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Cooking Glossary - Food Industry Terminology

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Gaelic Steak: Pan fried steak served with a sauce that is usually made from butter, cream, mushrooms and whiskey.

Gaeta Olive: Mild-flavored Italian black olives; usually dry-salt cured, giving them a wrinkled appearance, then rubbed with olive oil and packed with rosemary and other herbs.

Galangal, Galingale Root: A southeast Asian rhizome with reddish skin, orange or white flesh and a peppery, gingerlike flavor; used particularly in Thai and Indonesian cuisines, often as a substitute for ginger.

Galangal: A root spice related to ginger, which has a musky flavor reminiscent of saffron. It is found dried whole or in slices, and also in powder.

Galantine: A traditional French dish made from poultry, meat or fish that is boned and stuffed with a forcemeat, and often studded with items such as pistachio nuts, olives and truffles.

Galantine: [French] A pate-like dish made of the skin of a small animal, most often chicken or duck, which is stuffed with a forcemeat of this animal. Additional strips of meat, blanched vegetables, and truffles are also layered with the forcemeat. This is then wrapped or tied and poached in broth. Galantine are always served cold with their aspic, whereas ballottines may be hot or cold. These terms are often used interchangeably.

Galette: [French] pancake; usually sweet, made of batters, doughs, or potatoes. Brioche-type dough or puff pastry are often used. Small short butter cookies were once also called galettes. The term has now been stretched to include preparations made of vegetables or fish. Different from a croquette, these cakes are not breaded.

Gallina: [Italian and Spanish] chicken; hen; fowl.

Gallon: An American unit of measurement equal to 128 fl. ounces, 16 cups, 8 pints or 4 quarts.

Ganache: A term used for a very rich chocolate filling or thick glaze made with chocolate, shortening, and cream used for filling and frosting.

Gandules: [Spanish] pigeon peas.

Gans: [German] goose

Garam Masala: A mixture of dry-roasted, finely ground, cumin, coriander, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, dried chiles, fennel, mace, black pepper and possibly other spices. Garam masala is similar to curry powder and is used widely in Indian cooking.

Garam Masala: An Indian spice mixture with a more complex flavor and aroma than curry. The mixture is always made fresh by the Indian cook, never purchased pre-ground. The mixture may include cumin, fennel, coriander, cardamom, cinnamon, saffron, pepper, chiles, and caraway. Garam Masala is also used as a condiment, being added to a dish at the end of cooking.

Garbanzo Bean: See chickpea.

Garbanzo beans: Also known as ceci or chickpeas. Very popular legume utilized in Mediterranean and Mexican cuisine.

Garbanzo flour: Flour ground from dried garbanzo beans. Also called ceci flour. Found in delicatessens, Italian specialty shops, health food stores and some supermarkets.

Garbanzos: Chickpeas; originally from Spain; round, beige beans with a nutty flavor.

Garlic and Red Chili Paste: Very hot Chinese sauce made of red peppers and garlic. Good condiment for other Asian cuisines as well. Found in Oriental markets some finer supermarkets or substitute garlic and Tabasco.

Garlic chives: Light green in color, long thin stalks with a small bud on the tip. Find fresh is some Asian markets.

Garlic Powder: Dehydrated garlic that is finely ground into a powder and used as a seasoning.

Garlic Salt: A blend of salt and garlic powder garlic powder used as a seasoning.

Garlic, Mexican: Mexican garlic has a dark pink-blue hue to the husk and is sharper than white garlic; usually mashed or roasted for Southwestern cooking.

Garlic: A highly aromatic and strongly flavored edible bulb composed of several sections, called cloves. Each clove is encased in a papery covering. Garlic is used in most cuisines around the world.

Garlic: Known as the stinking rose. A member of the onion (and thus of the lily) family is available year round. One of the most important seasonings and a delicious tasting cooked vegetable. Look for hard bulbs that have not sprouted and each clove is firm. Size and color are unimportant.

Garnacha: [Spanish] round antojito of tortilla dough; tartlets of fried masa filled with black bean paste and ground beef, covered with tomato sauce, and sprinkled with cheese; usually served as an appetizer.

Garni: Garnished.

