Subject Index


Ileocecal fold:  The Abdomen

fossæ:  The Abdomen
valve:  The Large Intestine
Ileocolic artery:  The Abdominal Aorta
lymph glands:  The Lymphatics of the Abdomen and Pelvis
Ileum:  The Small Intestine
lymphatic vessels of:  The Lymphatics of the Abdomen and Pelvis
Iliac arteries, common:  The Common Iliac Arteries
peculiarities of:  The Common Iliac Arteries
surface markings of:  Surface Markings of the Perineum
external:  The External Iliac Artery
surface markings of:  Surface Markings of the Perineum
internal:  The Common Iliac Arteries
peculiarities of:  The Common Iliac Arteries
circumflex artery, deep:  The Arteries of the Lower Extremity
superficial:  The Arteries of the Lower Extremity
vein, deep:  The Veins of the Lower Extremity, Abdomen, and Pelvis
superficial:  The Veins of the Lower Extremity, Abdomen, and Pelvis
colon:  The Large Intestine
fascia:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Iliac Region
fossa:  The Hip Bone
furrow:  Surface Anatomy of the Abdomen
lymph glands: 
The Lymphatics of the Abdomen and Pelvis
region:  The Abdomen
spines:  The Hip Bone
tuberosity:  The Hip Bone
vein, common:  The Veins of the Lower Extremity, Abdomen, and Pelvis
peculiarities of:  The Veins of the Lower Extremity, Abdomen, and Pelvis
external:  The Veins of the Lower Extremity, Abdomen, and Pelvis
internal:  The Veins of the Lower Extremity, Abdomen, and Pelvis
Iliacus muscle:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
actions of:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
fascia of:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Iliac Region
nerves of:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
variations of:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
Iliocapsularis muscle:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
Iliococcygeus muscle:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Perineum
Iliocostalis cervicis muscle:  The Deep Muscles of the Back
dorsi muscle:  The Deep Muscles of the Back
lumborum muscle:  The Deep Muscles of the Back
Iliofemoral ligament:  Coxal Articulation or Hip-joint
Iliohypogastric nerve:  The Lumbosacral Plexus
Ilioinguinal nerve:  The Lumbosacral Plexus
Iliolumbar artery:  The Common Iliac Arteries
ligament:  Articulations of the Pelvis
vein:  The Male Genital Organs
Iliopectineal eminence:  The Hip Bone
fascia:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Iliac Region
Iliosacralis muscle:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Perineum
Iliotibial band or tract:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
Iliotrochanteric ligament:  Coxal Articulation or Hip-joint
Ilium:  The Hip Bone
ala of:  The Hip Bone
body of:  The Hip Bone
crest of:  The Hip Bone
dorsum of:  The Hip Bone
gluteal lines of:  The Hip Bone
spines of:  The Hip Bone
Imbedding or implantation of ovum:  Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta
Immovable articulations:  Classification of Joints
Impression, colic:  The Liver
duodenal:  The Liver
gastric:  The Liver
renal:  The Liver
rhomboid:  The Scapula (Shoulder Blade)
suprarenal:  The Liver
trigeminal:  The Temporal Bone
Incisive bone:  The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
The Sphenoid Bone
The Exterior of the Skull
The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
The Sphenoid Bone
The Exterior of the Skull
The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
The Mandible (Lower Jaw)
The Exterior of the Skull
teeth:  The Mouth
Incisor crest:  The Lacrimal Bone
teeth:  The Mouth
Incisura angularis:  The Stomach
apicis cordis:  The Heart
cardiaca:  The Stomach
fastigii:  Development of the Nervous System
radialis:  The Ulna
semilunaris:  The Ulna
temporalis:  The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
tentorii:  The Meninges of the Brain and Medulla Spinalis
Incremental lines of Salter:  The Mouth
Incus:  The Auditory Ossicles
crus breve:  The Auditory Ossicles
longum:  The Auditory Ossicles
development of:  The External Ear
ligaments of: 
The Auditory Ossicles
process of, long:  The Auditory Ossicles
short:  The Auditory Ossicles
Index, cephalic or breadth:  The Interior of the Skull
gnathic or alveolar:  The Interior of the Skull
nasal:  The Interior of the Skull
orbital:  The Interior of the Skull
vertical or height:  The Interior of the Skull
Indusium griseum:  The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
Inferior articular arteries:  The Popliteal Artery
articulation:  Radioulnar Articulation
