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Alphabetical Index - KThis is a "green" web site. In order to conserve bandwidth, the alphabetical index of diseases and injuries is presented in a separate page for each letter of the alphabet. Click on a letter button to reach other index pages. K Kabuki syndrome 759.89 Kahler (-Bozzolo) disease (multiple myeloma) (M9730/3) 203.0 Kakergasia 300.9 Kakke 265.0 Kala-azar (Indian) (infantile) (Mediterranean) (Sudanese) 085.0 Kalischer's syndrome (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6 Kallmann's syndrome (hypogonadotropic hypogonadism with anosmia) 253.4 Kanner's syndrome (autism) (see also Psychosis, childhood) 299.0 Kaolinosis 502 Kaposi's disease 757.33 lichen ruber 696.4 acuminatus 696.4 moniliformis 697.8 xeroderma pigmentosum 757.33 sarcoma (M9140/3) 176.9 adipose tissue 176.1 aponeurosis 176.1 artery 176.1 associated herpesvirus infection 058.89 blood vessel 176.1 bursa 176.1 connective tissue 176.1 external genitalia 176.8 fascia 176.1 fatty tissue 176.1 fibrous tissue 176.1 gastrointestinal tract NEC 176.3 ligament 176.1 lung 176.4 lymph gland(s) 176.5 node(s) 176.5 lymphatic(s) NEC 176.1 muscle (skeletal) 176.1 oral cavity NEC 176.8 palate 176.2 scrotum 176.8 skin 176.0 soft tissue 176.1 specified site NEC 176.8 subcutaneous tissue 176.1 synovia 176.1 tendon (sheath) 176.1 vein 176.1 vessel 176.1 viscera NEC 176.9 vulva 176.8 varicelliform eruption 054.0 vaccinia 999.0 Kartagener's syndrome or triad (sinusitis, bronchiectasis, situs inversus) 759.3 Kasabach-Merritt syndrome (capillary hemangioma associated with thrombocytopenic purpura) 287.39 Kaschin-Beck disease (endemic polyarthritis) - see Disease, Kaschin-Beck Kast's syndrome (dyschondroplasia with hemangiomas) 756.4 Katatonia- see Catatonia Katayama disease or fever 120.2 Kathisophobia 781.0 Kawasaki disease 446.1 Kayser-Fleischer ring (cornea) (pseudosclerosis) 275.1 [371.14] Kaznelson's syndrome (congenital hypoplastic anemia) 284.01 Kearns-Sayre syndrome 277.87 Kedani fever 081.2 Kelis 701.4 Kelly (-Patterson) syndrome (sideropenic dysphagia) 280.8 Keloid, cheloid 701.4 Addison's (morphea) 701.0 cornea 371.00 Hawkins' 701.4 scar 701.4 Keloma 701.4 Kenya fever 082.1 Keratectasia 371.71 congenital 743.41 Keratinization NEC alveolar ridge mucosa excessive 528.72 minimal 528.71 Keratitis (nodular) (nonulcerative) (simple) (zonular) NEC 370.9 with ulceration (see also Ulcer, cornea) 370.00 actinic 370.24 arborescens 054.42 areolar 370.22 bullosa 370.8 deep - see Keratitis, interstitial dendritic(a) 054.42 desiccation 370.34 diffuse interstitial 370.52 disciform(is) 054.43 varicella 052.7 [370.44] epithelialis vernalis 372.13 [370.32] exposure 370.34 filamentary 370.23 gonococcal (congenital) (prenatal) 098.43 herpes, herpetic (simplex) NEC 054.43 zoster 053.21 hypopyon 370.04 in chickenpox 052.7 [370.44] exanthema (see also Exanthem) 057.9 [370.44] paravaccinia (see also Paravaccinia) 051.9 [370.44] smallpox (see also Smallpox) 050.9 [370.44] vernal conjunctivitis 372.13 [370.32] interstitial (nonsyphilitic) 370.50 with ulcer (see also Ulcer, cornea) 370.00 diffuse 370.52 herpes, herpetic (simplex) 054.43 zoster 053.21 syphilitic (congenital) (hereditary) 090.3 tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [370.59] lagophthalmic 370.34 macular 370.22 neuroparalytic 370.35 neurotrophic 370.35 nummular 370.22 oyster-shuckers' 370.8 parenchymatous - see Keratitis, interstitial petrificans 370.8 phlyctenular 370.31 postmeasles 055.71 punctata, punctate 370.21 leprosa 030.0 [370.21] profunda 090.3 superficial (Thygeson's) 370.21 purulent 370.8 pustuliformis profunda 090.3 rosacea 695.3 [370.49] sclerosing 370.54 specified type NEC 370.8 stellate 370.22 striate 370.22 superficial 370.20 with conjunctivitis (see also Keratoconjunctivitis) 370.40 punctate (Thygeson's) 370.21 suppurative 370.8 syphilitic (congenital) (prenatal) 090.3 trachomatous 076.1 late effect 139.1 tuberculous (phlyctenular) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [370.31] ulcerated (see also Ulcer, cornea) 370.00 vesicular 370.8 welders' 370.24 xerotic (see also Keratomalacia) 371.45 