Garnish (food industry term): A decoration on salads, such as sprigs of watercress, lettuce or other colorful items

Garnish: To present dishes with visual and flavor enhancement using additional edible elements. Common are herbs like parsley springs and fruit like thin slices of lemons

Garnish: You can garnish for appearance, flavor, or both. A sprig of parsley next to a saut ed chicken breast does little. A small handful of parsley sprinkled over the same meat adds great flavor and lends color contrast.

Garnitures: Garnishes

Gaspacho, Gazpacho: Cold Spanish vegetable soup made with meat broth, crushed fresh tomatoes, and diced raw vegetables like onions, cucumbers, and peppers.

Gastronomy: The art and science of fine dining, fine food and drink.

Gateau: [French] cake

Gateaux: French for cake.

Gateway (food industry term): The computer system used in a store to transmit orders and payroll to the Office/Distribution Center and receive price changes, PPUM Tags and delivery schedules from the Office/Distribution Center.

Gazpacho: A cold spicy vegetable soup served throughout all of the Spanish countries. The most common version is one made with a coarse puree of fresh tomatoes flavored with vinegar and olive oil, embellished with diced raw vegetables like onions, cucumbers, and peppers. A light gazpacho is made with a puree of cucumber, and served with an array of garnishes for the diner to choose from. Roasted almonds, avocados, and croutons are common garnishes.

Gefillte: [German] stuffed/

Gefilte fish: This popular Jewish dish consists of ground fish mixed with eggs, matzo meal, and seasonings that have been formed into balls or patties then simmered in vegetable or fish stock. The fish used is usually carp, pike, or whitefish.

Gefilte Fish: Jewish dish made of ground fish (usually carp, pike and or whitefish) combined with eggs, matzo meal and seasonings. The mixture is shaped into balls and simmered in vegetable or fish stock.

Gefllgel: [German] poultry.

Gehackte: [German] chopped.

Gelati: [Italian] ice cream.

Gelatin, Gelatine: A thickener used in molded (Jello® type) desserts and dishes that has no flavor, odor or color. It is pure protein from veal and beef bones and by-products.

Gelatin, gelatine: A protein produced from animals, used to gel liquids. It is odorless, flavorless, and colorless. It is found in granular and sheet form. It is found available also in fruit flavored form. Fruit flavor gelatin has sugar and flavors added.

Gelato: (jeh-LAH-toh) Gelato comes from gelare, the Italian word for "to freeze" and is the general term for all frozen desserts. Less general, it refers to a milk based combination with a dense, buttery consistency similar to that of American ice cream.

Gelato: An Italian frozen dessert made of whole milk and eggs. This gives richness without flavors becoming masked by the fat from cream. The flavors are very intense and the texture is soft and silky.

Gele: [French] jellied; iced.

Gem irons: Cast iron muffin pans.

Gem pan: Muffin pan.

Gem: A muffin.

Gemelli: The Italian term for twins, describing two short bits of spaghetti pasta twisted together in the shape of a cord or rope.

Gemose: [German] vegetables.

General line wholesaler (food industry term): A wholesaler who only sells dry grocery products.

General merchandise (gm) (food industry term): Products other than food that are sold in supermarkets and require special buying, warehousing and servicing; GM classes are (Food Industry term):

Generally recognized as safe (gras) (food industry term): A food safety FDA term that indicates that all ingredients are approved for human consumption.

Generator (food industry term): The large motor designed to run cash registers and emergency lighting when normal power is lost. This unit is usually powered by natural gas.

Generic, generic product or generic brand (food industry term): Product packaged and sold without brand name or advertisements. Usually of a standard grade as opposed to grade A or top quality. Offers customers lower quality at a lower price, and is packed in a plain package with only a simple product description and no brand name shown. Products may still be quality controlled, open dated and unit priced. Also referred to a no-name brand.

Genevoise: A sauce for fish made from a special white roux.

Genoise: A cold mayonnaise sauce made with nuts and cream.

Genoise: [French] a very rich sponge cake made with eggs and butter. This may be eaten as is with whipped cream or fruit, but also used as the foundation for many other cake preparations.

Genovesini: Short lengths of thick tube pasta, cut diagonally on each end.

Geoduck: A huge, soft-shell Pacific clam. Weighing an average of 3 pounds, but sometimes as much as 13 pounds, geoduck is distinguished by a long neck that can reach up to 18 inches and account for about half its body weight.

