

reaction 996.51

rejection 996.51

organ (failure) (immune or nonimmune cause) (infection) (rejection) 996.80

bone marrow 996.85

heart 996.83

intestines 996.87

kidney 996.81

liver 996.82

lung 996.84

pancreas 996.86

specified NEC 996.89

skin NEC 996.79

infection or inflammation 996.69

rejection 996.52

artificial 996.55

decellularized allodermis 996.55

cornea V42.5

hair V50.0

heart V42.1

valve V42.2

intestine V42.84

kidney V42.0

liver V42.7

lung V42.6

organ V42.9

specified NEC V42.89

pancreas V42.83

peripheral stem cells V42.82

skin V42.3

stem cells, peripheral V42.82

tissue V42.9

specified NEC V42.89

Transplants, ovarian, endometrial 617.1

Transposed - see Transposition

Transposition (congenital) - see also Malposition, congenital

abdominal viscera 759.3

aorta (dextra) 745.11

appendix 751.5

arterial trunk 745.10

colon 751.5

great vessels (complete) 745.10

both originating from right ventricle 745.11

corrected 745.12

double outlet right ventricle 745.11

incomplete 745.11

partial 745.11

specified type NEC 745.19

heart 746.87

with complete transposition of viscera 759.3

intestine (large) (small) 751.5

pulmonary veins 747.49

reversed jejunal (for bypass) (status) V45.3

scrotal 752.81

stomach 750.7

with general transposition of viscera 759.3

teeth, tooth 524.30

vessels (complete) 745.10

partial 745.11

viscera (abdominal) (thoracic) 759.3

Trans-sexualism 302.50


asexual history 302.51

heterosexual history 302.53

homosexual history 302.52

Transverse - see also condition

arrest (deep), in labor 660.3

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

lie 652.3

before labor, affecting fetus or newborn 761.7

causing obstructed labor 660.0

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

during labor, affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

Transvestism, transvestitism (transvestic fetishism) 302.3

Trapped placenta (with hemorrhage) 666.0

without hemorrhage 667.0

Trauma, traumatism (see also Injury, by site) 959.9

birth - see Birth, injury NEC

causing hemorrhage of pregnancy or delivery 641.8


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with damage to pelvic organs

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.2

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.2

during delivery NEC 665.9


abortion 639.2

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.2

maternal, during pregnancy, affecting fetus or newborn 760.5

neuroma - see Injury, nerve, by site

previous major, affecting management of pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium V23.89

psychic (current) - see also Reaction, adjustment

previous (history) V15.49

psychologic, previous (affecting health) V15.49

transient paralysis - see Injury, nerve, by site

Traumatic - see condition

Treacher Collins' syndrome (incomplete facial dysostosis) 756.0

Treitz's hernia - see Hernia, Treitz's

Trematode infestation NEC 121.9

Trematodiasis NEC 121.9

Trembles 988.8

Trembling paralysis (see also Parkinsonism) 332.0

Tremor 781.0

essential (benign) 333.1

familial 333.1

flapping (liver) 572.8

hereditary 333.1

hysterical 300.11

intention 333.1

medication-induced postural 333.1

mercurial 985.0

muscle 728.85

Parkinson's (see also Parkinsonism) 332.0

psychogenic 306.0

specified as conversion reaction 300.11

senilis 797

specified type NEC 333.1


fever 083.1

foot 991.4

mouth 101

nephritis - see Nephritis, acute

Treponema pallidum infection (see also Syphilis) 097.9

Treponematosis 102.9

due to

T. pallidum - see Syphilis

T. pertenue (yaws) (see also Yaws) 102.9


Kartagener's 759.3

Reiter's (complete) (incomplete) 099.3

Saint's (see also Hernia, diaphragm) 553.3

Trichiasis 704.2

cicatricial 704.2

eyelid 374.05

with entropion (see also Entropion) 374.00

Trichinella spiralis (infection) (infestation) 124

Trichinelliasis 124

Trichinellosis 124

Trichiniasis 124

Trichinosis 124

Trichobezoar 938

intestine 936

stomach 935.2

Trichocephaliasis 127.3

Trichocephalosis 127.3

Trichocephalus infestation 127.3

Trichoclasis 704.2

Trichoepithelioma (M8100/0) - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign

breast 217

genital organ NEC - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

malignant (M8100/3) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

Trichofolliculoma (M8101/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Tricholemmoma (M8102/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Trichomatosis 704.2

Trichomoniasis 131.9

bladder 131.09

cervix 131.09

intestinal 007.3

prostate 131.03

seminal vesicle 131.09

specified site NEC 131.8

urethra 131.02

urogenitalis 131.00

vagina 131.01

vulva 131.01

vulvovaginal 131.01

Trichomycosis 039.0

axillaris 039.0

nodosa 111.2

nodularis 111.2

rubra 039.0

Trichonocardiosis (axillaris) (palmellina) 039.0

Trichonodosis 704.2

Trichophytid, trichophyton infection (see also Dermatophytosis) 110.9

Trichophytide - see Dermatophytosis

Trichophytobezoar 938

intestine 936

stomach 935.2

Trichophytosis - see Dermatophytosis

Trichoptilosis 704.2

Trichorrhexis (nodosa) 704.2

Trichosporosis nodosa 111.2

Trichostasis spinulosa (congenital) 757.4

Trichostrongyliasis (small intestine) 127.6

Trichostrongylosis 127.6

Trichostrongylus (instabilis) infection 127.6

Trichotillomania 312.39

Trichromat, anomalous (congenital) 368.59

Trichromatopsia, anomalous (congenital) 368.59

Trichuriasis 127.3

Trichuris trichiuria (any site) (infection) (infestation) 127.3

Tricuspid (valve) - see condition

Trifid - see also Accessory

kidney (pelvis) 753.3

tongue 750.13

Trigeminal neuralgia (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) 350.1