calcaneonavicular ligament:  Intertarsal Articulations
cerebellar peduncles:  The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
constrictor muscle:  The Pharynx
dental artery:  The External Carotid Artery
nerve:  The Trigeminal Nerve
epigastric vein:  The Veins of the Lower Extremity, Abdomen, and Pelvis
The Glossopharyngeal Nerve
The Vagus Nerve
laryngeal nerve:  The Vagus Nerve
longitudinal sinus:  The Sinuses of the Dura Mater
maxillary nerve:  The Trigeminal Nerve
medullary velum:  The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
oblique muscle:  The Accessory Organs of the Eye
profunda artery:  The Brachial Artery
pubic ligament:  Articulations of the Pelvis
quadrigeminal body:  The Mid-brain or Mesencephalon
semilunar lobule:  The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
tarsal plate:  The Accessory Organs of the Eye
thyroarytenoid ligaments:  The Larynx
vocal cords:  The Larynx
Infraclavicular branches of brachial plexus:  The Anterior Divisions
Infracostales muscle:  The Muscles of the Thorax
Infraglenoid tuberosity:  The Scapula (Shoulder Blade)
Infrahyoid artery:  The External Carotid Artery
muscles:  The Supra- and Infrahyoid Muscles
Infraorbital artery:  The Triangles of the Neck
canal:  The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
The Exterior of the Skull
groove:  The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
The Trigeminal Nerve
Infrapatellar pad of fat:  The Knee-joint
Infrascapular artery:  The Axilla
Infraspinatous fascia:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Shoulder
fossa:  The Scapula (Shoulder Blade)
Infraspinatus muscle:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Shoulder
actions of:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Arm
nerves of:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Arm
Infrasternal notch:  Surface Anatomy of the Thorax
Infratemporal crest:  The Sphenoid Bone
The Exterior of the Skull
fossa:  The Exterior of the Skull
surface of maxilla:  The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
Infratrochlear nerve:  The Trigeminal Nerve
Infundibuliform fascia:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
Infundibulopelvic ligament:  The Uterus
Infundibulum of brain:  The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
of ethmoid bone: 
The Nasal Bones
The Interior of the Skull
The Organ of Smell
Inguinal aponeurotic falx:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
canal:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
glands:  The Lymphatics of the Lower Extremity
ligament:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
reflected:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
regions:  The Abdomen
ring, abdominal:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
subcutaneous:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
Inion:  The Exterior of the Skull
The Interior of the Skull
Inlet of pelvis:  The Pelvis
Inner cell-mass:  Segmentation of the Fertilized Ovum
Innominate artery:  The Aorta
bone:  The Hip Bone
articulations of:  The Pelvis
ossification of:  The Hip Bone
veins:  The Veins of the Upper Extremity and Thorax
peculiarities of:  The Veins of the Upper Extremity and Thorax
Inscriptions, tendinous, of rectus abdominis:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
Insertion of muscles:  Myology
Insula:  The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
circular sulcus of:  The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
development of:  The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
gyri of:  The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
opercula of:  The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
Integument, common:  The Common Integument
Interalveolar cell-islets:  The Urogenital Apparatus
Interarticular chondrosternal ligament:  Sternocostal Articulations
costocentral ligaments:  Costovertebral Articulations
fibrocartilages:  Syndesmology
sternocostal ligaments:  Sternocostal Articulations
Interatrial groove:  The Heart
Intercalatum:  The Mid-brain or Mesencephalon
Intercapitular veins:  The Veins of the Upper Extremity and Thorax
The Veins of the Lower Extremity, Abdomen, and Pelvis
Intercarpal articulations:  Intercarpal Articulations
movements of:  Carpometacarpal Articulations
Intercavernous sinuses:  The Sinuses of the Dura Mater
Intercellular biliary passages:  The Liver
Intercentral ligaments:  Articulations of the Vertebral Column