Germ: The embryo of a kernel of grain, such as wheat, making up about 2.5 percent of the kernel's weight; often separated out in processed flour because its fat content makes flour more perishable. Wheat germ, which is left in whole wheat flour, has a large content of complex vitamins and trace minerals. It can also be purchased separately.

Ghee: This form of clarified butter is taken a step further by simmering it until all of the moisture evaporates and the milk solids begin to brown, giving the resulting butter a nutty, caramel flavor and aroma. Ghee has a longer life and much higher smoke point than regular clarified butter.

Ghee: [India] cooking fat. Most commonly used is clarified butter made from the milk of buffalos and yaks. In regions where milk is unobtainable, mustard and sesame oil are used.

Gianduia: a classic Italian combination of chocolate and hazelnuts.

Giblet: "Giblets" usually refers to the heart, liver, gizzard, and sometimes the neck of poultry. All of these except for the liver are normally used to flavor stocks, soups, and gravies.

Giblets: The gizzard, liver, heart and neck of poultry.

Giblets: The cleaned gizzard, liver, and heart (sometimes the neck too) of poultry, generally used to flavor gravy.

Gill: Liquid measure equal to 1/4 pint.

Gills (food industry term): The breathing organs of fish, which are removed during processing since they decompose rapidly and may contaminate the fish.

Ginger, Ginger Root: This knotty tuber from a tropical plant from China is used to flavor beverages and dishes in Asian and Indian cuisinees. It has a taupe skin, ivory flesh and a peppery, sweet flavor with a hint of lemon.

Ginger: A root originally grown in the Asian tropics; Southwestern recipes usually call for ground dried ginger.

Ginkgo: A nut from the center of the inedible fruit of the maidenhair tree. This nut turns bright green when cooked and has a delicately sweet flavor.

Giveaway (food industry term): A promotion of an item in which customers get one free if they buy one or more products. See loss leader.

Glace de Viande: [French] Meat glaze or residue in the bottom of a pan after roasting or frying meat; concentrated meat stock.

Glace: A very reduced stock used in flavouring sauces and enhancing soups and stews.

Glace: [French] a highly reduced stock used as an essence in flavoring sauces and enriching soups and stews. Veal glace is used for all meat preparations and stands up the best to the long reduction required. Fish and shellfish glaces are used, but their flavor can become dirty tasting and bitter from too long of a reduction.

Glass Noodles: See "Cellophane Noodles"

Glaze: To brush a food with sauce, icing, or other topping to create a shiny surface. Meat is often coated with sauce and browned in the oven for a couple minutes to create the glaze.

Glaze: A liquid coating that gives a shiny coating to food. It can be a savory glaze on meats or a sweet glaze on pastry and baked goods.

Glaze: To coat with a food with a thin liquid, such as aspic, jelly, egg wash or chocolate topping, that will be smooth and shiny after setting.

Glucosa: [Spanish] corn syrup.

Gluten: A protein found in wheat and other cereal flours that forms the structure of the bread dough. It holds the carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by the yeast and expands during fermentation. Gluten is developed when flour is combined with water and liquids, mixed, and kneaded. It provides the elasticity and extensibility (stretch) in bread dough. Glutenin and gliadin are the two proteins that form gluten.

Gluten: Protein found in flour that gives wheat yeast dough its elasticity.

Gluten: The protein found in wheat flours.

Gluten (also called vital gluten) is one of several components of the wheat berry that is milled to make flour. It is high in protein and contributes to a lighter bread, higher rise, and for those at high altitude, an elastic quality that reduces the likelihood of a rising loaf falling. Gluten gives the dough more stretch.

Developing the gluten is the result of mixing and kneading that results in the elastic properties described above being developed in dough from gluten in it. By hand kneading, or by kneading in an automatic breadmaker, the elasticity develops only to the extent that gluten is present in the flour.

Various flours have more or less gluten present. All flour has some gluten (vital gluten). Bread flour has considerably more gluten than, for example, all-purpose flour. Flour with a more gluten is good for bread making, but should not be used for cake making.