Trigeminoencephaloangiomatosis 759.6

Trigeminy 427.89

postoperative 997.1

Trigger finger (acquired) 727.03

congenital 756.89

Trigonitis (bladder) (chronic) (pseudomembranous) 595.3

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.1

Trigonocephaly 756.0

Trihexosidosis 272.7

Trilobate placenta - see Placenta, abnormal

Trilocular heart 745.8

Trimethylaminuria 270.8

Tripartita placenta - see Placenta, abnormal

Triple - see also Accessory

kidneys 753.3

uteri 752.2

X female 758.81

Triplegia 344.89

congenital or infantile 343.8


affected by maternal complications of pregnancy 761.5

healthy liveborn - see Newborn, multiple

pregnancy (complicating delivery) NEC 651.1

with fetal loss and retention of one or more fetus(es) 651.4

following (elective) fetal reduction 651.7

Triplex placenta - see Placenta, abnormal

Triplication - see Accessory

Trismus 781.0

neonatorum 771.3

newborn 771.3

Trisomy (syndrome) NEC 758.5

13 (partial) 758.1

16-18 758.2

18 (partial) 758.2

21 (partial) 758.0

22 758.0

autosomes NEC 758.5

D1 758.1

E3 758.2

G (group) 758.0

group D1 758.1

group E 758.2

group G 758.0

Tritanomaly 368.53

Tritanopia 368.53

Troisier-Hanot-Chauffard syndrome (bronze diabetes) 275.0

Trombidiosis 133.8

Trophedema (hereditary) 757.0

congenital 757.0

Trophoblastic disease (see also Hydatidiform mole) 630

previous, affecting management of pregnancy V23.1

Tropholymphedema 757.0

Trophoneurosis NEC 356.9

arm NEC 354.9

disseminated 710.1

facial 349.89

leg NEC 355.8

lower extremity NEC 355.8

upper extremity NEC 354.9

Tropical - see also condition

maceration feet (syndrome) 991.4

wet foot (syndrome) 991.4

Trouble - see also Disease

bowel 569.9

heart - see Disease, heart

intestine 569.9

kidney (see also Disease, renal) 593.9

nervous 799.2

sinus (see also Sinusitis) 473.9

Trousseau's syndrome (thrombophlebitis migrans) 453.1

Truancy, childhood - see also Disturbance, conduct

socialized 312.2

undersocialized, unsocialized 312.1


arteriosus (persistent) 745.0

common 745.0

communis 745.0

Trunk - see condition

Trychophytide - see Dermatophytosis

Trypanosoma infestation - see Trypanosomiasis

Trypanosomiasis 086.9

with meningoencephalitis 086.9 [323.2]

African 086.5

due to Trypanosoma 086.5

gambiense 086.3

rhodesiense 086.4

American 086.2


heart involvement 086.0

other organ involvement 086.1

without mention of organ involvement 086.2

Brazilian - see Trypanosomiasis, American

Chagas' - see Trypanosomiasis, American

due to Trypanosoma

cruzi - see Trypanosomiasis, American

gambiense 086.3

rhodesiense 086.4

gambiensis, Gambian 086.3

North American - see Trypanosomiasis, American

rhodesiensis, Rhodesian 086.4

South American - see Trypanosomiasis, American

T-shaped incisors 520.2

Tsutsugamushi fever 081.2

Tube, tubal, tubular - see also condition

ligation, admission for V25.2

Tubercle - see also Tuberculosis

brain, solitary 013.2

Darwin's 744.29

epithelioid noncaseating 135

Ghon, primary infection 010.0

Tuberculid, tuberculide (indurating) (lichenoid) (miliary) (papulonecrotic) (primary) (skin) (subcutaneous) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0

Tuberculoma - see also Tuberculosis

brain (any part) 013.2

meninges (cerebral) (spinal) 013.1

spinal cord 013.4

Tuberculosis, tubercular, tuberculous (calcification) (calcified) (caseous) (chromogenic acid-fast bacilli) (congenital) (degeneration) (disease) (fibrocaseous) (fistula) (gangrene) (interstitial) (isolated circumscribed lesions) (necrosis) (parenchymatous) (ulcerative) 011.9

Note69Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with categories 010-018:

����������� 0��������� unspecified
����������� 1��������� bacteriological or histological examination not done
����������� 2��������� bacteriological or histological examination unknown (at present)
����������� 3��������� tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy
����������� 4��������� tubercle bacilli not found (in sputum) by microscopy,
����������� ����������� but found by bacterial culture
����������� 5��������� tubercle bacilli not found by bacteriological examination,
����������������������� but tuberculosis confirmed histologically
����������� 6��������� tubercle bacilli not found by bacteriological or histological examination,
����������������������� but tuberculosis confirmed by other methods [inoculation of animals]

For tuberculous conditions specified as late effects or sequelae, see category 137.