vitamin A deficiency 264.4 Keratoacanthoma 238.2 Keratocele 371.72 Keratoconjunctivitis (see also Keratitis) 370.40 adenovirus type 8 077.1 epidemic 077.1 exposure 370.34 gonococcal 098.43 herpetic (simplex) 054.43 zoster 053.21 in chickenpox 052.7 [370.44] exanthema (see also Exanthem) 057.9 [370.44] paravaccinia (see also Paravaccinia) 051.9 [370.44] smallpox (see also Smallpox) 050.9 [370.44] infectious 077.1 neurotrophic 370.35 phlyctenular 370.31 postmeasles 055.71 shipyard 077.1 sicca (Sj�gren's syndrome) 710.2 not in Sj�gren's syndrome 370.33 specified type NEC 370.49 tuberculous (phlyctenular) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [370.31] Keratoconus 371.60 acute hydrops 371.62 congenital 743.41 stable 371.61 Keratocyst (dental) 526.0 Keratoderma, keratodermia (congenital)
(palmaris et plantaris) (symmetrical) 757.39 acquired 701.1 blennorrhagica 701.1 gonococcal 098.81 climacterium 701.1 eccentrica 757.39 gonorrheal 098.81 punctata 701.1 tylodes, progressive 701.1 Keratodermatocele 371.72 Keratoglobus 371.70 congenital 743.41 associated with buphthalmos 743.22 Keratohemia 371.12 Keratoiritis (see also Iridocyclitis) 364.3 syphilitic 090.3 tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [364.11] Keratolysis exfoliativa (congenital) 757.39 acquired 695.89 neonatorum 757.39 Keratoma 701.1 congenital 757.39 malignum congenitale 757.1 palmaris et plantaris hereditarium 757.39 senile 702.0 Keratomalacia 371.45 vitamin A deficiency 264.4 Keratomegaly 743.41 Keratomycosis 111.1 nigricans (palmaris) 111.1 Keratopathy 371.40 band (see also Keratitis) 371.43 bullous (see also Keratitis) 371.23 degenerative (see also Degeneration, cornea) 371.40 hereditary (see also Dystrophy, cornea) 371.50 discrete colliquative 371.49 Keratoscleritis, tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [370.31] Keratosis 701.1 actinic 702.0 arsenical 692.4 blennorrhagica 701.1 gonococcal 098.81 congenital (any type) 757.39 ear (middle) (see also Cholesteatoma) 385.30 female genital (external) 629.89 follicular, vitamin A deficiency 264.8 follicularis 757.39 acquired 701.1 congenital (acneiformis) (Siemens') 757.39 spinulosa (decalvans) 757.39 vitamin A deficiency 264.8 gonococcal 098.81 larynx, laryngeal 478.79 male genital (external) 608.89 middle ear (see also Cholesteatoma) 385.30 nigricans 701.2 congenital 757.39 obturans 380.21 oral epithelium residual ridge mucosa excessive 528.72 minimal 528.71 palmaris et plantaris (symmetrical) 757.39 penile 607.89 pharyngeus 478.29 pilaris 757.39 acquired 701.1 punctata (palmaris et plantaris) 701.1 scrotal 608.89 seborrheic 702.19 inflamed 702.11 senilis 702.0 solar 702.0 suprafollicularis 757.39 tonsillaris 478.29 vagina 623.1 vegetans 757.39 vitamin A deficiency 264.8 Kerato-uveitis (see also Iridocyclitis) 364.3 Keraunoparalysis 994.0 Kerion (celsi) 110.0 Kernicterus of newborn (not due to isoimmunization) 774.7 due to isoimmunization (conditions classifiable to 773.0-773.2) 773.4 Ketoacidosis 276.2 diabetic 250.1 Ketonuria 791.6 branched-chain, intermittent 270.3 Ketosis 276.2 diabetic 250.1 Kidney - see condition Kienb�ck's disease 732.3 adult 732.8 osteochondrosis 732.3 Kimmelstiel (-Wilson) disease or syndrome (intercapillary glomerulosclerosis) 250.4 [581.81] Kink, kinking appendix 543.9 artery 447.1 cystic duct, congenital 751.61 hair (acquired) 704.2 ileum or intestine (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9 Lane's (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9 organ or site, congenital NEC - see Anomaly, specified type NEC, by site ureter (pelvic junction) 593.3 congenital 753.20 vein(s) 459.2 caval 459.2 peripheral 459.2 Kinnier Wilson's disease (hepatolenticular degeneration) 275.1 Kissing osteophytes 721.5 spine 721.5 vertebra 721.5 Klauder's syndrome (erythema multiforme exudativum) 695.1 Klebs' disease (see also Nephritis) 583.9 Klein-Waardenburg syndrome (ptosis-epicanthus) 270.2 Kleine-Levin syndrome 327.13 Kleptomania 312.32 Klinefelter's syndrome 758.7 Klinger's disease 446.4 Klippel's disease 723.8 Klippel-Feil disease or syndrome (brevicollis) 756.16 Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome 759.89 Klumpke (-D�j�rine) palsy, paralysis (birth) (newborn) 767.6 Kl�ver-Bucy (-Terzian) syndrome 310.0 Knee - see condition Knifegrinders' rot (see also Tuberculosis) 011.4 Knock-knee (acquired) 736.41 congenital 755.64 Knot intestinal, syndrome (volvulus) 560.2 umbilical cord (true) 663.2 affecting fetus or newborn 762.5 Knots, surfer 919.8 infected 919.9 Knotting (of) hair 704.2 intestine 560.2 Knuckle pads (Garrod's) 728.79 K�bner's disease (epidermolysis bullosa) 757.39 Koch's infection (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9 relapsing fever 087.9 Koch-Weeks conjunctivitis 372.03 Koenig-Wichman disease (pemphigus) 694.4 K�hler's disease (osteochondrosis) 732.5 first (osteochondrosis juvenilis) 732.5 second (Freiburg's infarction, metatarsal head) 732.5 patellar 732.4 tarsal navicular (bone) (osteoarthrosis juvenilis) 732.5 K�hler-Mouchet disease (osteoarthrosis juvenilis) 732.5 K�hler-Pellegrini-Stieda disease or syndrome (calcification, knee joint) 726.62 Koilonychia 703.8 congenital 757.5 Kojevnikov's, Kojewnikoff's epilepsy (see also Epilepsy) 345.7 K�nig's disease (osteochondritis dissecans) 732.7 syndrome 564.89 Koniophthisis (see also Tuberculosis) 011.4 Koplik's spots 055.9 Kopp's asthma 254.8 Korean hemorrhagic fever 078.6 Korsakoff (-Wernicke) disease, psychosis, or syndrome (nonalcoholic) 294.0 alcoholic 291.1 Korsakov's disease - see Korsakoff's disease Korsakow's disease - see Korsakoff's disease Kostmann's disease or syndrome (infantile genetic agranulocytosis) 288.01 Krabbe's disease (leukodystrophy) 330.0 syndrome congenital muscle hypoplasia 756.89 cutaneocerebral angioma 759.6 Kraepelin-Morel disease (see also Schizophrenia) 295.9 Kraft-Weber-Dimitri disease 759.6 Kraurosis ani 569.49 penis 607.0 vagina 623.8 vulva 624.09 Kreotoxism 005.9 Krukenberg's spindle 371.13 tumor (M8490/6) 198.6 Kufs' disease 330.1 Kugelberg-Welander disease 335.11 Kuhnt-Junius degeneration or disease 362.52 Kulchitsky's cell carcinoma (carcinoid tumor of intestine) 259.2 K�mmell's disease or spondylitis 721.7 Kundrat's disease (lymphosarcoma) 200.1 Kunekune - see Dermatophytosis Kunkel syndrome (lupoid hepatitis) 571.49 Kupffer cell sarcoma (M9124/3) 155.0 Kuru 046.0 Kussmaul's coma (diabetic) 250.3 disease (polyarteritis nodosa) 446.0 respiration (air hunger) 786.09 Kwashiorkor (marasmus type) 260 Kyasanur Forest disease 065.2 Kyphoscoliosis, kyphoscoliotic (acquired) (see also Scoliosis) 737.30 congenital 756.19 due to radiation 737.33 heart (disease) 416.1 idiopathic 737.30 infantile progressive 737.32 resolving 737.31 late effect of rickets 268.1 [737.43] specified NEC 737.39 thoracogenic 737.34 tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 015.0 [737.43] Kyphosis, kyphotic (acquired) (postural) 737.10 adolescent postural 737.0 congenital 756.19 dorsalis juvenilis 732.0 due to or associated with Charc�t-Marie-Tooth disease 356.1 [737.41] mucopolysaccharidosis 277.5 [737.41] neurofibromatosis 237.71 [737.41] osteitis deformans 731.0 [737.41] fibrosa cystica 252.01 [737.41] osteoporosis (see also Osteoporosis) 733.0 [737.41] poliomyelitis (see also Poliomyelitis) 138 [737.41] radiation 737.11 tuberculosis (see also Tuberculosis) 015.0 [737.41] K�mmell's 721.7 late effect of rickets 268.1 [737.41] Morquio-Brailsford type (spinal) 277.5 [737.41] pelvis 738.6 postlaminectomy 737.12 specified cause NEC 737.19 syphilitic, congenital 090.5 [737.41] tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 015.0 [737.41] Kyrle's disease (hyperkeratosis follicularis in cutem
penetrans) 701.1 |
Preface Acknowledgments Introduction The ICD-9-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee Characteristics of the ICD-9-CM The Disease Classification Alphabetical Index of Diseases Table of Drugs and Chemicals Index To External Causes of Injury (E Code) Classification of Procedures Index to Procedures Appendix A: Morphology of Neoplasms Appendix C: Classification of Drugs by American Hospital Formulary Services List Number and their ICD-9-CM Equivalents Appendix D: Classification of Industrial Accidents According to Agency Appendix E: List of Three-Digit Categories |