Gluten (vital gluten) can be added to all-purpose flour to give it the amount of gluten already in bread flour. All-purpose flour with gluten added is often cheaper than bread flour. It is added to bread flour to give extra rise and consistency (which is why bakers use it). It is added at high altitudes to provide extra elasticity. The chemical reason has to do with reduced density at high elevations which causes the rising bread to fall if the dough lacks extra elasticity.

Gluten (vital gluten) is available at health food stores. Many health food stores have it in bulk and in boxes.

Gluten-free: Home baking allows gluten allergy sufferers to experiment with baking with gluten-free flours, such as amaranth, rice, corn, milo, soy, and potato.

Gma (food industry term): Grocery Manufacturers of America, Inc.

Gmdc (food industry term): General Merchandise Distributors Council.

Gnocchi: Italian dumpling.

Gnocchi: [Italian] pronounced "nyo-kee." Soft, delicate Italian dumplings that melt in your mouth. Contrary to what you may often find in the United States, they're not "lead bellies'' and should never be chewy or gummy. Homemade gnocchi are easy to make, and once you get the knack, you can whip up a batch in no time. Because they freeze well, you can double the recipe and have an extra batch on hand for a quick meal. Traditional gnocchi are made from white potatoes; however, creative cooks use ricotta cheese, spinach, sweet potatoes, chopped herbs, semolina, squash and even polenta instead of potatoes. Once the gnocchi are made they are cooked in boiling water, and then sauced or tossed with melted butter. Experiment with your favorite winter squash or organic sweet potatoes and whole-wheat flour for a perfect, healthy food. Finished with a simple sauce of garlic, herbs and olive oil, these tender morsels are irresistible. Gnocchi is also the name of a pasta with a similar shape.

Gnp (food industry term): Gross national product.

Go backs (backshop) (food industry term): The products that accumulate around a checkstand and require reshelving. Also known as back shop, shop backs and returns.

Goat Cheese: Known as Chevre, this fresh soft goat's milk cheese has a distinctive tart flavor. Chevres can range in texture from moist and creamy to dry and semifirm.

Goat cheese: Also packaged as "chevre," goat's milk cheese is pure white with a distinctive tart flavor. It can range from creamy and moist to dry and semi-firm, and is packaged in a wide variety of shapes, from cylinders to discs.

Goat: Goat meat has been eaten in other countries for centuries, but it never got very popular in the U.S. Most goat meat comes from kids::goats under 6 months old. Kid meat is as tender and delicate as lamb.

Goatfish: Goatfish is so named because of its two long "whiskers" that resemble a goat's whiskers. The meat is firm and lean. This fish is normally available only on the East Coast and through the Florida Keys.

Golden beets: Yellow ocher-colored beets. Sweeter vegetable than red beet varieties.

Golden Delicious Apple: A sweet, crisp, juicy all-purpose apple with yellow skin and flesh that resists browning. This feature makes it ideal for fruit salads. It is also suitable for baking, cooking, applesauce and eating out of hand.

Golden syrup: [Great Britain] Light Karo syrup is the U.S. equivalent.

Gomiti: Hollow corners of pasta similar to elbows, pipe or small lumache.

Gonch: Hook used to lift lids from Dutch ovens.

Gondola (food industry term): Display shelves and racks that form aisles in a retail store. See wall shelving.

Goose: Any of many species of fatty, web:footed wild or domesticated birds that are larger than ducks. The female is the "goose," the male is called the "gander." Roasted goose is traditional holiday fare in many European countries.

Gooseberries: Large, tart berries that grow on bushes and come in many varieties including green, white, yellow and red, and with skins that are either smooth or fuzzy. Gooseberries are excellent in jams, jellies and pies.

Goosefish: This large low:fat, firm:textured salt:water fish has a mild, sweet flavor that compares with lobster. Also called "angler fish," and "monkfish."

Gorditas: [Spanish] little fat ones; corn flour patties, usually slit, then stuffed; often found unslit, with the filling served on top or between two of them.

Gorgonzola Cheese: Similar to American blue cheese, this Italian cow's milk cheese is rich and creamy with a savory, slightly strong flavor.

Gorgonzola: [Italian] cheese made from cow's milk cheese that is white or yellow and streaked with blue. It has a distinct aroma and can have a mellow, strong, or sharp flavor, depending on its degree of maturity. Similar to American blue and French Roquefort cheeses.