abdomen 014.8

lymph gland 014.8

abscess 011.9

arm 017.9

bone (see also Osteomyelitis, due to, tuberculosis) 015.9 [730.8]

hip 015.1 [730.85]

knee 015.2 [730.86]

sacrum 015.0 [730.88]

specified site NEC 015.7 [730.88]

spinal 015.0 [730.88]

vertebra 015.0 [730.88]

brain 013.3

breast 017.9

Cowper's gland 016.5

dura (mater) 013.8

brain 013.3

spinal cord 013.5

epidural 013.8

brain 013.3

spinal cord 013.5

frontal sinus - see Tuberculosis, sinus

genital organs NEC 016.9

female 016.7

male 016.5

genitourinary NEC 016.9

gland (lymphatic) - see Tuberculosis, lymph gland

hip 015.1

iliopsoas 015.0 [730.88]

intestine 014.8

ischiorectal 014.8

joint 015.9

hip 015.1

knee 015.2

specified joint NEC 015.8

vertebral 015.0 [730.88]

kidney 016.0 [590.81]

knee 015.2

lumbar 015.0 [730.88]

lung 011.2

primary, progressive 010.8

meninges (cerebral) (spinal) 013.0

pelvic 016.9

female 016.7

male 016.5

perianal 014.8

fistula 014.8

perinephritic 016.0 [590.81]

perineum 017.9

perirectal 014.8

psoas 015.0 [730.88]

rectum 014.8

retropharyngeal 012.8

sacrum 015.0 [730.88]

scrofulous 017.2

scrotum 016.5

skin 017.0

primary 017.0

spinal cord 013.5

spine or vertebra (column) 015.0 [730.88]

strumous 017.2

subdiaphragmatic 014.8

testis 016.5

thigh 017.9

urinary 016.3

kidney 016.0 [590.81]

uterus 016.7

accessory sinus - see Tuberculosis, sinus

Addison's disease 017.6

adenitis (see also Tuberculosis, lymph gland) 017.2

adenoids 012.8

adenopathy (see also Tuberculosis, lymph gland) 017.2

tracheobronchial 012.1

primary progressive 010.8

adherent pericardium 017.9 [420.0]

adnexa (uteri) 016.7

adrenal (capsule) (gland) 017.6

air passage NEC 012.8

alimentary canal 014.8

anemia 017.9

ankle (joint) 015.8

bone 015.5 [730.87]

anus 014.8

apex (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

apical (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

appendicitis 014.8

appendix 014.8

arachnoid 013.0

artery 017.9

arthritis (chronic) (synovial) 015.9 [711.40]

ankle 015.8 [730.87]

hip 015.1 [711.45]

knee 015.2 [711.46]

specified site NEC 015.8 [711.48]

spine or vertebra (column) 015.0 [720.81]

wrist 015.8 [730.83]

articular - see Tuberculosis, joint

ascites 014.0

asthma (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

axilla, axillary 017.2

gland 017.2

bilateral (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

bladder 016.1

bone (see also Osteomyelitis, due to, tuberculosis) 015.9 [730.8]

hip 015.1 [730.85]

knee 015.2 [730.86]

limb NEC 015.5 [730.88]

sacrum 015.0 [730.88]

specified site NEC 015.7 [730.88]

spinal or vertebral column 015.0 [730.88]

bowel 014.8

miliary 018.9

brain 013.2

breast 017.9

broad ligament 016.7

bronchi, bronchial, bronchus 011.3

ectasia, ectasis 011.5

fistula 011.3

primary, progressive 010.8

gland 012.1

primary, progressive 010.8

isolated 012.2

lymph gland or node 012.1

primary, progressive 010.8

bronchiectasis 011.5

bronchitis 011.3

bronchopleural 012.0

bronchopneumonia, bronchopneumonic 011.6

bronchorrhagia 011.3

bronchotracheal 011.3

isolated 012.2

bronchus - see Tuberculosis, bronchi

bronze disease (Addison's) 017.6

buccal cavity 017.9

bulbourethral gland 016.5

bursa (see also Tuberculosis, joint) 015.9

cachexia NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

cardiomyopathy 017.9 [425.8]

caries (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9 [730.8]

cartilage (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9 [730.8]

intervertebral 015.0 [730.88]

catarrhal (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

cecum 014.8

cellular tissue (primary) 017.0

cellulitis (primary) 017.0

central nervous system 013.9

specified site NEC 013.8

cerebellum (current) 013.2

cerebral (current) 013.2

meninges 013.0

cerebrospinal 013.6

meninges 013.0

cerebrum (current) 013.2

cervical 017.2

gland 017.2

lymph nodes 017.2

cervicitis (uteri) 016.7

cervix 016.7

chest (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

childhood type or first infection 010.0

choroid 017.3 [363.13]

choroiditis 017.3 [363.13]

ciliary body 017.3 [364.11]

colitis 014.8

colliers' 011.4

colliquativa (primary) 017.0

colon 014.8

ulceration 014.8

complex, primary 010.0

complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 647.3

affecting fetus or newborn 760.2

congenital 771.2

conjunctiva 017.3 [370.31]

connective tissue 017.9

bone - see Tuberculosis, bone

contact V01.1

converter (tuberculin skin test) (without disease) 795.5

cornea (ulcer) 017.3 [370.31]

