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Bird's eye view of Taipei 101 skyscraper, Taipei, Taiwan photo Chiang Kai-Shek memorial hall, Taipei, Taiwan photo Chongyang bridge, Taipei, Taiwan photo Cityscape, Kaohsiung, Taiwan photo Confcius Temple, Taipei, Taiwan photo Confucius Temple, Tsoying, Taiwan photo Dazhi bridge, Taipei, Taiwan photo Dragon and Tiger pagodas, as seen from the pavilion of Lotus Lake, Kaohsiung, Taiwan photo Earthquake aftermath, Jiji, Nantou, Taiwan photo Eternal Spring Shrine, Taroko gorge, Taiwan photo Exhibition Hall and Chih-Shan garden, Taipei, Taiwan photo Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan photo Hehuan mountain, Taiwan photo Hehuan mountain, Taiwan photo Liji Lunar World (Liji Badlands) / Little Huangshan, Taiwan photo Jhueilu trail, Hualien, Taiwan photo Laomei green reef, Shihmen, Taipei county, Taiwan photo Lighthouse, Motou island, Taiwan photo Longdong Bay Park, Northeast coast, Taiwan photo Longshan temple, Taipei, Taiwan photo Love River, Kaohsiung, Taiwan photo Love River, Kaohsiung, Taiwan photo Love River lantern festival, Kaohsiung, Taiwan photo Moon World, Tienliao, Kaohsiung, Taiwan photo National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan photo National Taiwan University Hospital, with Shin Kong Tower in the background, Taiwan photo Presidential Office Builging, Taipei, Taiwan photo Rock formations, Yeliou Wanli, Taipei county, Taiwan photo Rock formations, Yeliu, Taiwan photo Sansianta, Taitung county, Taiwan photo The scenic Tunnel of Nine Turns, Taroko gorge, Taiwan photo Sea rocks, Penghu, Taiwan photo Spring and Autumn pavilions, Lotus Lake, Tsoying, Kaohsiung, Taiwan photo Stone columns, Xiyu, Taiwan photo Subway station, Taipei, Taiwan photo Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan photo Taipei 101 skyscraper, Taiwan photo Taipei Arena, Taiwan photo The Mud Volcano, Wandan, Taiwan photo Tsaoling historic trail, Taiwan photo Turtle Island from the air, Taiwan photo Venice Beach, Hsiau, Liouchiou, Taiwan photo World Trade Center, Taipei, Taiwan photo Wufengchi Falls, Yilan county, Taiwan photo Ximending at night, Taipei, Taiwan photo Xinyi district, Taipei, Taiwan photo Yinghan Peak, Mount Guanyin Scenic Area, Taiwan photo Yunshian Falls, Wulai, Shindian, Taiwan photo Zhinan Temple, Taipei, Taiwan photo

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NOTE: The photos of Taiwan on this page is re-published from the sources noted on each indivitual Taiwan photo page. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Taiwan information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Taiwan photographs should be addressed to their respective copyright owner.

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This page was last modified 5-MAR-09
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