Gouda Cheese: A famous cheese from Holland, thiscow's milk cheese is a firm, smooth cheese that comes in aged and non aged forms. It has a creamy texture, nutty flavor and a light yellow color with very small holes.

Gouda cheese: [Dutch] cheese made from cow's milk with a firm, smooth texture similar to cheddar. Available in both young and aged varieties.

Gougere: A savory pastry made of choux paste flavored with cheese. This may be made in individual puffs or piped into a ring of puffs, which is served with a pool of sauce in the center of the ring.

Goujon: [French] Gudgeons - small fish fried and served as a garnish.

Goulash: A Hungarian style stew containing meat, vegetables and paprika served sour cream and noodles.

Goulash: A Hungarian soup/stew made with beef and liberally seasoned with paprika. Some versions add gremolata at the very end of cooking or sprinkled over the top.

Gourmet foods (food industry term): Specialty and imported food products.

Gourmet supermarket (food industry term): A supermarket offering gourmet and high-end products, as well as standard grocery items. Emphasis is on customer service, fresh foods, take-out meals and catering.

Gourmet: French term meaning "connoisseur of culinary delights".

Grade (food industry term): A food industry classification system or standard that indicates a quality level, such as, Grade A, Prime, or Extra Fancy.

Graham, stone-ground or whole-wheat flour: Made from either hard, soft or a blend of both wheat classes. All are produced by either grinding the whole-wheat kernel or recombining the white flour, germ and bran to make a whole-wheat flour. Coarseness may vary, but nutritional value differs very little.

Gram (g): Basic measure of metric weight: 28.35 grams = 1 ounce and 1000 grams = a kilogram = 2.2 U.S. pounds.

Granadilla: [Spanish] passion fruit.

Grand Marnier: Orange flavored liqueur

Grand Marnier: [French] Orange-flavored, cognac based liqueur produced in France.

Grande: [Spanish] large.

Granita: (GRAH-nee-tah) Granita is a fruit based gelato that has a decidedly grainy texture because it is frozen, then scraped to form coarse ice granules. Granita is slushy.

Granita: [Italian] water ice; a coarse fruit ice similar to sorbet, without the meringue, which is often flavored with liqueurs.

Graniti: [French] sorbet, grained and flavored ice.

Grano de elote: [Spanish] corn kernel.

Granola: Cereal mixture of toasted rolled oats, barley or other grains, plus dried fruits, seeds, nuts and sweeteners.

Granola: A combination of grains, nuts and dried fruits, often mixed with honey, eaten as a cereal.

Granola: A combination of assorted toasted grain (oats), dried fruits and nuts usually served as a breakfast cereal. Some blends are sweetened with honey and/or brown sugar.

Granulated Garlic: A dried form of garlic that has been ground into granules rather than powder. Granulated garlic can be used much the same as garlic powder, but has about half the flavoring power as the same measure of garlic powder and like powder, the granules lack in providing the garlic texture of a fresh garlic. 1 teaspoon of granulated garlic equals 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder.

Granulated Sugar: Regular white, refined sugar for common use.

Granulated sugar: This is the basic, refined "white sugar" for daily use and most baking.

Grape Leaves: The leaves taken from grapevines have been used in Mediterranean cuisine for hundreds of years.

Grape Leaves: The leaves of the grapevine, often used in Greek and Middle Eastern recipes to wrap food for cooking. Pickled in jars in brine. Find in finer supermarkets and delicatessens. May use fresh grape leaves, but blanch them first in boiling water for one minute.

Grapefruit: An 18th-century hybrid of an orange and pomelo, this large citrus fruit has a relatively thin rind that can be yellow or rosy. Ruby grapefruits have a yellow-pink to brilliant ruby-red sweet pulp. White grapefruits have a yellow-white pulp and tart flavor. This variety is better for juicing.

Grapes: Very juicy berries that grow in clusters and have a very smooth very thin skin. They come in colors from green and red to deep purple and can have seeds or be seedless. They are the fruit that is process and fermented in winemaking and dried to make raisins.

Graphical information system (food industry term): A computer program that analyzes trade areas to help select a site to build or buy a store.