Cowper's gland 016.5

coxae 015.1 [730.85]

coxalgia 015.1 [730.85]

cul-de-sac of Douglas 014.8

curvature, spine 015.0 [737.40]

cutis (colliquativa) (primary) 017.0

cyst, ovary 016.6

cystitis 016.1

dacryocystitis 017.3 [375.32]

dactylitis 015.5

diarrhea 014.8

diffuse (see also Tuberculosis, miliary) 018.9

lung - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

meninges 013.0

digestive tract 014.8

disseminated (see also Tuberculosis, miliary) 018.9

meninges 013.0

duodenum 014.8

dura (mater) 013.9

abscess 013.8

cerebral 013.3

spinal 013.5

dysentery 014.8

ear (inner) (middle) 017.4

bone 015.6

external (primary) 017.0

skin (primary) 017.0

elbow 015.8

emphysema - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

empyema 012.0

encephalitis 013.6

endarteritis 017.9

endocarditis (any valve) 017.9 [424.91]

endocardium (any valve) 017.9 [424.91]

endocrine glands NEC 017.9

endometrium 016.7

enteric, enterica 014.8

enteritis 014.8

enterocolitis 014.8

epididymis 016.4

epididymitis 016.4

epidural abscess 013.8

brain 013.3

spinal cord 013.5

epiglottis 012.3

episcleritis 017.3 [379.00]

erythema (induratum) (nodosum) (primary) 017.1

esophagus 017.8

Eustachian tube 017.4

exposure to V01.1

exudative 012.0

primary, progressive 010.1

eye 017.3

glaucoma 017.3 [365.62]

eyelid (primary) 017.0

lupus 017.0 [373.4]

fallopian tube 016.6

fascia 017.9

fauces 012.8

finger 017.9

first infection 010.0

fistula, perirectal 014.8

Florida 011.6

foot 017.9

funnel pelvis 137.3

gallbladder 017.9

galloping (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

ganglionic 015.9

gastritis 017.9

gastrocolic fistula 014.8

gastroenteritis 014.8

gastrointestinal tract 014.8

general, generalized 018.9

acute 018.0

chronic 018.8

genital organs NEC 016.9

female 016.7

male 016.5

genitourinary NEC 016.9

genu 015.2

glandulae suprarenalis 017.6

glandular, general 017.2

glottis 012.3

grinders' 011.4

groin 017.2

gum 017.9

hand 017.9

heart 017.9 [425.8]

hematogenous - see Tuberculosis, miliary

hemoptysis (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

hemorrhage NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

hemothorax 012.0

hepatitis 017.9

hilar lymph nodes 012.1

primary, progressive 010.8

hip (disease) (joint) 015.1

bone 015.1 [730.85]

hydrocephalus 013.8

hydropneumothorax 012.0

hydrothorax 012.0

hypoadrenalism 017.6

hypopharynx 012.8

ileocecal (hyperplastic) 014.8

ileocolitis 014.8

ileum 014.8

iliac spine (superior) 015.0 [730.88]

incipient NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

indurativa (primary) 017.1

infantile 010.0

infection NEC 011.9

without clinical manifestation 010.0

infraclavicular gland 017.2

inguinal gland 017.2

inguinalis 017.2

intestine (any part) 014.8

iris 017.3 [364.11]

iritis 017.3 [364.11]

ischiorectal 014.8

jaw 015.7 [730.88]

jejunum 014.8

joint 015.9

hip 015.1

knee 015.2

specified site NEC 015.8

vertebral 015.0 [730.88]

keratitis 017.3 [370.31]

interstitial 017.3 [370.59]

keratoconjunctivitis 017.3 [370.31]

kidney 016.0

knee (joint) 015.2

kyphoscoliosis 015.0 [737.43]

kyphosis 015.0 [737.41]

lacrimal apparatus, gland 017.3

laryngitis 012.3

larynx 012.3

leptomeninges, leptomeningitis (cerebral) (spinal) 013.0

lichenoides (primary) 017.0

linguae 017.9

lip 017.9

liver 017.9

lordosis 015.0 [737.42]

lung - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

luposa 017.0

eyelid 017.0 [373.4]

lymphadenitis - see Tuberculosis, lymph gland

lymphangitis - see Tuberculosis, lymph gland

lymphatic (gland) (vessel) - see Tuberculosis, lymph gland

lymph gland or node (peripheral) 017.2

abdomen 014.8

bronchial 012.1

primary, progressive 010.8

cervical 017.2

hilar 012.1

primary, progressive 010.8

intrathoracic 012.1

primary, progressive 010.8

mediastinal 012.1

primary, progressive 010.8

mesenteric 014.8

peripheral 017.2

retroperitoneal 014.8

tracheobronchial 012.1

primary, progressive 010.8

malignant NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

mammary gland 017.9

marasmus NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

mastoiditis 015.6

maternal, affecting fetus or newborn 760.2

mediastinal (lymph) gland or node 012.1

primary, progressive 010.8

mediastinitis 012.8

primary, progressive 010.8

mediastinopericarditis 017.9 [420.0]

mediastinum 012.8

primary, progressive 010.8

medulla 013.9

brain 013.2

spinal cord 013.4

melanosis, Addisonian 017.6

membrane, brain 013.0

meninges (cerebral) (spinal) 013.0

meningitis (basilar) (brain) (cerebral) (cerebrospinal) (spinal) 013.0

meningoencephalitis 013.0

mesentery, mesenteric 014.8

lymph gland or node 014.8

miliary (any site) 018.9

acute 018.0

chronic 018.8

specified type NEC 018.8

millstone makers' 011.4

miners' 011.4

moulders' 011.4

mouth 017.9

multiple 018.9

acute 018.0

chronic 018.8

muscle 017.9

myelitis 013.6

myocarditis 017.9 [422.0]