Interchondral ligaments:  Articulation of the Manubrium and Body of the Sternum
Interclavicular ligament:  Sternoclavicular Articulation
Interclinoid ligament:  Ethmoid bone
Intercolumnar fascia:  The Male Genital Organs
fibers:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
Intercondyloid eminence of tibia:  The Tibia
fossa of femur:  The Femur
of tibia, posterior:  The Tibia
Intercostal arteries from aorta:  The Descending Aorta
highest:  The Axilla
from internal mammary:  The Subclavian Artery
superior:  The Axilla
fasciæ:  The Muscles of the Thorax
lymph glands:  The Lymphatic Vessels of the Thorax
membranes:  The Muscles of the Thorax
muscles:  The Muscles of the Thorax
nerves:  The Thoracic Nerves
spaces:  The Ribs
veins:  The Veins of the Upper Extremity and Thorax
Intercostales externi muscles:  The Muscles of the Thorax
variations of:  The Muscles of the Thorax
interni muscles:  The Muscles of the Thorax
variations of:  The Muscles of the Thorax
Intercostobrachial nerve:  The Organ of Hearing
The Thoracic Nerves
Intercrural fascia:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
fibers:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
Intercuneiform articulations:  Intertarsal Articulations
Interfoveolar ligament of Hesselbach:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
Interglobular spaces:  The Mouth
Interior of bladder:  The Urinary Bladder
of larynx:  The Larynx
of skull:  The Interior of the Skull
of uterus:  The Uterus
Interlobular arteries of kidney:  The Urinary Organs
Intermediate cell-mass:  The Neural Groove and Tube
Intermetacarpal articulations:  Intermetacarpal Articulations
Intermetatarsal articulations:  Intermetatarsal Articulations
Internal abdominal ring:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
acoustic meatus:  The Temporal Bone
arcuate ligament:  The Muscles of the Thorax
calcaneal arteries:  The Posterior Tibial Artery
nerves:  The Sacral and Coccygeal Nerves
calcaneoastragaloid ligament:  Intertarsal Articulations
calcaneonavicular ligament:  Intertarsal Articulations
canthus of eyelids:  The Accessory Organs of the Eye
capsule of brain:  The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
circumflex artery:  The Arteries of the Lower Extremity
cutaneous nerve: 
The Anterior Divisions
The Lumbosacral Plexus
lesser:  The Anterior Divisions
geniculate body:  The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
iliac artery:  The Common Iliac Arteries
glands:  The Lymphatics of the Abdomen and Pelvis
vein:  The Veins of the Lower Extremity, Abdomen, and Pelvis
intercostals muscle:  The Muscles of the Thorax
lateral ligament: 
Articulation of the Mandible
Intercarpal Articulations
malleolar artery: 
The Anterior Tibial Artery
The Posterior Tibial Artery
mammary artery:  The Subclavian Artery
gland:  The Lymphatic Vessels of the Thorax
maxillary glands:  The Lymphatics of the Head, Face, and Neck
oblique muscle:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
palpebral arteries:  The Internal Carotid Artery
plantar artery:  The Posterior Tibial Artery
nerve:  The Sacral and Coccygeal Nerves
popliteal nerve:  The Sacral and Coccygeal Nerves
pterygoid muscle:  The Superficial Cervical Muscle
pudendal artery:  The Common Iliac Arteries
veins:  The Veins of the Lower Extremity, Abdomen, and Pelvis
pudic artery:  The Common Iliac Arteries
nerve:  The Sacral and Coccygeal Nerves
veins:  The Veins of the Lower Extremity, Abdomen, and Pelvis
respiratory nerve of Bell:  The Anterior Divisions
saphenous nerve:  The Lumbosacral Plexus
vein:  The Veins of the Lower Extremity, Abdomen, and Pelvis
semilunar fibrocartilage:  The Knee-joint
sphincter ani muscle:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Perineum
Internodal segments of nerves:  Neurology
Interossei muscles of foot:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
actions of:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
nerves of:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
of hand:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
actions of:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Iliac Region
nerves of:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Iliac Region
Interosseous arteries:  The Ulnar Artery
ligament:  Sternocostal Articulations
membrane of forearm:  Radioulnar Articulation
of leg:  Articulations between the Tibia and Fibula
nerve, dorsal or posterior:  The Thoracic Nerves
volar or anterior:  The Anterior Divisions
Interparietal bone:  The Occipital Bone