Graphical user interface (gui) (food industry term): A user-friendly, non-text way to present and to navigate World Wide Web pages using icons and pictures and to hyperlink to other Uniform Resource Locators (URLs).

Gras (food industry term): Generally Recognized as Safe.

Gras: [French] fat.

Grasa: [Spanish] shortening.

Grate: To shred food, such as cheese, into small pieces with the use of a grater.

Grate: To break up a piece of food into smaller pieces by abrading it against a rough, irregular surface as in a hand grater or a food processor.

Gratin, au: [French] dishes cooked in the oven which form a crust on the surface. This is expedited by placing the dish under the broiler. Bread crumbs and cheese are often sprinkled on top of these dishes to help form the crust.

Gratin: To combine foods with a liquid based sauce in a shallow dish and baked until set and browned on top.

Gratinados: [Spanish] au gratin.

Gratinee: Served with a bread crumb or cheese topping.

Grav Lax, Gravad Lax: Whole salmon fillets that have been cured with salt, sugar, and pepper, then flavored with dill. The salmon is then sliced paper thin and served with pumpernickel bread, sour cream, capers, onion, and lemon. Other spellings for this are gravadlax and gravlax.

Gravity feed (food industry term): A display fixture that uses a product's weight to drop products down or move them forward as an item is removed.

Gravy: Juices from cooked meat that have been thickened with a roux.

Gravy: Gravy is simply a sauce made from meat juices. It's usually diluted with water, milk, wine, or stock, and thickened with flour or cornstarch.

Grease: To coat a cooking vessel or sheet with a thin layer of oil or shortening.

Greaseproof paper: wax or waxed paper.

Greasy sack outfit: Used packouts on mules instead of a chuck wagon.

Great Northern Bean: A delicately flavored large, flat, kidney-shaped white bean. Available dried or canned.

Grecque: Foods that are prepared in the style of Greece. This is usually used for dishes with lemon, garlic, and olive oil. But the addition of tomatoes, peppers, and fennel often allows a dish to be called a la grecque.

Green and red leaf lettuce: These basic salad greens are distinctive, pleasantly biter loose leaf, bunching, or cutting lettuces.

Green Bean, String Bean, Snap Bean: A thin, crisp, green pod that contains several small seeds and is entirely edible.

Green beans: These may be one of any number of beans that are eaten fresh, such as string bean, the thin haricot vert, the yard long bean, the wax or yellow bean, and the romano. All can be eaten raw, briefly cooked, so they remain crunchy, or cooked to complete tenderness. Buy beans that snap rather than fold when you bend them.

Green onions: Long green herb, like a large chive. Also known commonly in some parts of the world as a scallions.

Green sheet (food industry term): A weekly, in-store ad sheet of specials, located at the front of a store for customers' convenience. The Green Sheet may include coupons.

Greengrocer (food industry term): A retailer who only sells fruits and vegetables.

Greens: A variety of vegetables are classified as greens, broccoli raab, kale, mustard or turnip greens, spinach, collards, chard, dandelions, escarole, and so on. Look for bright, crisp, firm leaves with no wilting, dry, or yellowing leaves.

Gremolata: A mixture of chopped parsley, garlic, and lemon peel. This is added to stews at the end of their cooking time to add a pungency to the dish. Used in some recipes for osso buco a la Milanese, and Hungarian goulash.

Grenadine: Sweet, red, pomegranate flavored syrup made from pomegranate juice or other fruit concentrates. Grenadine usually contains alcohol.

Grenadine: Syrup flavored with pomegranates, used as flavoring and sauce.

Grenouilles: [French] frogs, frogs' legs.

Griddle: A flat pan, often made of cast iron or aluminum, used to cook food with little fat or oil. Griddles are available with a nonstick surface and usually have either a long handle or two hand grips.

Griddle: A flat metal surface with a handle, for making pancakes, etc.

Grill Heating food from a source (electricity, burning gas, or charcoal) below the cooking surface; a dry-heat cooking method

Grill: To cook above a heat source, such as traditional wood coals or charcoal, in the open air. Example

Grill: To cook by direct heat. Also a utensil or appliance used for such cooking.

Grill: 1. To cook on a grill. 2. Cooking equipment in which the heat source (gas, charcoal, hardwood or electric) is located beneath the rack on which the food is placed; it is generally not enclosed, although it can be covered.