myocardium 017.9 [422.0]

nasal (passage) (sinus) 012.8

nasopharynx 012.8

neck gland 017.2

nephritis 016.0 [583.81]

nerve 017.9

nose (septum) 012.8

ocular 017.3

old NEC 137.0

without residuals V12.01

omentum 014.8

oophoritis (acute) (chronic) 016.6

optic 017.3 [377.39]

nerve trunk 017.3 [377.39]

papilla, papillae 017.3 [377.39]

orbit 017.3

orchitis 016.5 [608.81]

organ, specified NEC 017.9

orificialis (primary) 017.0

osseous (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9 [730.8]

osteitis (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9 [730.8]

osteomyelitis (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9 [730.8]

otitis (media) 017.4

ovaritis (acute) (chronic) 016.6

ovary (acute) (chronic) 016.6

oviducts (acute) (chronic) 016.6

pachymeningitis 013.0

palate (soft) 017.9

pancreas 017.9

papulonecrotic (primary) 017.0

parathyroid glands 017.9

paronychia (primary) 017.0

parotid gland or region 017.9

pelvic organ NEC 016.9

female 016.7

male 016.5

pelvis (bony) 015.7 [730.85]

penis 016.5

peribronchitis 011.3

pericarditis 017.9 [420.0]

pericardium 017.9 [420.0]

perichondritis, larynx 012.3

perineum 017.9

periostitis (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9 [730.8]

periphlebitis 017.9

eye vessel 017.3 [362.18]

retina 017.3 [362.18]

perirectal fistula 014.8

peritoneal gland 014.8

peritoneum 014.0

peritonitis 014.0

pernicious NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

pharyngitis 012.8

pharynx 012.8

phlyctenulosis (conjunctiva) 017.3 [370.31]

phthisis NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

pituitary gland 017.9

placenta 016.7

pleura, pleural, pleurisy, pleuritis (fibrinous) (obliterative) (purulent) (simple plastic) (with effusion) 012.0

primary, progressive 010.1

pneumonia, pneumonic 011.6

pneumothorax 011.7

polyserositis 018.9

acute 018.0

chronic 018.8

potters' 011.4

prepuce 016.5

primary 010.9

complex 010.0

complicated 010.8

with pleurisy or effusion 010.1

progressive 010.8

with pleurisy or effusion 010.1

skin 017.0

proctitis 014.8

prostate 016.5 [601.4]

prostatitis 016.5 [601.4]

pulmonaris (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

pulmonary (artery) (incipient) (malignant) (multiple round foci) (pernicious) (reinfection stage) 011.9

cavitated or with cavitation 011.2

primary, progressive 010.8

childhood type or first infection 010.0

chromogenic acid-fast bacilli 795.39

fibrosis or fibrotic 011.4

infiltrative 011.0

primary, progressive 010.9

nodular 011.1

specified NEC 011.8

sputum positive only 795.39

status following surgical collapse of lung NEC 011.9

pyelitis 016.0 [590.81]

pyelonephritis 016.0 [590.81]

pyemia - see Tuberculosis, miliary

pyonephrosis 016.0

pyopneumothorax 012.0

pyothorax 012.0

rectum (with abscess) 014.8

fistula 014.8

reinfection stage (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

renal 016.0

renis 016.0

reproductive organ 016.7

respiratory NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

specified site NEC 012.8

retina 017.3 [363.13]

retroperitoneal (lymph gland or node) 014.8

gland 014.8

retropharyngeal abscess 012.8

rheumatism 015.9

rhinitis 012.8

sacroiliac (joint) 015.8

sacrum 015.0 [730.88]

salivary gland 017.9

salpingitis (acute) (chronic) 016.6

sandblasters' 011.4

sclera 017.3 [379.09]

scoliosis 015.0 [737.43]

scrofulous 017.2

scrotum 016.5

seminal tract or vesicle 016.5 [608.81]

senile NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

septic NEC (see also Tuberculosis, miliary) 018.9

shoulder 015.8

blade 015.7 [730.8]

sigmoid 014.8

sinus (accessory) (nasal) 012.8

bone 015.7 [730.88]

epididymis 016.4

skeletal NEC (see also Osteomyelitis, due to tuberculosis) 015.9 [730.8]

skin (any site) (primary) 017.0

small intestine 014.8

soft palate 017.9

spermatic cord 016.5


column 015.0 [730.88]

cord 013.4

disease 015.0 [730.88]

medulla 013.4

membrane 013.0

meninges 013.0

spine 015.0 [730.88]

spleen 017.7

splenitis 017.7

spondylitis 015.0 [720.81]

spontaneous pneumothorax - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

sternoclavicular joint 015.8

stomach 017.9

stonemasons' 011.4

struma 017.2

subcutaneous tissue (cellular) (primary) 017.0

subcutis (primary) 017.0

subdeltoid bursa 017.9

submaxillary 017.9

region 017.9

supraclavicular gland 017.2

suprarenal (capsule) (gland) 017.6

swelling, joint (see also Tuberculosis, joint) 015.9

symphysis pubis 015.7 [730.88]

synovitis 015.9 [727.01]

hip 015.1 [727.01]

knee 015.2 [727.01]

specified site NEC 015.8 [727.01]

spine or vertebra 015.0 [727.01]

systemic - see Tuberculosis, miliary

tarsitis (eyelid) 017.0 [373.4]