Interpeduncular fossa:  The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
The Mid-brain or Mesencephalon
Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
Interphalangeal articulations:  Coxal Articulation or Hip-joint
Articulations of the Digits
Interpleural space:  The Mediastinum
Interpubic disk:  Articulations of the Pelvis
fibrocartilaginous lamina:  Articulations of the Pelvis
Intersegmental neurons:  The Spinal Cord or Medulla Spinalis
septa:  Osteology
Intersigmoid fossa:  The Stomach
Interspinal ligaments:  Articulations of the Vertebral Column
Interspinales muscles:  The Deep Muscles of the Back
actions of:  The Muscles of the Thorax
nerves of:  The Muscles of the Thorax
Interspinous ligament:  Articulations of the Vertebral Column
Intersternal ligaments:  Articulation of the Manubrium and Body of the Sternum
Intertarsal articulations:  Intertarsal Articulations
Intertragic notch:  The External Ear
Intertransversales muscle:  The Suboccipital Muscles
Intertransversarii muscles:  The Suboccipital Muscles
actions of:  The Muscles of the Thorax
nerves of:  The Muscles of the Thorax
Intertransverse ligaments:  Articulations of the Vertebral Column
Intertrochanteric crest:  The Femur
line:  The Femur
Intertubercular plane:  The Abdomen
Intertubular dentin:  The Mouth
Intervenous tubercle:  The Heart
Interventricular foramen:  The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
septum:  The Heart
Intervertebral fibrocartilages:  Articulations of the Vertebral Column
foramina:  General Characteristics of a Vertebra
veins:  The Veins of the Lower Extremity, Abdomen, and Pelvis
Intervillous space:  Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta
Intestinal arteries:  The Abdominal Aorta
glands:  The Small Intestine
villi:  The Small Intestine
Intestine, development of:  The Digestive Apparatus
large:  The Large Intestine
lymphatic nodules of:  The Small Intestine
lymphatics of:  The Lymphatics of the Abdomen and Pelvis
small:  The Small Intestine
structure of:  The Small Intestine
vessels and nerves of:  The Small Intestine
surface markings of:  Surface Markings of the Abdomen
Intestinum cœcum:  The Large Intestine
crassum:  The Large Intestine
ileum:  The Small Intestine
jejunum:  The Small Intestine
rectum:  The Large Intestine
tenue:  The Small Intestine
tela submucosa:  The Small Intestine
tunica mucosa:  The Small Intestine
muscularis:  The Small Intestine
serosa:  The Small Intestine
Intra-articular ligament:  Costovertebral Articulations
Intracartilaginous ossification:  Bone
Intra-epithelial plexus of cornea:  The Tunics of the Eye
Intrafusal fasciculi:  Peripheral Terminations of Nerves of General Sensations
fibers:  Peripheral Terminations of Nerves of General Sensations
Intrajugular process:  The Occipital Bone
Intralobular veins:  The Liver
Intramembranous ossification:  Bone
Intraparietal sulcus:  The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
Intrapulmonary bronchi:  The Lungs
Intraspinal veins:  The Veins of the Upper Extremity and Thorax
Intrathyroid cartilage:  The Larynx
Intrinsic muscles of tongue:  The Mouth
spinal reflex paths:  Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
Iodothyrin:  The Parathyroid Glands
Iridial angle:  The Tunics of the Eye
Iris:  The Tunics of the Eye
structure of:  The Tunics of the Eye
vessels and nerves of:  The Tunics of the Eye
Irregular bones:  Osteology
Ischiocapsular ligament:  Coxal Articulation or Hip-joint
Ischiocavernosus muscle:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Perineum
action of: 
The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Perineum
Ischiorectal fossa:  The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Perineum
Ischium:  The Hip Bone
body of:  The Hip Bone
rami of:  The Hip Bone
spine of:  The Hip Bone
tuberosity of:  The Hip Bone
Island of Reil:  The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
Islands, blood:  Development of the Vascular System
of Langerhans:  The Urogenital Apparatus
Isthmus, aortic:  Development of the Vascular System
The Aorta
of external acoustic meatus :  The Middle Ear or Tympanic Cavity
faucium:  The Fauces
glandula thyreoidea:  The Ductless Glands
of limbic lobe:  The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
rhombencephali:  Development of the Nervous System
of thyroid gland:  The Ductless Glands
of uterine tube:  The Uterine Tube
Iter chordœ anterius:  The Middle Ear or Tympanic Cavity
posterius:  The Middle Ear or Tympanic Cavity
Ivory of teeth:  The Mouth