Grill: To broil.

Grillade: A Creole dish of pounded round steak served in a sauce of tomatoes and other vegetables, and traditionally served with grits. Grillade is also a French word meaning grilled or broiled food.

Grillade: An individual serving of round steak, usually top round, and usually broiled.

Grilling Basket: A basket used while grilling smaller items. The device holds food in place to keep it from slipping through the grill.

Grind: To reduce to particles by cutting or crushing.

Grind: To process foods in a grinder or processor. Texture can be in variable degress from finely to coursely ground.

Grissini: Italian bread sticks.

Grissini: [Italian] bread sticks.

Grits: Commonly refers to coarsely ground dried hominy and known as hominy grits, a dish of the (American) South. Grits are generally prepared in boiling water and served as a cereal or side dish.

Grits: The dried kernels of white hominy (made from corn); eaten as a cereal that is similar in texture to pudding.

Groats: The dried kernels of wheat or oats.

Grocery gross (food industry term): See gross margin.

Grocery inventory (food industry term): A count of all grocery items on hand in a store; also refers to the process of counting products.

Grocery manufacturers of america (gma) (food industry term): 1010 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., Suite 800 Washington, DC 20007 (202) 337-9400

Grocery store (food industry term): A retail store that sells a variety of food products, including some perishable items and general merchandise.

Grocery wholesaler (food industry term): A middleman who buys food and supplies from manufacturers to resell them in smaller quantities to retailers; cooperatives and voluntaries are the two major types.

Gross (food industry term): A unit of measure for packaged products; 144 items or 12 dozen.

Gross margin (food industry term): An accounting term that refers to the difference between retail selling price and the cost of goods sold, expressed as a dollar amount or as a percent of retail sales. Gross margin percentage is computed by dividing gross margin dollars by retail sales dollars. The terms "gross margin", "margins" and "gross profit" are often used synonymously.

Gross national product (gnp) (food industry term): The total value of all goods manufactured in a country in a calendar year.

Gross profit (food industry term): An accounting term that refers to a profit figure calculated by subtracting the cost of product from its selling price; expressed as a percentage or as dollars and cents. See markup; margin; net profit; spread.

Gross sales (food industry term): The total dollar sales for a day, week, month or a year.

Ground beef, extra lean: Also called "ground round" or "ground sirloin, this type of ground beef contains approximately 11% fat.

Ground beef, lean: Also called "ground chuck." The fat content is approximately 15% to 20%. This form of ground beef is flavorful, yet doesn't shrink excessively::it's the favorite choice for making hamburgers.

Ground beef, regular: This form of ground beef is usually made from the lower cost cuts such as brisket or shank. The fat content is up to 30%.

Ground Beef: Beef that has been ground or finely chopped; commonly referred to as hamburger.

Ground beef: Simply beef that has been finely chopped, ground beef is sold fresh or frozen. The USDA recommends cooking to the well done stage (165 degrees F).

Ground red chiles: When finely ground from dried red chiles, it is pure chile powder, which is different from blended chili powder.

Ground red pepper (cayenne pepper): made from ground dried cayenne chiles.

Group advertising (food industry term): Retailers that advertise together to save money. See voluntary store.

Group numbers (food industry term): The standardized classification systems used for products.

Grouper: This true sea bass, found in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic, has a lean firm flesh. Its skin has a strong flavor and should be removed prior to cooking. Groupers have the ability to change to the color of their surroundings.

Grouper: There are hundreds of varieties of this excellent all-purpose fish with delicious, meaty, lobster-like texture. Has white, tender, mildly flavored flesh that pulls off the bones easily. Fillets are great for grilling or deep-frying. Can also be "kababed."

Grouse: A small, low:fat game bird. Quality birds should have no odor.

Grubpile: A call from the cook to "come 'n' get it."

Grunt and cluck: In cowboy lingo, ham and eggs.

Grunt: Ranch term for dough pudding.

Gruyere Cheese: A cow's-milk cheese containing a moderate amount of fat with a rich, sweet, nutty taste.

Gruyere: A moderate-fat cow milk cheese with a rich, sweet, nutty flavor that is prized for both out-of-hand eating and cooking. It is usually aged for 10 to 12 months and has a golden brown rind and a firm, pale-yellow interior with well-spaced medium-size holes.