ankle (bone) 015.5 [730.87]

tendon (sheath) - see Tuberculosis, tenosynovitis

tenosynovitis 015.9 [727.01]

hip 015.1 [727.01]

knee 015.2 [727.01]

specified site NEC 015.8 [727.01]

spine or vertebra 015.0 [727.01]

testis 016.5 [608.81]

throat 012.8

thymus gland 017.9

thyroid gland 017.5

toe 017.9

tongue 017.9

tonsil (lingual) 012.8

tonsillitis 012.8

trachea, tracheal 012.8

gland 012.1

primary, progressive 010.8

isolated 012.2

tracheobronchial 011.3

glandular 012.1

primary, progressive 010.8

isolated 012.2

lymph gland or node 012.1

primary, progressive 010.8

tubal 016.6

tunica vaginalis 016.5

typhlitis 014.8

ulcer (primary) (skin) 017.0

bowel or intestine 014.8

specified site NEC - see Tuberculosis, by site

unspecified site - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

ureter 016.2

urethra, urethral 016.3

urinary organ or tract 016.3

kidney 016.0

uterus 016.7

uveal tract 017.3 [363.13]

uvula 017.9

vaccination, prophylactic (against) V03.2

vagina 016.7

vas deferens 016.5

vein 017.9

verruca (primary) 017.0

verrucosa (cutis) (primary) 017.0

vertebra (column) 015.0 [730.88]

vesiculitis 016.5 [608.81]

viscera NEC 014.8

vulva 016.7 [616.51]

wrist (joint) 015.8

bone 015.5 [730.83]


auriculae 744.29

occlusal 520.2

paramolare 520.2


jaw, excessive 524.07

maxillary, entire 524.07

Tuberous sclerosis (brain) 759.5

Tubo-ovarian - see condition

Tuboplasty, after previous sterilization V26.0

Tubotympanitis 381.10

Tularemia 021.9


conjunctivitis 021.3

pneumonia 021.2

bronchopneumonic 021.2

conjunctivitis 021.3

cryptogenic 021.1

disseminated 021.8

enteric 021.1

generalized 021.8

glandular 021.8

intestinal 021.1

oculoglandular 021.3

ophthalmic 021.3

pneumonia 021.2

pulmonary 021.2

specified NEC 021.8

typhoidal 021.1

ulceroglandular 021.0

vaccination, prophylactic (against) V03.4

Tularensis conjunctivitis 021.3

Tumefaction - see also Swelling

liver (see also Hypertrophy, liver) 789.1

Tumor (M8000/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, unspecified nature

Abrikossov's (M9580/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

malignant (M9580/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

acinar cell (M8550/1) - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

acinic cell (M8550/1) - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

adenomatoid (M9054/0) - see also Neoplasm, by site, benign

odontogenic (M9300/0) 213.1

upper jaw (bone) 213.0

adnexal (skin) (M8390/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign


cortical (benign) (M8370/0) 227.0

malignant (M8370/3) 194.0

rest (M8671/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

alpha cell (M8152/0)

malignant (M8152/3)

pancreas 157.4

specified site NEC - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 157.4

pancreas 211.7

specified site NEC - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 211.7

aneurysmal (see also Aneurysm) 442.9

aortic body (M8691/1) 237.3

malignant (M8691/3) 194.6

argentaffin (M8241/1) - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

basal cell (M8090/1) - see also Neoplasm, skin, uncertain behavior

benign (M8000/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

beta cell (M8151/0)

malignant (M8151/3)

pancreas 157.4

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 157.4

pancreas 211.7

specified site NEC - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 211.7

blood - see Hematoma

brenner (M9000/0) 220

borderline malignancy (M9000/1) 236.2

malignant (M9000/3) 183.0

proliferating (M9000/1) 236.2

Brooke's (M8100/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

brown fat (M8880/0) - see Lipoma, by site

Burkitt's (M9750/3) 200.2

calcifying epithelial odontogenic (M9340/0) 213.1

upper jaw (bone) 213.0

carcinoid (M8240/1) - see Carcinoid

carotid body (M8692/1) 237.3

malignant (M8692/3) 194.5

Castleman's (mediastinal lymph node hyperplasia) 785.6

cells (M8001/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, unspecified nature

benign (M8001/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

malignant (M8001/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

uncertain whether benign or malignant (M8001/1) - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain nature


in pregnancy or childbirth 654.6

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

chondromatous giant cell (M9230/0) - see Neoplasm, bone, benign

chromaffin (M8700/0) - see also Neoplasm, by site, benign

malignant (M8700/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

Cock's peculiar 706.2

Codman's (benign chondroblastoma) (M9230/0) - see Neoplasm, bone, benign

dentigerous, mixed (M9282/0) 213.1

upper jaw (bone) 213.0

dermoid (M9084/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

with malignant transformation (M9084/3) 183.0

desmoid (extra-abdominal) (M8821/1) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

abdominal (M8822/1) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

embryonal (mixed) (M9080/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

liver (M9080/3) 155.0

endodermal sinus (M9071/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site

female 183.0

male 186.9


benign (M8010/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

malignant (M8010/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

Ewing's (M9260/3) - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

fatty - see Lipoma

fetal, causing disproportion 653.7

causing obstructed labor 660.1

fibroid (M8890/0) - see Leiomyoma

G cell (M8153/1)

malignant (M8153/3)

pancreas 157.4

specified site NEC - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 157.4

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

unspecified site 235.5

giant cell (type) (M8003/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, unspecified nature