Guacamole: Mashed avocado flavored with lemon or limejuice, and optional ingredients of chiles, finely chopped tomatoes, green onion and cilantro. This is an authentic Mexican dish served as a dip, a salad or a side dish.

Guacamole: [Spanish] a dip made of mashed avocadoes seasoned with onions, tomatoes, garlic, chiles, and cilantro. This is mostly eaten as a dip for fried corn chips, but it is also very good with raw vegetables and as a topping for various dishes.. You may also use it as a filling for burritos and tacos.

Guajalote: [Spanish] turkey; wild turkey.

Guajillo chiles: Also known as chili gauque; fresh guajillo chiles are known as mirasol chiles; medium-hot Mexican orange-red chiles; skinny and about four to six inches long; used in stews, soups, sauces; go well with chicken and pork dishes, blackberry and apple flavors, and grassy herbs such as marjoram and thyme; New Mexico chiles may be substituted.

Guajillo Chili Peppers: A very hot pepper that is about 4 inches long. When dried, the skin is a shiny deep-red and must be soaked for a long time because of its toughness.

Guaranteed sale (food industry term): The agreement to return product if items do not sell within a certain time.

Guaranteed sale program (food industry term): A program that assures customers a full refund if not satisfied.

Guava: A sweet, fragrant tropical fruit. Guavas are oval, about 2 inches in diameter, and color ranges from yellow to bright red. The ripe fruit is often used in jams, preserves, juices, and sauces.

Guava: A fruit cultivated in Peru and Brazil for over 500 years; it is very sweet but has a strong odor and many abrasive seeds; it is acid when unripe and ripens at room temperature, at which time it has a sweet aroma; bright yellow to hot pink flesh; best in sorbets, beverages and sauces because of the abundance of pithy seeds.

Guayaba: [Spanish] guava; a yellow-green fruit with pale, faintly pink flesh, about the size of a plum; extremely fragrant when ripe; Guava paste is often served with cream cheese as dessert; the fruit is cooked with sugar until thick, then canned or shaped into blocks.

Guero chiles: A fresh chile; blond or light skinned; a generic term applied to a variety of yellow chiles; generally refers to long tapered varieties such as banana peppers, Hungarian wax chiles and Santa Fe grandes; mildly sweet to slightly hot, with a waxy but tart texture; used in yellow moles, salads, salsas and escabeches.

Gueuze: Traditional style of Belgian beer, light, acidic, naturally fermented with a tart taste and gentle effervescence. Best after 3 years but can be cellared up to 20.

Gugelhopf: [German] a sweetened yeast coffee cake baked in a fluted ring mold.

Gui (food industry term): The graphical user interface of a World Wide Web page.

Guiche: [French] Alsatian open tart with savory filling on top of cream and eggs. Equivalent to quiche.

Guinea fowl: A relative to the chicken and partridge, the female (hen) makes better eating than the male. The taste has been described as "pleasantly gamey." Guinea fowl were raised and eaten by the Greeks and Romans.

Guinentos: [Spanish] green bananas.

Guiso: [Spanish] stew.

Gumbo: Gumbo is a Creole stew that contains tomatoes, okra, and other vegetables, meats or seafood. A roux of is added for thickening the gumbo, and file powder added for flavoring just before serving.

Gumbo: A thick Southern style soup/stew made with meat, poultry, fish, shellfish or vegetables. Served over plain white rice. Okra, file powder, and roux. All methods are acceptable, and all are considered traditional.

Gut robber: In Western United States lingo, the cook; also known as bean master or biscuit roller.

Gyro: A Greek sandwich of finely chopped, molded and roasted meat that is sliced and served in pita bread with a cucumber yogurt dressing.

Gyromitres: A European mountain mushroom outlawed for sale due to the presence of hydragine, a substance which is toxic if prepared incorrectly.

Gyros: [Greek] a sandwich; pronounced "YEAR-os." A blend of lamb, beef and seasonings, seared and stuffed in a pita topped with diced tomatoes, onions and tzatziki (pronounced "za-ZEE-kee"), a savory yogurt sauce loaded with garlic and cucumbers.