bone (M9250/1) 238.0

malignant (M9250/3) - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

chondromatous (M9230/0) - see Neoplasm, bone, benign

malignant (M8003/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

peripheral (gingiva) 523.8

soft parts (M9251/1) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

malignant (M9251/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

tendon sheath 727.02

glomus (M8711/0) - see also Hemangioma, by site

jugulare (M8690/1) 237.3

malignant (M8690/3) 194.6

gonadal stromal (M8590/1) - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

granular cell (M9580/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

malignant (M9580/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

granulosa cell (M8620/1) 236.2

malignant (M8620/3) 183.0

granulosa cell-theca cell (M8621/1) 236.2

malignant (M8621/3) 183.0

Grawitz's (hypernephroma) (M8312/3) 189.0

hazard-crile (M8350/3) 193

hemorrhoidal - see Hemorrhoids

hilar cell (M8660/0) 220

H�rthle cell (benign) (M8290/0) 226

malignant (M8290/3) 193

hydatid (see also Echinococcus) 122.9

hypernephroid (M8311/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

interstitial cell (M8650/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

benign (M8650/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

malignant (M8650/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

islet cell (M8150/0)

malignant (M8150/3)

pancreas 157.4

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 157.4

pancreas 211.7

specified site NEC - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 211.7

juxtaglomerular (M8361/1) 236.91

Krukenberg's (M8490/6) 198.6

Leydig cell (M8650/1)

benign (M8650/0)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site

female 220

male 222.0

malignant (M8650/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site

female 183.0

male 186.9

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

unspecified site

female 236.2

male 236.4

lipid cell, ovary (M8670/0) 220

lipoid cell, ovary (M8670/0) 220

lymphomatous, benign (M9590/0) - see also Neoplasm, by site, benign

Malherbe's (M8110/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

malignant (M8000/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

fusiform cell (type) (M8004/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

giant cell (type) (M8003/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

mixed NEC (M8940/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

small cell (type) (M8002/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

spindle cell (type) (M8004/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

mast cell (M9740/1) 238.5

malignant (M9740/3) 202.6

melanotic, neuroectodermal (M9363/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

Merkel cell - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant


malignant (M8800/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

mixed (M8990/1) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

mesodermal, mixed (M8951/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

liver 155.0

mesonephric (M9110/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

malignant (M9110/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant


from specified site (M8000/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

to specified site (M8000/6) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant, secondary

mixed NEC (M8940/0) - see also Neoplasm, by site, benign

malignant (M8940/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

mucocarcinoid, malignant (M8243/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

mucoepidermoid (M8430/1) - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

Mullerian, mixed (M8950/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

myoepithelial (M8982/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

neurogenic olfactory (M9520/3) 160.0

nonencapsulated sclerosing (M8350/3) 193

odontogenic (M9270/1) 238.0

adenomatoid (M9300/0) 213.1

upper jaw (bone) 213.0

benign (M9270/0) 213.1

upper jaw (bone) 213.0

calcifying epithelial (M9340/0) 213.1

upper jaw (bone) 213.0

malignant (M9270/3) 170.1

upper jaw (bone) 170.0

squamous (M9312/0) 213.1

upper jaw (bone) 213.0

ovarian stromal (M8590/1) 236.2


in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

pacinian (M9507/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Pancoast's (M8010/3) 162.3

papillary - see Papilloma

pelvic, in pregnancy or childbirth 654.9

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

phantom 300.11

plasma cell (M9731/1) 238.6

benign (M9731/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

malignant (M9731/3) 203.8

polyvesicular vitelline (M9071/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site

female 183.0

male 186.9

Pott's puffy (see also Osteomyelitis) 730.2

Rathke's pouch (M9350/1) 237.0

regaud's (M8082/3) - see Neoplasm, nasopharynx, malignant

rete cell (M8140/0) 222.0

retinal anlage (M9363/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

Rokitansky's 620.2

salivary gland type, mixed (M8940/0) - see also Neoplasm, by site, benign

malignant (M8940/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

Sampson's 617.1

Schloffer's (see also Peritonitis) 567.29

Schmincke (M8082/3) - see Neoplasm, nasopharynx, malignant

sebaceous (see also Cyst, sebaceous) 706.2

secondary (M8000/6) - see Neoplasm, by site, secondary

Sertoli cell (M8640/0)

with lipid storage (M8641/0)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site

female 220

male 222.0

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site

female 220

male 222.0

Sertoli-Leydig cell (M8631/0)

specified site, - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site

female 220

male 222.0

sex cord (-stromal) (M8590/1) - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

skin appendage (M8390/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

soft tissue

benign (M8800/0) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

malignant (M8800/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

sternomastoid 754.1



benign 215.5

malignant 171.5

uncertain behavior 238.1

digestive system 238.1

benign 215.5

malignant 171.5

uncertain behavior 238.1

gastric 238.1

benign 215.5

malignant 171.5

uncertain behavior 238.1

gastrointestinal 238.1

benign 215.5

malignant 171.5

uncertain behavior 238.1

intestine (small) (large) 238.1

benign 215.5

malignant 171.5

uncertain behavior 238.1

stomach 238.1

benign 215.5

malignant 171.5

uncertain behavior 238.1

superior sulcus (lung) (pulmonary) (syndrome) (M8010/3) 162.3

suprasulcus (M8010/3) 162.3

sweat gland (M8400/1) - see also Neoplasm, skin, uncertain behavior

benign (M8400/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

malignant (M8400/3) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

syphilitic brain 094.89

congenital 090.49

testicular stromal (M8590/1) 236.4

theca cell (M8600/0) 220

theca cell-granulosa cell (M8621/1) 236.2

theca-lutein (M8610/0) 220

turban (M8200/0) 216.4


in pregnancy or childbirth 654.1

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1


in pregnancy or childbirth 654.7

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

varicose (see also Varicose, vein) 454.9

von Recklinghausen's (M9540/1) 237.71


in pregnancy or childbirth 654.8

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

Warthin's (salivary gland) (M8561/0) 210.2

white - see also Tuberculosis, arthritis

White-Darier 757.39

Wilms' (nephroblastoma) (M8960/3) 189.0

yolk sac (M9071/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site

female 183.0

male 186.9

Tumorlet (M8040/1) - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

Tungiasis 134.1

Tunica vasculosa lentis 743.39

Tunnel vision 368.45

Turban tumor (M8200/0) 216.4

T�rck's trachoma (chronic catarrhal laryngitis) 476.0

T�rk's syndrome (ocular retraction syndrome) 378.71


hypoplasia (tooth) 520.4

syndrome 758.6

tooth 520.4

Turner-Kieser syndrome (hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia) 756.89

Turner-Varny syndrome 758.6

Turricephaly 756.0

Tussis convulsiva (see also Whooping cough) 033.9


affected by maternal complications of pregnancy 761.5

conjoined 759.4

healthy liveborn - see Newborn, twin

pregnancy (complicating delivery) NEC 651.0

with fetal loss and retention of one fetus 651.3

following (elective) fetal reduction 651.7

Twinning, teeth 520.2

Twist, twisted

bowel, colon, or intestine 560.2

hair (congenital) 757.4

mesentery 560.2

omentum 560.2

organ or site, congenital NEC - see Anomaly, specified type NEC

ovarian pedicle 620.5

congenital 752.0

umbilical cord - see Compression, umbilical cord

Twitch 781.0

Tylosis 700

buccalis 528.6

gingiva 523.8

linguae 528.6

palmaris et plantaris 757.39

Tympanism 787.3

Tympanites (abdominal) (intestine) 787.3

Tympanitis - see Myringitis

Tympanosclerosis 385.00


combined sites NEC 385.09

with tympanic membrane 385.03

tympanic membrane 385.01

with ossicles 385.02

and middle ear 385.03

Tympanum - see condition


abdomen 787.3

chest 786.7

Typhlitis (see also Appendicitis) 541

Typhoenteritis 002.0

Typhogastric fever 002.0

Typhoid (abortive) (ambulant) (any site) (fever) (hemorrhagic) (infection) (intermittent) (malignant) (rheumatic) 002.0

with pneumonia 002.0 [484.8]

abdominal 002.0

carrier (suspected) of V02.1

cholecystitis (current) 002.0

clinical (Widal and blood test negative) 002.0

endocarditis 002.0 [421.1]

inoculation reaction - see Complications, vaccination

meningitis 002.0 [320.7]

mesenteric lymph nodes 002.0

myocarditis 002.0 [422.0]

osteomyelitis (see also Osteomyelitis, due to, typhoid) 002.0 [730.8]

perichondritis, larynx 002.0 [478.71]

pneumonia 002.0 [484.8]

spine 002.0 [720.81]

ulcer (perforating) 002.0

vaccination, prophylactic (against) V03.1

Widal negative 002.0

Typhomalaria (fever) (see also Malaria) 084.6

Typhomania 002.0

Typhoperitonitis 002.0

Typhus (fever) 081.9

abdominal, abdominalis 002.0

African tick 082.1

amarillic (see also Fever, Yellow) 060.9

brain 081.9

cerebral 081.9

classical 080

endemic (flea-borne) 081.0

epidemic (louse-borne) 080

exanthematic NEC 080

exanthematicus SAI 080

brillii SAI 081.1

Mexicanus SAI 081.0

pediculo vestimenti causa 080

typhus murinus 081.0

flea-borne 081.0

Indian tick 082.1

Kenya tick 082.1

louse-borne 080

Mexican 081.0

flea-borne 081.0

louse-borne 080

tabardillo 080

mite-borne 081.2

murine 081.0

North Asian tick-borne 082.2

petechial 081.9

Queensland tick 082.3

rat 081.0

recrudescent 081.1

recurrent (see also Fever, relapsing) 087.9

S�o Paulo 082.0

scrub (China) (India) (Malaya) (New Guinea) 081.2

shop (of Malaya) 081.0

Siberian tick 082.2

tick-borne NEC 082.9

tropical 081.2

vaccination, prophylactic (against) V05.8

Tyrosinemia 270.2

neonatal 775.89

Tyrosinosis (Medes) (Sakai) 270.2

Tyrosinuria 270.2

Tyrosyluria 270.2





The ICD-9-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee

Characteristics of the ICD-9-CM

The Disease Classification

Alphabetical Index of Diseases

Table of Drugs and Chemicals

Index To External Causes of Injury (E Code)

Classification of Procedures

Index to Procedures

Appendix A:
Morphology of Neoplasms

Appendix C:
Classification of Drugs by American Hospital Formulary Services List Number and their ICD-9-CM Equivalents

Appendix D:
Classification of Industrial Accidents According to Agency

Appendix E:
List of Three-Digit Categories

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